100 Bad Days Make 100 Good Stories

Hello and welcome back to my life in the USGM. It's been a good week so let's get started!

October 19, 2020 Mon
Today was P-Day! I also hit 10 months today! We got groceries today that Elder Johnson's parents ordered from Walmart, so we Walmart Picked it up. After that I finally got a magnetic name tag from the mission office which will be perfect for P-Day clothes and sweaters. The rest of P-Day we hungout with Nielsen, Martin, and Schagel, played games, balled up. It was fun. Johnson and I also had 2 awesome member lessons that were great. They gave us food! So... 10 months already! Time has really moved, even with the slow days.

October 20, 2020 Tues
Today we got a call from Sister Kaluhiokalani telling us that we were getting a new apartment closer to our area and she wants us moved in by next Monday. So that's cool. Most of the rest of the day was finishing a video Sister Kaluhiokalani asked me to make for the mission. It's a video of a story Pres. Oaks shared at April 2019 Conference, weird ask but hey I don't care. We were given Chick-fil-a for dinner from a member we had recently met with and she told us she had gotten people in the Ward to bring us food for all this week, next week, and some for the week after. Then Johnson and I had 3 member lessons that were awesome, plus we got a giftcard from one, assisted in a blessing in another, and had fun at the third. Just a stellar day!

October 21, 2020 Weds
Today we began to move into our new apartment. It's smaller, but newer and closer to our area, so a good compromise. We moved all the mission provided stuff in, followed by food and Johnson's stuff. We aren't fully moving in till Saturday because we are expecting mail. Members gave us Habit Burger for dinner, we had 2 member lessons, and had a lot of fun!

Elder Johnson building a bookcase to go between their desks.

The view outside one of the windows

October 22, 2020 Thurs
Today we had District Council Meeting, which was ok, nothing special. Then we began laundry and the ZL's came and did companionship study with us. It was pretty fun, our ZL's are cool. After finishing laundry we went to our new apartment and moved in some stuff. We were given Jersey Mike's Subs for dinner which was really good. Then we ended the day with a couple member lessons.

October 23, 2020 Fri
Today we moved all our stuff to the new apartment and relaxed. It took a while but we got all except for bed stuff because we're still waiting for some mail.

October 24, 2020 Sat
Today was the final move, we got 100% moved in, then went back to normal. Contacting, Scheduled a lesson with our investigator! We also did a couple of errands. After that we hungout with Nielsen, Martin, and Schagel for a bit.

October 25, 2020 Sun
Today we went to Sacrament Meeting, then had a lesson with our investigator Rodger, in which we shared the plan of Salvation and it went so well. The spirit was so strong. I was really nervous going into it because it had been so long since I had taught it, but the spirit really helped. After our lesson we sat with him during church. After church and lunch we had stake correlation, then 3 member lessons which all were so great!

This transfer has been pretty much best case scenario. I was very scared going into this transfer, but now I see I was over reacting big time. I have really enjoy being here with Elder Johnson and I feel my testimony of how the Lord sustains those he calls has grown a lot.

Elder Johnson is a missionary who is very excited to finish his mission and go home and in the past he has had some very tough trials which have made the mission miserable for him. But in this transfer he has literally said, "I actually am loving the mission right now."

I was very happy to hear this and it made me think about how I am enjoying the mission. I'd say a lot actually. I look back at all I have been able to do both in Uganda and here in St. George and I realize it all has been hard obviously, but something good I will remember. Even the bad days. 100 Bad Days make 100 Good Stories, 100 Good stories make me interesting at parties. And I'm excited to tell them as they come. Whatever happens, let's do it. Not the most spiritual thought, but a little window into what I think about.

I love you all and pray for you often. Reach out and email me, I love hearing from and about you. Love you and stay patient my party people.

Elder Bradford

Elder Bradford’s funny way of saying he voted 😄


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