Hmmmmm MONKEY! *email me if you get that reference*
Ogamba ki ssebos ne nyabos! (What's up guys and girls!) I've been working on my Luganda. It's coming kantono kantono, impola impola (small small, slow slow). Also I know how to speak it better than how to spell it so...ANYWAY I had a good week to update y'all on, so togende! (Let's go!)
January 18, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! Bukasa & I went to the church to use wi-fi to call family & email, but it stopped working after like 30 mins of it cutting in and out (mmm...In-N-Out). Its alright though, I got my weekly e-mail through and they know I'm ok.
After that we went into town with the Sisters to order District Shirts. The Sisters were telling me to get a Medium cause they didn't have Larges, only Extra Large. But something you should know about Uganda is that their shirt sizes are JANK. So I got an Extra Large and it fit pretty much perfectly. Mediums are smalls, XLs are Larges. Lol.
After ordering the shirts, Sister Aloyo had to go to Kampala for Travel Papers and everyone split up for a bit. Bukasa and I played pool and I also sent some emails (Data Came back!)
We did join the Sisters (minus Aloyo) at a Mzungu Restaraunt called "Plot 99" where we had some surprisingly decent pizza, a hard 8/10. Following that we went shopping and grabbed more pizza from a different place for dinner. We got two and they weren't as good as at Plot 99. They were a 7/10 and a 6/10. BUT still a solid P-Day nonetheless!
On the grounds of Plot 99
Plot 99
January 19, 2021 Tues
13 MONTHS! Other than that today was pretty quiet. Honestly even that was quiet. 13 ain't a big deal, it's just kinda "eh". Anyway we set up a lesson with Junior, did our studies, and all that jazz.
As for news, our apartment has *drumroll* A RAT! Yaaay!! I found one of my noodle bags eaten out of. I am 2 for 2 of my Ugandan apartments having a rat eat my stuff. How absolutely grand. I couldn't be "happier" or as Chandler from "Friends" would say, " Could I BE any happier?" That reminds me of forever ago when I was in Hurricane I was told I sound like Ross...lowkey took it as a diss, but its all good.
Anyway today was slow, BUT I did draw a dope picture of a road trip I hope to go on some day!
January 20, 2021 Weds
Today we had the last District Council Meeting of the Transfer and it was good. Everyone was just really tired for some reason, myself included. ALSO SAW A MONKEY SWINGING AROUND OUTSIDE! (Hmmm...Monkey) That was pretty cool, made me feel more like I was on a different continent!
Bukasa and I had a lesson w/ Junior today. We went through the 10 Commandments and the Baptismal Interview Questions. Following that we joined our District in getting our District Shirts! They actually look really nice! After that we all just headed back to our apartments.
Around our apartment those people nearby have been playing their drums like nothing. That, plus all the animals and bugs making noises, sounds like the background ambience for Adventure Land or something. I swear if a bird introduces himself as José and asks me if I've seen Rosita I'll be convinced I am in Disneyland. (Mmm...Disneyland, definitely gonna have to eat a Dole Whip in the Tiki Room after the Mish)
January 21, 2021 Thurs
Today we had another lesson with Junior to help him prepare for Baptism. It went well. He said he's felt a great change since meeting with us, so cool!
Also, we got news that Sisters Aloyo, Kantono, and Osikal are all going to their original assignments in Tanzania, Ghana, and Zimbabwe! So exciting! This next transfer will be interesting.
We still haven't caught the rat. Still trying to lay the perfect bait to actually catch the rat, BUT Elder Bukasa got the bait thing DOWN! We should have him soon. That'll be satisfying, like the ending of "A New Hope", minus the medals. ( wars)
The trap is set
January 22, 2021 Fri
Today not much was happening. But we scheduled a Baptismal Interview for Junior and we had a District lunch at Plot 99!
We all wore our District Shirts, we got 3 Pizzas, and I got a milkshake. It was more like a Banana Smoothie, but I digress it SLAPPED. (Idk why but really miss the Meatzza from Dominos now, mmm...The Meatzza) Everyone had a good time. They enjoyed playing giant Jenga and being on the tire swing, so funny.
