Trucking Along

Welcome back. Not a crazy week, but I'll update y'all anyway.

Aug 17, 2020 Mon
Today was P-Day! We went to St. George for lunch with Elders Gish & Saucier because its Gish's birthday tomorrow. We also got cookies and a super sick pic. After that we played basketball with the District including Tui'one and his new comp Montierth who joined us today. After that I emailed, talked to family and had a good day. Received a lot of emails which was so awesome, really loved that.

Aug 18, 2020 Tues
We had a chill day today but it was still a productive one. We had two lessons and got to hangout w/ Gish and Saucier cause it was Gish's birthday. I can't believe mine is coming up soon.

Aug 19, 2020 Wed
Today I hit 8 months, 1/3 of my mission is complete. Weird. We also had exchanges with the Zone Leaders I was with Elder Earle and De Voe was with Elder Ahrens. Earle and I didn't do a ton because exchanges aren't all day anymore thanks to covid. But we did do our studies, contacting, and a livestream on Earle's Facebook page. After that De Voe and I had 3 lessons. It was a solid day.

Aug 20, 2020 Thurs
We had District Council Meeting today in which I gave a training on Humility. I think it went pretty well. We also did teaching role plays which I actually really enjoyed. Its the closest I've been to teaching an investigator in 5 months. After that and lunch, De Voe and I contacted and got bounced by our lessons in the evening.

Aug 21, 2020 Fri
Today Elder De Voe wasn't feeling well so we did nothing, which stunk for me. I hate doing nothing because it slows down the day. I listened to a number of talks, read my scriptures a lot, read my patriarchal blessing, meditated, cleaned, anything to make time go by quicker. Yet I still found time to sit and think about what I'd rather be doing, ugh, I'll survive.

Aug 22, 2020 Sat
Elder De Voe felt better but contacting went nowhere today, so we had a lot of downtime. We chilled with the Hurricane West Elders. Elder Ahrens was on exchanges with Elder Riley (one of our AP's) and they stopped by so we hungout with our District. It was a good day and we made the best of nothing.

Aug 23, 2020 Sun
There was a multi stake broadcast online for Hurricane and the surrounding areas. Elder D. Todd Christopherson presided and spoke at it. It was pretty cool to hear. Other than that we had a walk today and it was stormy. YES! Got some cool lightning pics.

This week was a rough one, just because of the lack of work we were able to do, but nonetheless, I'll keep trucking. I'll keep doing my best and keep trying, even if the results aren't very great. That's all any of us in the Church can really hope for. If we do our best to live the way we should, God will do the rest. I know that's true and share that in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Not a very long spiritual thought, but oh well. Love you all and I'd love to hear from you.
Love, Elder Bradford


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