He Can Help

HELLO THERE, I have returned to fill you in on my lack of adventures. Let's get to it!

July 6, 2020 Mon
Today was P-Day! I wrote my email in the morning, Elders De Voe, Gish, Saucier,  and I went to St. George to get some things including lunch. (We drove past POST MALONE'S House). We hung out with the Elders in that area, called family for a bit and then headed back to Hurricane.

July 7, 2020 Tues
Today we had a Lesson over Zoom with an actual investigator.  She's nine so the lesson went as well as could be expected.  We walked around for 3 hours,  met a couple of people, and got Fiiz (a place that sells tricked out sodas, lemonades and freezes) with Gish and Saucier. We had a “socially distanced” outdoor dinner appointment which was something that made the day so much better.

July 8, 2020 Weds
We took pictures for service fliers around Hurricane. Other than that the day just included food, studies and contacting over the phone.

July 9, 2020 Thurs
We had District Council Meeting today which was solid. I suggested an idea for a video we could make for the mission.  It'll be funny but have a spiritual message with it. We made an intro and it’s so cool. It'll be a bit before it's done but it'll be good.

July 10, 2020 Fri
We did some contacting in the morning, went and helped Elders Huxford and Hansen with something and then had lunch. After, we hungout, did some contacting,  and posted a spiritual message on Facebook. I also finished the script for The District (the video we are making).

July 11, 2020 Sat
We did some service for a lady who is getting ready to move and needed help with some preparations. That lasted a while and was exhausting. After Elder De Voe and I relaxed for a bit. Then we did a little contacting and hung out for District Dinner.

July 12, 2020 Sun
We were actually able to go to church, twice. We were late to both wards we went to, but we did get to meet some members! After church we had a great lesson over Zoom.  We talked about the power of prayer. Other than that pretty slow day.

Life in this mission has been very different from life in Uganda. Life in UG seems so much simpler than here. Nonetheless,  I am enjoying my time here and know this is where I need to be. 

I recently listened to the Dieter F. Uchtdorf talk with the quote, "Doubt your doubts, before you Doubt your faith." I find that in some cases this is easier said than done, but nonetheless it is possible and what we should do. Doubts arise in the most inconvenient moments, that's just how they work, and if you allow them they can tear you apart. But, there is hope, as there always is, and his name is Jesus Christ. If we focus on Him, and remember what we know about Him, or learn/re-learn what we ought to know about him, we can and will succeed.
I end this email with this. I know that He knows, and He can and wants to help. I share this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Love you all, shoot me an email for any kind of reason!
Elder Bradford

Here is a part of the video they are working on. 


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