Angels In My Life

Hello everyone, welcome back to my update! Let's get to it.

Sept 29, 2020 Tues
Today was P-Day! It was my day of acceptance. I'm now ok with transfers and know it will be ok, the Lord is with me. I packed, we went to St. George for insurance stuff for the car. I talked with fam and then had one last District Activity, Nerf Battle. It was legit the coolest thing ever.

Sept 30, 2020 Weds
Today was Transfers! Started with packing, then Gish, Saucier, Hanson, and Huxford stopped by to chat and say goodbyes. We then packed up the car and left and came back because according to our land lord our apartment was a "mess". It wasn’t but we cleaned it again anyway. Then we got our new comps in St. George. Mine is Elder Johnson from Idaho Falls. He has been out a little under 11 months. Our area is Little Valley. Its in St. George. Elder De Voe is with Elder Latapu (who is from Sac and the Clements Nephew, he's a homie now). After getting our car and stuff we went to our apartment which is 15 minutes outside of our area. Our area is a very rich area which recieves little to no referrals, and so we're white washing it (meaning that they are a brand new set of missionaries to the area-neither one having served there previously) I'm going to make the best of this transfer and I'm going to love my companion. He seems cool and we get along, but we'll have to see how he works.

Elder Bradford and his new companion Elder Johnson

October 1, 2020 Thurs
Today is October! This year has flown by...actually it feels more like its flown through, flown through a building that is. Anyway today was chill, we had studies in the morning, set some transfer goals, then needed to get some groceries. After that and lunch Johnson had to do a hand off lesson with his last comp Elder Butler (who is now comps with Elder Hanson from my last District) Also they needed a church to do it in, so we met up with Elder Nielsen in his trio at a church building. It was nice to see some familiar faces. After that, we grabbed church keys from the sisters that we are taking the area from, walked, got dinner and headed home. 
Their garage apartment all set up

October 2, 2020 Fri
Today we had District Council Meeting at which I met the rest of my District. They are pretty cool, Elder Jensen is my District Leader with Elder Spotten as his comp. We have our zone's Sister Traning Leaders; Sister William's and Sister Bucholz, and we have Elders Butler and Hanson, then Johnson and I. I am extremely happy I got Hanson in my District. He made District Counsel Meeting hilarious, I love that man. Afterwards, Johnson, Butler, Hanson, and I met up with Saucier and Knowles (who is now his comp, cool) for lunch cause they were headed to St. George to drop stuff off for Gish and Hanson. We got In-N-Out. After that Johnson and I didn't have much. Our areabook (this has all their contact info for members and investigators and their schedules) on our phones have not been working, which makes working difficult. We went on a walk, got snacks for General Conference, and came home.

October 3, 2020 Sat
Today was day one of General Conference. Johnson and I joined Nielsen and some of his District at a church building. We watched the first session, grabbed lunch from Panda Express, watched the second session, then split up for the day. Afterwards Johnson and I went on a walk, then relaxed and had dinner. Conference is awesome and I'm starting to get to know my companion.

October 4, 2020 Sun
Today was day 2 of Conference. It was pretty much the same as yesterday, minus Panda Express. We joined Nielsen and some of his District and watched Conference at a church building again. It was really awesome, a lot of great talks I can't wait to go over them again. After Conference, Johnson and I came home, listened to a missionary devotional, hungout, had dinner, and got to know each other. Short but good day.

During General Conference many talks were given and many of them were freaking awesome. But the one by Elder Carlos A. Godoy stuck out to me.

In his talk he referred to the angels in his life. Not actual angels with the wings and halos and stuff, but people God sent to him to act and minister as angels would. As well as to help him stay close to God.

I cannot remember if he said these two questions, but regardless they came to my mind and stuck with me, "Who have been angels in my life?" and "Have I been in a place where I can be an angel in someone else's life?"

I thought of the first question and tried to recognize the angels in my own life. As I did and continue to do, I realized all the wonderful people in my life that have blessed me with so much.

I thought of the second question and tried to recognize times in the past and if I now am in a place where I could be an angel in someone else's life. Obviously my perspective is a little skewed in past actions, so it is hard for me to know if I have or haven't been. But this much I do know, if I strive now to act as an angel, blessings of joy will be poured out upon me.

I would like to thank the angels in my life that have helped and blessed me. Mom, Dad, and my sisters Morgan and Claire. Grandma and Grandpa. Grammy. Papa Kirk and Grandma Linda. Scot and Michele McKee. Mike, Jenna, Ryan, Stella, and Norah. Zach, Jonah, McKay, Josh, Sean, and Eli. Ben and Madison. Malachi, Jamiel, Scotty, Hayden, Alex, Enrique, Conner, Justin, Arian, and Robert. Ellie, Caitlin, Brooke, Kenna, and Blythe. Brian Sprague. Bryan and Heidi Hage. Tommy Clements. John Stocket. Brandon and Tiani Taylor. And on and on and on. I realize now my list is close to endless, but whoever you are in my life you are an angel to me. I hope you know how truly grateful for you I am.

I would encourage and challenge you to reach out to those who have been angels in your life. It will help them understand that they do make a difference and that they are examples of Christ. I promise that in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I love you all. Email me. I pray for you and feel your prayers for me. I love you.
Elder Bradford


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