Also I did do some light contacting. I felt like I needed to talk to one of the Mzungu's sitting near us, so I did. And I'm so glad I did. Not only was it nice to speak like an American and he understands (he wasn't American, he's from Denmark and just speaks really good English), but it was also a really nice conversation. He said he goes to Plot 99 often, so I may see him again!
It was funny, he asked how old I was and when I said 19 he was very surprised. Apparently I seem like I'm in my 20's lol.
District Shirts
Names and countries they are from are on the backs
Sisters Aloyo, Kantono, Osikol & Madlingozi & Elders Bukasa & Bradford
Plot 99
January 23, 2021 Sat
Today was one of the most strenuous days of my mission. We got a call from Sisters Aloyo & Kantono at 11:00am that their person I was to interview today for Baptism, was also going to be Baptized today afterwards. So I had a Baptismal Service to plan, as well as an interview with paperwork to fill out AND Junior's Baptismal Interview with one the Zone Leaders was today. All of this within 4-5 hours.
So I did the Baptismal Interview (He Passed), conducted the Baptismal Service (went better than last time), and Junior was like 2 hours late to his interview...BUT HE PASSED!
By the end of the day I was so spent, mentally and physically. I legit felt sick. I went to bed as early as I could (ended up being 10:14) and offered the most defeated and sad prayer I've said in probably 6 months. What. A. Day.
Low key felt like how hot trash smells...yeah fun right?
January 24, 2021 Sun
Today was worth it. It was another stress filled day of preparing for Junior's Baptism and feeling overwhelmed because of the font not filling quick, getting changed for the font, getting the Baptismal Program made, and all. That. WONDERFUL. STUFF!
But like I said...Today was worth it. Junior wanted me to Baptize him. The water was so cold (like so cold), I was still stressed, but I didn't mess up and seeing him come out of the water...was awesome. First Baptism since a year ago in Njeru. When Junior bore his testimony he said how much he's felt a change within himself and mentioned me specifically multiple times. I about cried.
Today was worth it...for that.
After that Bukasa and I had a lunch of Matoke and Muchere (Rice) prepared for us by a member, Sister Jovia, who was a blessing and a half today. Then we had a lesson for a new investigator and 9 other people listening in. It was like a sermon. Straight up almost exactly how Joseph Smith's sermons were and how Jesus Christ's sermons are depicted in "The life of Jesus Christ" Videos. Not gonna felt really cool. Haha.
Sister Ziporhha (the investigator we were teaching) asked about women preaching at the pulpit, because her Pastor said women are only supposed to speak of and ask about the Gospel at home to their husbands, otherwise they stay quiet. If I meet that Pastor I am going to rebuke him with FIRE. I told that Sister, as bluntly as I could. "That's wrong. ANYONE who has a Testimony of Jesus Christ has the right to share it and grow it." I could tell she liked that.
After that we had a final District Dinner with the Zone Leaders Chimuti and Rwanga as well as Elders Vatuvei and Musungu. I'm gonna miss our 3 Sisters leaving.
Funny note, Sister Osikal got her transfer news and her Companion is Sister Wall! She is the only American Sister I went to the MTC with! Crazy small world!
At Junior's Baptism
Matoke and Muchere
This week was Up and Down then Up again. Thanks for the prayers I felt them sustain me this week. I still felt very overwhelmed, but I don't think I ever really doubted myself. I don't feel comfortable as a DL still, but I manage the best I can. My life is wild y'all.
Also Transfer news! I'm staying in Masaka with Bukasa, and Sister Madlingozi is staying as well and getting a new companion. Sisters won't come in to replace Sisters Aloyo and Kantono for a bit. So our District is about to be 4 missionaries. That feels kantono nyo (very small).
This week I was very strongly reminded that no matter how absolutely terrible and RUFF your day, your week, your month, or even your'll be worth it (sorry for all the Friends references). I was praying for a win this week and I got a couple.
Junior getting baptized and a chance to teach those people The Restoration, aka my FAVORITE LESSON, essentially in the form of a Sermon...yeah...pretty sweet.
I testify God is aware of us. Simple as that. I also testify any and every trial we endure will be worth it in the end. I promise this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
To you all I say qwagala nyo!(I love you so much!)
