LOCKDOWN: Days 22 to 28/42+
(What's up friends and family!)
Well . . . this year is in the Midst of Mobbin', or in other words moving CRAZY FAST. Even with Lockdown continuing, its been a good week. Let me tell you about it.
Togende! (Let's go!)
June 28, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! Talked to makka, cleaned the apartment, and relaxed. Elders Pulu and Dah came by to hang with us, but mostly to see Elder 'Emelio haha. At a certain point I got super hungry, so I grabbed Hachijika and bought a "Meat Pie" (definitely was not a pie) and a Donut, then went to the Chapel cause Hachijika wanted to shoot some hoops.
Afterwards, back at the apartment I decided to workout and while I worked out I listened to the "Love, Share, and Invite" Worldwide Broadcast. I ran basically during the whole thing, it was nice, spiritually and physically.
June 29, 2021 Tues
Today was pretty busy. Allotment came today so we went to go get it and shop, buuuut I completely forgot about a Zone Zoom Devotional so we ran back to the apartment and joined. It was nice and I enjoyed it. I felt like it was helpful and encouraging.
After that we all went to Freedom City to pull Allotment and Shop. I prepared for the 4th (bought burger stuff . . . he he), then we headed back. When we got back I ate 2 sausage rolls I bought and drank a chocolate milk too. I messaged some people then worked out to finish the day.
June 30, 2021 Weds
Today marks One Year since I arrived in My Reassignment in St. George, Utah. One Year since I gained Elder De Voe as a Companion, and One Year since some of the Greatest 6 Months of my life began . . . *long sigh* memories . . . Enough living in the past.
Today we had District Council Meeting, which went really well. I felt it was a good edifying experience. After DCM of course we had pizza and as usual, it was pretty good. Also we bought mouse traps, finally getting rid of these mice.
Other than that stuff, I studied, listened to a lot of Devotionals and Talks, and tried to keep busy.
Outside our compound a bunch of teenagers will play soccer and everyone in our compound likes to sit just outside by the gate and watch sometimes. The gate is a normal sized door, and when I watch I like to stand in the doorway. Well today someone kicked the ball and it flew in our direction. Now I didn't think it was going to go through the door because the door is not even 2 feet wide . . . I was wrong. It proceeded to fly through the door, I turned and the ball hit me directly on the back. It had been a long time since I'd been hit by a soccer ball, and MAN did it HURT. What made it worse was I was in my White Shirt and Uganda is a dusty and dirty country, so I had evidence of the incident . . . but I failed to take pics . . . I am sorry.
July 1, 2021 Thurs
Today I was asked the question, "How the Freak is it July?" which is a valid question. Today consisted of Studies, Devotionals, and Facebook? Facebook came back in Uganda, but the internet is kinda fake, so its very spotty.
So after a while I wanted to download some Devotionals, so we went to the chapel to use the wifi. While we were there, our Ward Mission Leader, Joseph, called and asked for a blessing. Now I didn't like Boy Scouting, but when it comes to this stuff I live the Scout Motto, "Be Prepared." So Joseph came to the chapel and we gave him a blessing.
Afterwards Hachijika wanted food from Coffee Plus so we went. I got a fruit salad, cause it was kinda cheap, and it was good, just a little weird cause it had seeds all over it. Once finished and back at the apartment, I worked out, which felt special Agent Oso good and I also killed the 6th mouse we've caught since buying the mouse traps yesterday . . . good purchase.
July 2, 2021 Fri
Today I did a lot of studies, listened to quite a few Devotionals and talks, and made myself as busy as I could, whether it was cleaning, writing, pondering, or listening to music. Facebook is also kinda fake, cause it's on in the evenings into the night and off all day otherwise, but whatevs.
Also my District and I watched the Missionary Devotional for this week and it was INSPIRED, so great and so needed! Definitely a highlight of the day.
July 3, 2021 Sat
Today was great! 'Emelio and I went to work today, meaning we did what we could which isn't all that much, but it's more than usual! Messaged people and tried setting stuff up. Other than that the usual Studies, Devotionals, and all that jazz. We also went to the chapel to use wifi and make some calls. After that we made a quick stop by the supermarket to buy some ingredients for an experiment to help celebrate my 2nd Favorite Holiday . . . you'll find out. Once back I worked out again, which again felt awesome.
Since tomorrow is Fast Sunday I felt impressed to do a District Fast for Elder 'Emelio and all the other Tongans to get to New Zealand to begin their journey back to Tonga. I hope it helps and that a miracle can happen, I know they can and have so there is hope for it.
July 4th, 2021 Sun
It was Independence Day. The day that changed the History of the World, and I'm not just saying that. It changed both because of the Birth of the Nation that became the United States of America and because it was a BIG part of the ground work for the Restoration of the Gospel, and those are facts. I love America and can't wait to be able to love it in person at the end of the year . . . I know I sound weird, but you try staying in a country as broken as Uganda for a while!
Anyways, we had "Church" as per our new usual, but since it was Fast Sunday I decided to also have a testimony meeting after the Sacrament. It was so awesome, the Spirit was definitely present. We, of course, had our Come Follow Me lesson after that as well.
After "Church" I introduced 3 Up-3 Down to my District, which, if you don't know, I played my first 2 transfers and a lot in St. George, but haven't played it much since. Well it was a hit here, we played 10 games straight haha. I also did some extra studies, before it came time to cook . . . burgers? No . . . BACON BURGERS.
I gave everything I had to make this a good meal and, if you ask me, I could've done better, BUT it still was good I just did a poor job with the bacon, I know shame on me. BUT celebration of the 4th did not stop there . . . we still had our fireworks substitute . . . our Science Experiment.
