The Parma Policy

Hey all you beautiful people! I'm back and not dead yet, surprise! Let's get to the week!

Jan 28, 2020 Tues
Today went by quickly. I got up and it was rainy. We planned to do a service project today for one of our investigators. Luckily the rain let up and it wasn't bad when we were digging. After that we changed and went out to lunch. Then we taught some lessons. The day went very fast today. Elder Falaula and I are hosting Missionaries from another Zone (a large geographical area comprised of multiple districts where the missionaries are assigned to serve in) for Zone Conference tomorrow (a special gathering of all those missionaries assigned to that zone and sometimes multiple zones). It's fun to have all these elders around and they are all pretty cool.

Jan 29, 2020 Wed
Today was Zone Conference and it was pretty great. We were given lots of guidance from President and Sister Chatora (Mission President and wife) and the Zone leaders. Plus I saw some of my brothers from the MTC, obviously Elders Magill and Pauni, but also Toilolo and Widmier and they are both doing so great. I love those guys. For lunch they fed us burgers, then we headed out. Elder Falaula and I went to a ward mission meeting that ended up getting postponed, so we got dinner, then headed home. (A ward is what we call a congregation of members within a small geographical area)

Jan 30, 2020 Thurs
Today we had interviews with President Chatora and my interview was first. It went good. I told him of my struggles and he helped me with some advice...keep busy and focus on spiritual things in my spare time. Elder Falaula had his interview, then Elder Pauni and his companion Elder Matthews (who is also Falaula's MTC brother). The 4 of us got lunch at this delicious place that was made for "Muzungus" like me. We then headed home. Elder Magill and I went on exchanges (exchange of companions for a short amount of time) which was so great. He's been having a hard time so I've been keeping my eye on him and helping him the best I can. And by the end of the day he felt better.

Jan 31, 2020 Fri
We had some cool lessons today. But it was so rainy for like an hour and a half then sunshine and heat. It was so confusing, but also nostalgic of home. We had a ward movie night tonight and outside there was a member's kitten and it was so cute and it became my friend.

Feb 1, 2020 Sat
Today Elder Falaula and I were on exchanges with one of our Zone leaders, Elder Moller from New Zealand who is a cool guy. We taught some lessons and ate a lot of food. I probably gained 10 lbs today, good thing tomorrow is fast Sunday.

Feb 2, 2020 Sun
Today, church was good. We had investigators actually come which was great! It was fast and testimony meeting so I was fasting and bore my testimony on faith. One of the girls we are teaching said to me after that she felt she should go up and share something, which was so awesome. Falaula and I taught the Primary The Plan of Salvation which was so fun. I love those kids. After church we relaxed and studied then went to go visit our investigators that went to church. The first lesson was alright but the second and final was powerful. We taught about the Book of Mormon to the girl that I mentioned earlier, I bore a powerful testimony of it and nearly cried. Falaula was closer to crying than I was. When we got home Elder Ikai and I made dinner. We made beans and noodles w/ veggies and I loved it! It was probably because I had been fasting though.

Feb 3, 2020 Mon
Today was P-day! We got together with the zone and played B-ball and Rugby. Then Elders Falaula, Dodge, Kabongo, and I went to lunch, played pool with other Elders, emailed, went to ward FHE (Family Home Evening), picked up groceries and then went home.

During Zone Conference I had my life policy brought to remembrance. It's something I came up with and has caused me to live a happier life. I call It the "Parma Policy"

1: Keep It Real.
Be honest with people. Don't be afraid to state what your opinion is. If you disagree, disagree. But just respectful when being honest.

2: Don't Care.
People can say things that get under our skin, and we dwell on it and become bitter and angry towards that person. Don't care. Don't care about what other people say or think about you. Be who you want to be, not what others want you to be.

3: Love Everyone.
It's easy to be bitter, judgmental, and hateful, but when you live like that your life sucks and no one really likes you. When you love everyone, it's the opposite. Everyone is your friend because you love them. You are so much happier when you love.

My friends, my family, listen to what I know will make you happier.

I love you all and love your emails so much.

Elder Bradford

***Parental Notes***
We got to instant message Elder Bradford again this morning. He seems to be doing a lot better. I'm sure that being busy with the zone conference, interviews and teaching to investigators, made it so he didn't have time to dwell on what he was missing back home. He said that he really likes his mission president, President Chatora. And that he is really nice, down to earth, humble and super wise. We asked him what has been his favorite part of the mission so far and he replied that it's "all the spiritual experiences" he's had. Some of the lessons they teach are just lessons but "some end up so powerful". He went on to say that "testifying about the gospel is such a testimony booster. I wish I shared more at home". It's a wonderful thing to see growth in your kid. We are proud of him. One last funny moment he shared in our conversation was about food/drink. Obviously by reading his letters home you can tell that boy thinks about food all the time (although you couldn't tell by looking at him). In our house, he was a notorious snacker. We made the observation this week that since his departure in December we haven't needed to replenish his favorites-gold fish and pretzels or even the mini bags of chips. Apparently no one else eats them. And while we were laughing over this, he said that while they were in Jinja he spotted a Dr. Pepper. He said that he "grabbed it immediately, got it and drank it with satisfaction." It's the little things! Thanks everyone for your support and love. He's feeling your prayers.

P-Day Fun

Elder Bradford with Elders Pauni, Falaula and Matthews

Playing basketball

Hanging out and playing pool


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