What Do You Believe?

Welcome back everyone. I had a pretty freaking sweet week that I am excited to tell you all about. Let's get to it.

Sept 14, 2020 Mon
Today was P-Day! We were quarantined so we did nothing today. I emailed, worked out, relaxed and talked to family. I spent like all day in my pjs and got a good number of emails which was awesome.

Sept 15, 2020 Tues
Today was pretty slow, we had a couple of lessons cancel and reschedule, but we did have two go through. Other than that it was more studies and missionary Devotionals.

Sept 16, 2020 Weds
Today was weird. We had 2 member lessons in the morning which were really weird and awkward. At the end of one of them the lady said she loved us and the lesson wasn't good enough for it to be not weird. Then there was an awkward exchange when we went to Wendy's, but we did get it paid for. The rest of the day was less weird and we ended the day with and awesome lesson.

Sept 17, 2020 Thurs
Today we had some success but it was still pretty slow. We set up a few member lessons and we had two really great follow up member lessons.

Sept 18, 2020 Fri
Today was SOLID. We had a few lessons and scheduled some more. And we exited quarantine! We survived! In celebration we went and hungout with our District. Oh I'm so happy to be free.

Sept 19, 2020 Sat
Today was my 9 month mark! It was also Mission Conference! The day started with De Voe and I helping Gish and Saucier with a service project laying sod in the morning and then we grabbed lunch. Afterwards was our Mission Conference with Elder Jackson of the Seventy, Sister Bingham General Relief Society President, and Elder NEIL L. ANDERSEN OF THE QUORUM OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES! Of course the Conference was over Zoom but it still was awesome. I snagged a screenshot of the three of them. It was really awesome. We had a lesson and not much else after that.

Sept 20, 2020 Sun
Today was great. In the Sacrament Meeting we went to the Stake President was visiting and we got shouted out by him and the Bishop! I was so happy. Alot of people don't know we are here or don't call us back. We had 4 Lessons today (2 in person, we can do that now!) We ended the week with 15 lessons! YEAH BABY!

During Mission Conference Elder Andersen gave us a few challenges and one of them I'd like to talk about and extend to you.

He asked us to take some time to write down everything you believe about the the Gospel. Sounds pretty simple and easy, and you know what you're right, it was pretty easy, for me at least. But it wasn't the difficulty that I would like to tell you about, it's the feelings that came as I wrote down "I believe this" "I believe that". Essentially writing my own articles of faith. (I even stopped at 13 without even meaning to, funny)

As I wrote down what I believed, a sense of gratitude and reassurance came over me, essentially saying, "You really believe these things." It was a feeling similar to that of when you bare testimony. It felt so...good, for lack of a better term. It was also something that strengthend me in my testimony.

Because it has helped me I would like to offer that same Apostolic invitation to you. Take some time out of your day to write down all that you believe. I promise that as you do this you will be over come by the spirit and your testimony will grow. I promise and share that in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

My friends and family, I love you, I miss you, I pray for you, and love to hear from you. Send me an email, it makes my day.

Love, Elder Bradford


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