Welcome to Njeru

Yo week one done! It was crazy so let's get to it!

Jan 16, 2020 Thurs
Today was where it began. We got up, had breakfast, got ready to go meet our companions. Mine is Elder Falaula, he's from Samoa and on his last transfer. (He has 6 weeks left on his mission) He's pretty cool. My first area is Njeru in Jinja which is a couple hours from Kampala. All us MTC Brothers said our heartfelt goodbyes, except Elder Magill and I, he is also going to Njeru and I'm very happy about it. Magill and His companion, Elder Ikai are in the same apartment Complex as Elder Falaula and I and the apartments are very dirty but not bad. The area itself is the closest to the bush my companion has gotten his entire mission, so the lord is testing me with this one.

Jan 17, 2020 Fri
The first day of my mission life, got up, got ready, personal study, comp (companion) study, and out we go. Over a day of work we had 4 lessons, got 3 new investigators, and met some cool people. Even couple of white girls from Mississippi who were doing a service mission with a baptist church. Njeru is kinda crazy, but my comp says my teaching skills are really good for being a greeny. I just need to adjust to life here. Teaching is the easy part of the mission and definitely the highlight.

Jan 18, 2020 Sat
Today was a lot of the same. We met this family in a very bushy area that was very interested and the lesson was super spiritual. I bore my testimony on the truth of the gospel and left some of the family and myself a bit teary eyed. A lot of finding people and a lot of pineapples, they are really cheap here.

Jan 19, 2020 Sun
Today was really great. We had Sacrament meeting in the Njeru ward which was so humbling, cause the ward has 300 members but only 50 come. It was great to meet the Bishop and meet other members. Elder Falaula and I helped teach primary (class for children 3-11) which was hilarious, it reminded me of Justin and Hayden teaching the Primary. Afterwards we had lunch with some members which was great then headed home. I got antsy and kept hearing the quote from PMG (Preach My Gospel) saying "nothing happens in missionary work until you find someone to teach" So I got up and ready to go and my comp followed. We were walking down the main road and got to a side street and I said a quick prayer to know if we should take it and Elder Falaula said let's take this road as soon as I closed my prayer. Down that road we met 4 brothers who all seemed so interested and the lesson we had was so great and the spirit again worked through me.

Jan 20, 2020 Mon
Today was P-day! So we cleaned the house, clothes, then went and played rugby and pool with the Zone (all the missionaries assigned to the same general area). I saw my Bro Elder Pauni which was sweet. Then we emailed, went back home to get changed for FHE (family home evening), had FHE at the church, then came home.

I really miss home, not to a debilitating point but to a point where I think about home when I'm doing nothing. But I know this is where God needs me to be. I love this work and the more I teach the easier the work gets. No matter what comes my way I can face it. Besides I have trimester goals. Make it to General Conference, then my Birthday, Then Christmas, then home. Good goals I'd say. I love you all and email me to let me know how you're doing.
-Love, Elder Bradford

***Parental Notes*** We didn't get to talk to Elder Bradford this week. But now we know the approximate time he can call, so hopefully we won't miss it next week. From what we can tell by googling Njeru, it is a suburb of Jinja and only about 6 miles west of it. It's looks to be pretty green there and has a lot of farm land surrounding the city as well as being near Lake Victoria and the Nile River. We hope to get a few more details about his area and life there when we talk next week. Thanks for your love and support.

Here is a map of his location and the proximity to the mission home in Kampala


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