I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go

Hey everybody! I have officially returned to the mission field and am now in the St. George Utah mission so let me fill y'all in on what's been happening.

June 30, 2020 Tues
Today was the day. I left Sac at 6:05 am, Alex Hill and I were on the flight from Sac to Salt Lake and got to say a last goodbye in the Salt Lake airport. Then I met up with other missionaries being reassigned to St. George, flew down, and did a sort of welcome orientation thing, we got all the necessary info, got new comps and transfer news, then went to our areas. My companion is Elder De Voe, he's from Boise Idaho, we get along great so that's a perk. My area is Hurricane North, it's like 18 miles or so from St. George. We received a call from Sister Missionaries who had someone who needed a blessing so we went to help. Sisters Coch & Dunn introduced us to a less active family and we gave the son a blessing of healing where I did the sealing. We also shared a short message and the spirit was so strong. I had a moment of confirmation that THIS IS where I need to be.

                                                            On the plane to Salt Lake

July 1, 2020 Wed
Back to mission schedule. I was very tired, but got enough sleep so once I was up I was fine. Elder De Voe and I walked around different neighborhoods for a while. We met a few members and had nice conversations. We got subway for lunch, went to a church building where I watched the Safeguards for Technology videos. I also met some other Elders in the district there. After that, we helped another set of Elders with a lesson then hung-out getting to know the Elders in the district.

July 2, 2020 Thurs
We had a quick lesson with a Bishop of one of the 7 or 8 wards in the stake that we cover. We shared a nice spiritual thought, then went and hung-out with the other Elders. The rest of the day we kinda just walked around saying hi to people. People driving by would wave or honk and I felt like I was in a parade I was waving so much. But we did meet someone who was in need of the Bishop's number and he was very glad to see us and get some help and I was glad to do that for him.

July 3, 2020 Fri
Today we had a District Council meeting. My District is really cool, it has Elders and 2 senior couples who are very quarantined right now. The Elders are Nielson(District Leader) & Knowles, Gish & Sacier, and Hansen & Huxford. Very cool people. De Voe and I walked around didn't see a soul so we hung-out with the other Elders. I taught em "3 up 3 down" and it was a blast.

July 4, 2020 Sat
Today Pres Kaluhiokalani made it a P-Day so our District played basketball, card games, and had a cookout for dinner. I was even able to chat with the fam. In the evening when people were starting to light fireworks our district was tossing the football around and we got to see some big fireworks (one big one blew up too low and caused a small fire and we tried to help put it out. The fire department had it under control (but I got some cool pics though).
                                                   Me and my companion Elder De Voe

                                                                   Fireworks Show

                                             And the fire caused by one of the fireworks

July 5, 2020 Sun
De Voe and I weren't sure of when any Sacrament meetings were happening so we joined our district who were helping the Sisters from the Spanish District. It was a very nice Sacrament meeting, we even had a Testimony meeting because it was fast Sunday. After that, all the Elders went and hung-out for a while. De Voe and I had a lesson with another Bishop and his wife over Zoom which was a very enjoyable lesson. Elder Gish made us dinner which was Pork Tenderloin. It was sooo good!

Alright time for a little enlightenment.

Throughout this week I h ave been reminded of a certain church Hymn that I find to be empowering and relatable. It is "I'll go where you wan't me to go". The first verse specifically which says:

It may not be on the mountain height
Or over the stormy sea,
It may not be at the battle’s front
My Lord will have need of me.
But if, by a still, small voice he calls
To paths that I do not know,
I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine:
I’ll go where you want me to go.

I find as I seek to do the Lord's will it IS to places that I do not know, but I answer dear lord with my hands in thine, I'll go where you want me to go. It's almost never easy to follow the Lord, more often than not it is difficult one way or another, but it is always worth it, and I know that to be true.

My friends and family I miss you all, but just be patient, cause I'll be back to annoying you before you know it. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
I love y'all. Shoot me an email, I love em they're great.

Love, Elder Bradford


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