I Can Go the Distance

Hey everyone another week another Email! Let's get to it!

Feb 18, 2020 Tues
I was tired all day today but we still had some great lessons and some fun as well. I got super tired after carrying like 6 jerry cans full of water for an investigator (each jerry can holds over 5 gal.). For personal study, recently I've been studying Gordan B. Hinckley's Teachings of the Presidents and chapter 3 is so powerful and has helped me so much. It is titled "Cultivating an Attitude of Happiness and a Spirit of Optimism" Click to Read and go to page 55. It's so good.

Feb 19, 2020 Wed
Today was my mission B-Day! I went on exchanges with Elder Magill, so when we had a little free time we got awesome ice cream to celebrate. But for most of the day we were finding or we were teaching which was so nice to do with Magill. We had a lot of great conversations during the downtime about Disney Parks, Disney songs, the MTC, and who we wanna check up on. I can't believe it has been 2 months!

Feb 20, 2020 Thurs
Today was a bit slower than normal, but still a good day. We had some powerful lessons, and we were able to meet with an investigator who we have a tough time scheduling appointments with. It was awesome. I don't know why but I've been missing Disneyland and mornings at home. I miss Disneyland cause what else is new and I miss mornings cause I would go run, shower, eat breakfast, and watch YouTube with Mom. Oh and mornings at Disneyland are nice too.

Feb 21,2020 Fri
Today we didn't have a super busy day but we taught and shared a lesson and video on the teachings of Jesus Christ with the investigator who changed their mind on getting baptized last week. We also  talked to her about that. We had another lesson on the Gospel of Jesus Christ with another investigator who is unsure of baptism. We also had a very successful ward movie night. We started a bit late but everything else was great. The movie was funny (Best 2 Years), the equipment worked, and people showed up!

Feb 22, 2020 Sat
Today was a prep for farewell day for Elder Falaula. He packed like all morning, then after lunch we went to a ward reactivation activity which ended up being a flop. The word didn't get out in time for people to come and some had to work. Then we had a farewell movie night which was fun. As a parting gift I asked Elder Falaula to give me a blessing and the thing that stood out the most was "once I've done my best the spirit will do the rest."

Feb 23, 2020 Sun
Today was Elder Falaula's final day. Church was good. We had 3 investigators come. And then it was picture time right after church. It was pretty fun. We had lunch, visited some members and then came back and watched Mobsters and Mormons.

Goodbye Elder Falaula! You will be missed!

Feb 24, 2020 Mon
Today was P-DAY!! In the morning Elder Falaula left and I was put in a temporary trio companionship with Elders Ikai and Magill. We cleaned the apartments, got lunch, went and emailed, went to FHE.

Recently I heard the song from Hercules "Go the Distance" and the first verse really got to me.

"I have often dreamed of a far off place where a great warm welcome will be waiting for me.
Where the crowds will cheer when they see my face and a voice keeps saying this is where I'm meant to be."

This is me. I often do dream of a far off place where a great warm welcome is waiting for me. Where the crowds will cheer when they see me and a voice says to me welcome home.
I read in D&C 121 where it says, your friends will welcome you with kind hearts and warm hands or something like that. I look forward to that day and I know I can get there if I can be strong. Every mile with be worth my while. I can go the Distance...to get to where I belong.

Elder Bradford
Watching the sunrise from his apartment (and probably singing Go The Distance)
***Notes from the Parents***
Sean gets his new companion on Thursday. The only thing he knows about him is that his name is Elder Maughan. So until Elder Maughan arrives, Sean will be crashing on the couch over at Elder Ikai and Magill's apartment. 
He says that the active members in the ward are awesome. They are so very helpful and involved in the missionary work. He especially likes the Ward Mission Leader Brother Herbert. 
He is still slowly learning Luganda and is thankful he doesn't have any investigators right now that can't speak English. 
He is grateful for all the emails and hearing the updates from everyone. He was especially excited to hear about our friend Jonah getting married this past weekend. We sent him a picture of the life sized photo cutout of Eli (Jonah's brother who is serving a mission in Sierra Leone) and he had a good laugh and was glad Eli could be there in spirit. 
Sean is hoping to figure out a way to call or video chat with us in the next few weeks, maybe through one of the ward members. We miss seeing him and hearing his voice but are grateful that we can at least message back and forth (even if it is at 4 am and our brains are still half asleep).
Thanks for all the love and support.


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