I love hearing from ya so shoot me an email! Let me know if I can offer some advice, I have a little bit more knowledge than I did before the mission and I would love to help ya with it.
Qwagala nyo!
Elder Bradford
January 18, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! Bukasa & I went to the church to use wi-fi to call family & email, but it stopped working after like 30 mins of it cutting in and out (mmm...In-N-Out). Its alright though, I got my weekly e-mail through and they know I'm ok.
After that we went into town with the Sisters to order District Shirts. The Sisters were telling me to get a Medium cause they didn't have Larges, only Extra Large. But something you should know about Uganda is that their shirt sizes are JANK. So I got an Extra Large and it fit pretty much perfectly. Mediums are smalls, XLs are Larges. Lol.
After ordering the shirts, Sister Aloyo had to go to Kampala for Travel Papers and everyone split up for a bit. Bukasa and I played pool and I also sent some emails (Data Came back!)
We did join the Sisters (minus Aloyo) at a Mzungu Restaraunt called "Plot 99" where we had some surprisingly decent pizza, a hard 8/10. Following that we went shopping and grabbed more pizza from a different place for dinner. We got two and they weren't as good as at Plot 99. They were a 7/10 and a 6/10. BUT still a solid P-Day nonetheless!
On the grounds of Plot 99
Plot 99
January 19, 2021 Tues
13 MONTHS! Other than that today was pretty quiet. Honestly even that was quiet. 13 ain't a big deal, it's just kinda "eh". Anyway we set up a lesson with Junior, did our studies, and all that jazz.
As for news, our apartment has *drumroll* A RAT! Yaaay!! I found one of my noodle bags eaten out of. I am 2 for 2 of my Ugandan apartments having a rat eat my stuff. How absolutely grand. I couldn't be "happier" or as Chandler from "Friends" would say, " Could I BE any happier?" That reminds me of forever ago when I was in Hurricane I was told I sound like Ross...lowkey took it as a diss, but its all good.
Anyway today was slow, BUT I did draw a dope picture of a road trip I hope to go on some day!
January 20, 2021 Weds
Today we had the last District Council Meeting of the Transfer and it was good. Everyone was just really tired for some reason, myself included. ALSO SAW A MONKEY SWINGING AROUND OUTSIDE! (Hmmm...Monkey) That was pretty cool, made me feel more like I was on a different continent!
Bukasa and I had a lesson w/ Junior today. We went through the 10 Commandments and the Baptismal Interview Questions. Following that we joined our District in getting our District Shirts! They actually look really nice! After that we all just headed back to our apartments.
Around our apartment those people nearby have been playing their drums like nothing. That, plus all the animals and bugs making noises, sounds like the background ambience for Adventure Land or something. I swear if a bird introduces himself as José and asks me if I've seen Rosita I'll be convinced I am in Disneyland. (Mmm...Disneyland, definitely gonna have to eat a Dole Whip in the Tiki Room after the Mish)
January 21, 2021 Thurs
Today we had another lesson with Junior to help him prepare for Baptism. It went well. He said he's felt a great change since meeting with us, so cool!
Also, we got news that Sisters Aloyo, Kantono, and Osikal are all going to their original assignments in Tanzania, Ghana, and Zimbabwe! So exciting! This next transfer will be interesting.
We still haven't caught the rat. Still trying to lay the perfect bait to actually catch the rat, BUT Elder Bukasa got the bait thing DOWN! We should have him soon. That'll be satisfying, like the ending of "A New Hope", minus the medals. ( wars)
The trap is set
January 22, 2021 Fri
Today not much was happening. But we scheduled a Baptismal Interview for Junior and we had a District lunch at Plot 99!
We all wore our District Shirts, we got 3 Pizzas, and I got a milkshake. It was more like a Banana Smoothie, but I digress it SLAPPED. (Idk why but really miss the Meatzza from Dominos now, mmm...The Meatzza) Everyone had a good time. They enjoyed playing giant Jenga and being on the tire swing, so funny.
Also I did do some light contacting. I felt like I needed to talk to one of the Mzungu's sitting near us, so I did. And I'm so glad I did. Not only was it nice to speak like an American and he understands (he wasn't American, he's from Denmark and just speaks really good English), but it was also a really nice conversation. He said he goes to Plot 99 often, so I may see him again!
