What’s Your Focus?

Hello hello hello! It's time for another update on my crazy boring life. This week was transfers and it was suprising to say the least. We'll get to that later so let's just get started.

November 2, 2020 Mon
Today was P-Day! Elder Johnson and I got groceries then went with Elders Nielsen, Martin, and Schagel to link up with Elders Gish and Child. We hungout and then went to a very underwhelming Dinosaur Museum. At least I had fun chatting with Gish which is always a blast. After all that Martin and I got haircuts and then I talked with fam. A solid P-Day!

November 3, 2020 Tues
Today was alright. I had some good studies and we did a little service. Elder Hanson and Elder Butler came and helped. We moved some rock. After that we just chilled had lunch. We had one lesson in the evening which was good.

***Parental Note***
We received the following email and picture from the parents of the lady they helped. It was such a thoughtful gesture to reach out to us and it basically made our day. 


We’re the Nelson’s in St George. This week we had the honor and privilege of having Elder Bradford along with 3 other Elders provide some much needed service for our daughter and her family.

It was fun to meet your son, work with him and learn about him. He is a great Elder and sets an excellent example for those he meets. Whether it was using a shovel or a vacuum he gives 100 percent effort.

Thanks for sending such a positive young man to serve his mission here.

John & Susan”

November 4, 2020 Weds
Today was a bit down for me. I just found out Elder Latapu's original mission in Ghana is opening up so there's a chance that he could go back and that shook me. I have hoped to go back to Uganda, but this is the first news and first time it’s felt real. It kinda freaked me out and shut me down a little bit. Fortunately we had a couple lessons which opened me up a bit. The last one we had was a Q&A with the Teachers Quorum in one of the wards we cover which was fun and very needed.

November 5, 2020 Thurs
Today we had our District Council Meeting which was good. It was Sister William’s last one before she goes home so we celebrated a bit. I was not feeling well at all today and it got worse as the day went on. I asked Elder Johnson to give me a blessing which helped. By the time we got back to the apartment I was so achy and sick. I had a 101° fever, but I could and can still taste and smell and breathe fine. So I spent all day drinking water, taking ibuprofen, and sleeping.

November 6, 2020 Fri
Today my fever broke so I was feeling like 75%-80% rather than 40%. We had service project today for our landlords. We worked on the front yard, burying sprinkler pipes and laying sod. We had a lot of other missionaries show up to help. At one point we had 14 Elders. It took us from 9:00 to 3:00, but the yard looks great. We had a lesson with some members which was good and then we had nothing, which I was grateful for, cause I needed some more time to recover.

November 7, 2020 Sat
Today I was feeling like a 85%... so pretty good. We had a District Blitz today which just turned into a farewell party for Sister Williams. It was really fun. I have really loved my District this transfer. Not much else happened the rest of the day. At the end of the day Johnson and I went over to Nielsen, Martin, and Schagel's place where we were joined by Elders Ball and Willis. They were followed by a surprise appearance from De Voe and Latapu! It was really good to see those guys and catch up.

November 8, 2020 Sun
We had church today as well as our Stake Correlation meeting and one member lesson, but nothing other than that. It got really cold and rainy today. I heard it even snowed in Hurricane! So Nuts!

November 9, 2020 Mon
Today was not P-Day because transfers are this week. So we didn't have a lot going on but we did some contacting and we had one lesson in the evening which was so amazing. We had such a good time. Transfer news was very shocking. I'm staying, but Johnson isn't. He's going north to Cedar. Nielsen is getting transferred out to Mesquite. I don't know anything about my new companion Elder Bates and I am very nervous about it. We'll see how this transfer goes. I'm open minded this time.

In my studies I have been reading Teachings of the Presidents: Ezra Taft Benson and in it I read a question that stuck out to me that I would like to pose to you.

"Can we put God ahead of security, peace, passions, wealth, and the honors of men?"

I thought about this and how I might not be as focused on that for my future. I remember many dreams I have had of winning awards or hearing a crowd cheer for me, and those were the goals/dreams I had. Nothing that was focused on God.

I wonder now if my priorities are more focused on God and on what is of Him. It's a constant struggle to remember what we should focus on, but I find when we create goals for the Godly things in life, and have reminders for them, we come closer to God and receive the blessings that come with what we work towards.

I challenge you all to set goals on things that are Godly and improve your relationship with your Heavenly Father. I promise that as you do blessings of happiness and a clear focus will come. I share that in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

My friends and family I miss you and love you. I love hearing from you, it makes my week. Love you all! Stay Safe!

Elder Bradford


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