You'll Be Surprised By What You Find

Happy November everyone! Where the freak did October go?! This year is going quick and crazy and all of us are so ready for this ride to be over! I know I am! This wasn't a super full week but I need to update y'all nonetheless. So let's go.

October 26, 2020 Mon
Today was P-Day! We did some errands in the morning, then went over to Elders Nielsen, Martin, and Schagel's. I talked to fam, relaxed, enjoyed P-Day. We had 2 lessons that went well. It was a solid day.

October 27, 2020 Tues
Today we did some contacting and had a few lessons. It was really great. The Little Valley Stake has a lot of potential. I'm excited to see where it could go. Also the members are so awesome! I have met so many awesome people.

October 28, 2020 Weds
Today was chill. Not many lessons so we cleaned up the house and the car a bit. We have Zone Conference tomorrow and Sister Kaluhiokalani has been playing the video I made for her at every Zone Conference, so that's pretty cool.

October 29, 2020 Thurs
Today was Zone Conference and it was pretty good. We had some fun moments, was spiritually charged, and watched the video I made. I gotta say, it's not The District, but everyone seemed to enjoy it a lot. We have a couple Missionaries going home in the Zone and they gave departing testimonies. And when they did they both cried. When I first saw departing missionaries cry in their testimonies I was like "Why? You should be happy, you made it!" Now I realize it's not because they don't wanna go home or aren't excited to, it's because they're leaving their life behind. The life they’ve had for 2 years or 18 months is over. That is really sad.

October 30, 2020 Fri
Today was alright. There’s not a lot happening. We got flu shots today, listened to a missionary devotional and hungout with Nielsen, Martin, and Schagel.

October 31, 2020 Sat
Today was Halloween, and nothing happened. We had nothing today and spent most of the day hanging out with Nielsen, Martin, and Schagel. We made burgers for lunch and had our pumpkins which we carved and that's pretty much it. President gave us a 5:00 pm curfew so we couldn't go anywhere or to any ward Halloween parties. Which makes it hard to get to know members in a casual setting.

November 1, 2020 Sun
Its November! Rodger was busy this Sunday so we couldn't meet with him, but we were able to attend 3 wards we hadn't yet had the chance to. We had someone bring us dinner which was a ton of fried chicken. A blessing and a half. We had a solid member lesson and then an amazing member lesson. It was so great it legit made my day. Also people already have Christmas Decorations up, what the heck!

This was a slow week, but overall this transfer has really gone by fast. It really exceeded my low expectations for this transfer. I guess that's just a life lesson right there. Go into something open minded and you will be surprised by what you'll find. Believe me I know.

Love you all! Transfers are next week so we'll see what happens. Love you all! Stay safe and go vote if you can! Have a good week y'all.
Elder Bradford


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