Power of Prayer

Hey my party people, I'm still alive and kicking so let's kick this off.

Mar 3, 2020 Tues 
Today went by fast but not much happened. Elder Maughan had a cold and Elder Ikai had a massive headache, so Elder Magill and I went on splits. We had lunch, saw an investigator, and got rained on hard, that's basically it. Then we came back to the apartment to check on the two sick people. We relaxed, then the Zone Leaders dropped off the East Zone Elders for Zone Conference tomorrow. We had fun, food, and slept.

Mar 4, 2020 Wed
Today was a hectic but great day. Elder Maughan and I were rushing to get to Zone Conference because we were slow to get ready, but we made it. Zone Conference was awesome. It was informational, spiritual, and fun. I enjoyed seeing Elder Widmier with us Jinja bros, it just adds another familiar face to us 4. We had a nice lunch (I had a pulled pork sandwich) then we chatted and had a good time. After the East Zone elders left our interviews with Pres. Chatora began. My interview with Pres. went great and was very enjoyable. After that Elder Maughan and I walked back to Njeru from Jinja because we couldn't get a taxi. After like 30 mins of walking we got back to town, got a rolex to eat and then went back to the apartment.

Mar 5, 2020 Thurs
Today Elder Maughan and I went out and had lunch before going to a lesson and a visit. Today was super eventful for us. But Elder Ikai has been sick for the last few days. It turns out he has typhoid because he's not vaccinated for it, which is lame. We are all helping him as much as we can, but now that he has meds he'll feel better soon.

Mar 6, 2020 Fri
Today Elder Ikai was feeling better so he was able to go out and we all had lunch together and had a blast playing cards. Elder Maughan and I had finding to do, which we did, as well as some service and check ups on other investigators. We had our ward movie night, which was awesome. It was on time, everything worked and the movie was great. Saratov Approach. Great film. Crazy Story. (It's on Amazon Prime)

Mar 7, 2020 Sat
Today we had a slow start but it got quicker. We taught a few lessons today with some powerful investigators, which was nice. I really enjoyed the lessons. I was able to bare my testimony in all of them. Hopefully it helped them feel the spirit. Elder Maughan and I get along so great and so far with him, this transfer has been flying.

Mar 8, 2020 Sun
Today we had two investigators at church and one contributed in the lesson during Sunday School. After church we had lunch, and lunch again (Ikai is too nice), then weekly planning, followed by personal study. I've been reading Teachings of the Presidents: Gordon B. Hinckley and I'm nearly finished with it (just finished chapter 23 today). If you haven't read it, read it. (Here is the link to read it for free online Teachings of the Presidents )

Mar 9, 2020
Today was P-Day! We had a lot of fun today during a district activity, laughed a ton. Then we got lunch, saw some of the other elders, played pool, and Emailed. Then FHE and Sleep.

On my mission I pray almost 7-10 times a day. Every time I do I always do 2 things; thank God for my blessings and ask for a blessing upon all those that are a part of my life. I recently read a story that tugged at my heart strings in Teachings of the President -Hinckley. It was about a missionary who hated his mission and wanted to go home, he complained to his family in every letter. Then he received a letter back from his mother saying, "We are praying for you, there isn't a day that goes by that we don't." This missionary in tears promised he would do better and add his prayers to theirs. Weeks later he loved his mission. 

I pray for my family everyday, I know they pray for me. I pray for my friends everyday, I know they think of me. I pray for my investigators everyday, that they might think of Christ. The spirit strengthens me in all I do and I feel the love that is sent my way everyday.

Pray in all times of struggle, for it will help you. I know because my prayers, as well as the prayers of others have helped me.

Love, Elder Bradford

From left to right: Elders Maughan, Ikai, Magill and Bradford 

***Parental Notes***
We got to finally see and hear our boy. It had been 9 weeks since our last video call. Unfortunately for him he couldn't see or hear us (maybe that's a good thing?) So we had to type all our questions and responses while he responded verbally. It made for a very interesting call. The following image is from our call. It's really blurry but that was how our video feed was when it was working. We'll just be thankful we got to see his smiling face.

He said that he found another internet cafe that is twice as expensive as the previous one. He is hoping the next time that he does it that he'll have a better computer. The other Elders that were there were able to video chat just fine. But that he won't be able to do it every week due to the cost. We won't complain. Every couple of weeks is better than nothing! Anyway, he seems to be doing great and it's fun to see him in his signature red hat.

As far as the missionary work there, he said that a few investigators have dropped them or are evading their attempts to contact them this past week. They did find one guy this week who was really interested in what they had to say and was one of the two mentioned above that came to church on Sunday. He was really excited about that. 

Sean mentioned that they have an uninvited guest (a rat!) that likes to roam between his and the other elder's apartments. Fortunately they keep all their food locked in the fridge so it hasn't gotten into any of that but it has chewed a few holes in a couple pairs of underwear. (Good thing I have some new pairs ready to ship) He was not happy to say the least but will be looking for traps this week.

We received an email from Sean's mission president, President Chatora regarding the coronavirus. Basically it said that there have been no known cases yet in the Uganda Kampala Mission boundaries. But that they are urging the missionaries to take proper precautions to prevent getting sick and gave them specific instructions to do that.

He is grateful for the updates from friends and family who have sent him emails. And when we talk he asks about everyone. It's hard to be away from everybody but he is loving it there now. He figures after this current transfer (6 weeks) is finished he will probably be going elsewhere. After hearing from his MTC friends that are in other locations in Uganda and Rwanda he has realized how easy he has it and is a little hesitant on wanting their challenges. But he'll go wherever he is needed.

Thanks for all your love and support.


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