Focus On The Moment

Another week, another update, and another look into the life of a missionary in the USGM during COVID. Let's get started.

October 12, 2020 Mon
Today was P-Day! Elders Johnson, Nielsen, Schagel, Martin, and I went to the institute building and played pool which was pretty fun, afterwards we hungout, talked to fam, got dinner, and ended the day with an awesome member lesson.

October 13, 2020 Tues
Today was slow. Contacting, missionary devotional, walks, and meals. We also had a zoom meeting with The Stake President, Stake Relief Society President, Stake High Councilor, and President Kaluhiokalani, in which we discussed the work in the stake. It was really great, the Little Valley Stake is on top of a lot of things. President Kaluhiokalani would ask them to do "this" and they'd already be doing it. After the meeting we grabbed 16 inch subs from Jimmy John's for Dinner.

October 14, 2020 Weds
Today was also a bit slow, but still good. We did a lot of the same stuff as yesterday. We took a little trip to the mission office to take care of some things (saw Ferguson, Earle, and Ahrens with their greenies, I miss those guys). We had a member family lesson tonight which was fun. The kids were watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, which brought back memories of watching it with Morgan while I was home. Those 3 months at home during early Covid were pretty nice in that aspect.

October 15, 2020 Thurs
Today we had District Council Meeting which was good. Elder Hansen gave an awesome training, after that Johnson and I began doing our laundry. Then we did a little contacting after lunch, we also had Interviews with President which went well. He is very supportive of us in our area, and has a lot of faith in us. After that we finished the laundry, went for a walk, had dinner, and relaxed.

October 16, 2020 Fri
Today we did some contacting, went on a walk, and helped some members with moving boxes. We also helped Nielsen, Schagel, and Martin with helping someone move in. It was kinda fun!
Out on a walk and found this huge home.

October 17, 2020 Sat
Today we had District Blitz which was fun, well in between calling people anyway. I am so glad we have people who can laugh and have fun when the few funny people make jokes otherwise it would be stiff. We set up a few lessons as well! After that we did some service with some other Elders in the Zone digging holes.

October 18, 2020 Sun
Today was a solid Sunday. We went to 2 wards in which both were awesome and we were able to schedule a few lessons with members there. We had two lessons in the evening and stake correlation in between . All went well and were really awesome. This stake has some awesome members.

Since this transfer I have been actually really missing Hurricane North, which is kinda funny cause it wasn't crazy fun and was not very work heavy, but I still really miss it. I also miss stuff that I was able to do at home, Avatar made me think of that.

I constantly find myself reminiscing about the past or even being excited/worried about the future. Always looking behind or ahead, but never right in front of me.

I have found that to be one of my weaknesses and I have wondered how I can better focus on the moment. I believe that the key relies on recognition of the good things in your life now. For example my life now in Little Valley. I have a nice apartment, the Stake is all together awesome, we have a really powerful investigator, I get along with my companion, I'm able to keep in pretty good contact with friends in the mission, and on and on and on. The list really is endless when you get going. But one thing I try to always remember is no matter where I go or where I am, I have God to help me through and Christ to carry me through.

Christ is the one person who knows all the pains we suffer and if we rely on him, he can and will help us. And that helps in every moment. Come what may, because Christ is on our side. In the name if Jesus Christ, amen.

I love you all my friends and family. I look forward to the day we will reunite, but I will focus on the here and now and encourage you to do the same.

Elder Bradford


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