It was Soda and Mentos haha. I bought five 2 liters and fire'd up 2 of them? (I'm not sure what to call causing them to react), the reaction was cool, but lowkey underwhelming until Hachijika wanted to try to close the bottle before, I'm gonna call it, Spewage.
He tried and kinda failed which was hilarious. Then he tried again and was very successful, but then Elder Max came, picked it up, shook it, and opened it. He had only opened a slight amount when Mt. Vesuvius erupted in his hands. I was dyin' laughing. Then 'Emelio got in on it too and did the same thing which was equally as funny. Definitely a great celebration if you ask me! Happy 4th! Haha!
I mentioned this week held the Anniversary of when I arrived in the Utah, St. George Mission. Now a year ago in my update that included that day, I feel I did not emphasize the Spiritual Significance of that day. So I wish to explain it now.
Get in your Deloreans
Power up your Flux Capacitors
And Floor it to 88 Miles an Hour . . .
Cause we going Back . . . to the Past!
*Plays the Back to the Future Theme*
June 30, 2020 Tues
In the morning I left my family in The Sacramento Airport for the second time, but this time I did not cry and smiled through the goodbyes, the TSA line, and while waiting for my flight. I was lucky to be able to fly to Salt Lake with my good friend Alex Hill, so we had fun and enjoyed each others company while we could.
Eventually I was again in the Salt Lake City Airport. Alex and I said our "See ya Laters" and I went to my Departure Gate. Met some of the other missionaries also flying down to St. George and talked with them while we waited. I'd like you all to know during all of this I was calm and content.
One hour long flight later, we arrive in St. George, Utah, are loaded into some vans with our luggage, and taken to the Mission Office for an orientation of sorts. Something happened during my flight and nerves and doubts began to come. Was this really where I was needed? Why am I going to Utah on my mission? What about that? Why this? Etc.
About an hour after the Orientation started we were finally given our Companions. I was assigned Elder Taylor De Voe who greeted me, helped me with my things, loaded up our car, and drove us to our apartment and my 2nd area Hurricane North. The drive was good and I had some good conversation with Elder De Voe, but doubts still loomed in the back of my mind.
After arriving at the apartment, I unpacked the bulk of my things. I sat with Elder De Voe in our Study Room trying to figure out what to do the remainder of the late afternoon into the evening, when suddenly Elder De Voe gets a phone call. It was from the Sister Missionaries that covered the Stake next to us. They said they were walking around and met some members living in our area who had a son in need of a blessing. Elder De Voe turned to me asking if we could, and I said almost immediately, "Yeah, we can do it." I put my doubts aside and focused on the task I now had.
We communicated with the Sisters about what time we were to meet, where it was, and what message we would also share with the Family.
We met the Sisters outside the Member's Home and got acquainted with one another. The Sister Missionaries were Sister Madison Dunn and Sister Emma Jo Koch. We didn't have much time to chitchat because the family came outside to meet us.
Because of the pandemic all of this occurred outside and socially distanced, but this still felt intimate and friendly. After some introductions and small talk the time came to give the blessing. Elder De Voe anointed the boy with the Consecrated Oil, I sealed the anointing and performed the blessing. I love giving blessings. I'm not sure I feel the Spirit come as fast and as strong as I do at those times, and evidently that moment was no different and everyone felt that.
When the blessing was finished I asked if we could share a small spiritual thought with them, they said yes, and I went on the share the scripture in The Doctrine and Covenants where Joseph Smith was suffering in Liberty Jail in section 121 verses 7-8;
"My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes."
I went on to share about hardship and how it is always worth it in the end. Sister Koch then added her thoughts, then Sister Dunn, then Elder De Voe. As they shared and as we all bore Testimony the presence of the Spirit was so strong. The family felt it and some were even tearing up.
This was a beautiful sight and feeling, but that isn't the main thing I enjoyed from it. Amongst the words and thoughts shared by my fellow Missionaries, I had a thought come into my head, "This is where you need to be."
I hadn't been thinking about my doubts, but they were still there during this experience, until I had that thought, prompted by the Spirit present, come to my mind, "This is where you need to be."
We finished our message, left them with a prayer, went off to a near by parking lot, and talked with the Sisters. They were surprised that I had just arrived and I was out doing this stuff. I didn't think it was a big deal, but they were really shocked.
We parted ways and Elder De Voe and I grabbed Dairy Queen for dinner on the way to the apartment.
This was a great day and an amazing experience. I don't think I'll ever forget it.
Alright . . . Power up the Flux Capacitor
Cause were going Back . . . to the Future!
*Plays the Back to Future Theme*
I didn't think I'd forget it and . . .
I never forgot it.
I think about that experience almost daily.
I have expressed gratitude to Sisters Koch and Dunn for calling Elder De Voe and I that day.
I'm not yet sure if it changed my life, but it definitely did something to me that made me better equipped for my Mission.
Since that time, I have been in 3 more Areas, have had 8 more companions, and have had my mission turned upside down then back upside up again and again and again, but through it all I have remembered that last day of June in 2020 and remembered what I felt and learned that day, that I need to be where I am.
I don't have a specific message for you all, but if you are to take anything from what this Novel I've written take this, Trust God and trust in Him in every challenge you face, in every change you experience and it will be for your Good.
Mbyogedde mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.
Sorry this was about as long as a page out of Lord of the Rings (I'm not hating it's just true). Thanks to those few who sent me emails this week, they made me smile so much! If y'all haven't sent me an email yet, you don't have that many more weeks to do so, SO SEND ME SOMETHING! Hope all of y'all have an amazing day, week, month, and year (I'll see you by the end of that last one!)
Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford
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