It was funny, he asked how old I was and when I said 19 he was very surprised. Apparently I seem like I'm in my 20's lol.
District Shirts
Names and countries they are from are on the backs
Sisters Aloyo, Kantono, Osikol & Madlingozi & Elders Bukasa & Bradford
Plot 99
January 23, 2021 Sat
Today was one of the most strenuous days of my mission. We got a call from Sisters Aloyo & Kantono at 11:00am that their person I was to interview today for Baptism, was also going to be Baptized today afterwards. So I had a Baptismal Service to plan, as well as an interview with paperwork to fill out AND Junior's Baptismal Interview with one the Zone Leaders was today. All of this within 4-5 hours.
So I did the Baptismal Interview (He Passed), conducted the Baptismal Service (went better than last time), and Junior was like 2 hours late to his interview...BUT HE PASSED!
By the end of the day I was so spent, mentally and physically. I legit felt sick. I went to bed as early as I could (ended up being 10:14) and offered the most defeated and sad prayer I've said in probably 6 months. What. A. Day.
Low key felt like how hot trash smells...yeah fun right?
January 24, 2021 Sun
Today was worth it. It was another stress filled day of preparing for Junior's Baptism and feeling overwhelmed because of the font not filling quick, getting changed for the font, getting the Baptismal Program made, and all. That. WONDERFUL. STUFF!
But like I said...Today was worth it. Junior wanted me to Baptize him. The water was so cold (like so cold), I was still stressed, but I didn't mess up and seeing him come out of the water...was awesome. First Baptism since a year ago in Njeru. When Junior bore his testimony he said how much he's felt a change within himself and mentioned me specifically multiple times. I about cried.
Today was worth it...for that.
After that Bukasa and I had a lunch of Matoke and Muchere (Rice) prepared for us by a member, Sister Jovia, who was a blessing and a half today. Then we had a lesson for a new investigator and 9 other people listening in. It was like a sermon. Straight up almost exactly how Joseph Smith's sermons were and how Jesus Christ's sermons are depicted in "The life of Jesus Christ" Videos. Not gonna felt really cool. Haha.
Sister Ziporhha (the investigator we were teaching) asked about women preaching at the pulpit, because her Pastor said women are only supposed to speak of and ask about the Gospel at home to their husbands, otherwise they stay quiet. If I meet that Pastor I am going to rebuke him with FIRE. I told that Sister, as bluntly as I could. "That's wrong. ANYONE who has a Testimony of Jesus Christ has the right to share it and grow it." I could tell she liked that.
After that we had a final District Dinner with the Zone Leaders Chimuti and Rwanga as well as Elders Vatuvei and Musungu. I'm gonna miss our 3 Sisters leaving.
Funny note, Sister Osikal got her transfer news and her Companion is Sister Wall! She is the only American Sister I went to the MTC with! Crazy small world!
At Junior's Baptism
Matoke and Muchere
This week was Up and Down then Up again. Thanks for the prayers I felt them sustain me this week. I still felt very overwhelmed, but I don't think I ever really doubted myself. I don't feel comfortable as a DL still, but I manage the best I can. My life is wild y'all.
Also Transfer news! I'm staying in Masaka with Bukasa, and Sister Madlingozi is staying as well and getting a new companion. Sisters won't come in to replace Sisters Aloyo and Kantono for a bit. So our District is about to be 4 missionaries. That feels kantono nyo (very small).
This week I was very strongly reminded that no matter how absolutely terrible and RUFF your day, your week, your month, or even your'll be worth it (sorry for all the Friends references). I was praying for a win this week and I got a couple.
Junior getting baptized and a chance to teach those people The Restoration, aka my FAVORITE LESSON, essentially in the form of a Sermon...yeah...pretty sweet.
I testify God is aware of us. Simple as that. I also testify any and every trial we endure will be worth it in the end. I promise this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
To you all I say qwagala nyo!(I love you so much!)
I love hearing from ya so shoot me an email! Let me know if I can offer some advice, I have a little bit more knowledge than I did before the mission and I would love to help ya with it.
Qwagala nyo!
Elder Bradford
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