Be Like Captain Moroni

Everybody. Bradford's back, alright. Let's get it started.

July 27, 2020 Mon
Today was P-Day! We went to lunch with the Zone Leaders which was fun, played basketball with the District, and hungout. I talked to family and got a little advice and I recieved a couple of emails which REALLY made my day. These days they're needed most.

July 28, 2020 Tues
Today we had two awesome lessons and we followed up on a very promising referral. We might get a new investigator! We were really productive today. The work is moving 

July 29, 2020 Weds
We had a full morning of contacting but no lessons to show for it. So we had a lot of down time today. We saw a smokey sun and because of the reflection in the window in looked like the twin suns on Tatooine.

July 30, 2020 Thurs
We had a more full day today, 14 contacts and a lesson with members. It was a really solid day.

July 31, 2020 Fri
We had a couple of lessons today which was nice. Saucier is doing a rap for the plan of salvation and asked me to feature on it, so we worked on that a little today. Its gonna be good.

August 1, 2020 Sat
New month! Today was another slow day, just contacts and no lessons but we had District Dinner which was so fun. We had access to a pool table. I played 2 games on a team of 2, my team won both times. That's for my boys in UGANDA!

August 2, 2020 Sun
We had no wards meeting today so we had Sacrament Meeting with our District, which was nice. I prepped a little lesson plan for a Youth Fireside we had tonight. It was at 6:00 and went well.  It was over zoom which made it difficult to keep their attention, but it still went good. Also a couple members dropped off some treats for us which was nice of them.

A little update on the situation with our video "The District". I can't believe this entire stress fest happened over a dumb video. An overreaction in my mind. Anyway President Kaluhiokalani called and we chatted. I asked him about putting "The District" back up, he said he has to think about it. Whatever the outcome it's just a video that I can still watch and share. I also asked him if this hurts my opportunities for making videos in the future. He said no. Sweet!
The whole situation... I honestly don't really care about anymore. I just wanna move on.

Recently I started a character study on the type of person Captain Moroni of The Book of Mormon was and I'd like to share one thing I found.

In Alma 48:17 it says:
"Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men."
Just imagine it. A world where the powers of hell would be shaken forever, and the devil would have no power over us. Sadly we know that that's an unlikely and improbable thing to happen, but it doesn't mean that some of the world could follow the example of Captain Moroni. We may not be able to cause the devil to have no power over anyone, but we can cause him to have no power over ourselves. I encourage all of us to seek to follow the example of Captain Moroni, who, in turn, followed the example of Jesus Christ, the only Perfect person ever in this world. Come unto him and be like him. I promise that it will bring you joy. I share these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 
(Elder Bradford made a really good video and posted it to Facebook about Captain Moroni if you want to check it out)

My friends and family I miss you and think of you often. I would love to hear from you and hear how your doing. Love you all and I'll see you soon.

Love, Elder Bradford 


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