Nothing could be Worse than Quarantine, Right?...WRONG
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, dogs and cats, plants and succulents (idk maybe people reading this also read it to their animals and plants. It's possible, I know weird people), welcome to another update in which my sanity is tested again! Woohoo! Let's get to it!
January 11, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! And it was so good! I started the day with calling my family so I could catch them at a semi-decent hour. (Sunday evening in CA) Also did a little emailing as well. After that (and a PHAT nap) Elder Bukasa and I joined Elders Dah & Kisegerwa in some basketball with some kids in the Branch. Most of them had no form but still had coordination. I was baffled, also a little upset because I still stunk, lol.
We had lunch and then Bukasa & I went and played pool, at which...I still stunk. I'm pretty rusty. After that we did a little shopping, headed back to the apartment and I did a little bit of cleaning.
January 12, 2021 Tues
Today I enjoyed. I enjoyed walking around. I enjoyed talking to my District. I enjoyed the lesson we had with Junior (we taught 3 commandments because each of their lessons relate and are short; Tithing, Fast Offerings, and Keeping the Sabbath Day holy. I enjoyed TODAY.
Other than what I just listed we went and did some shopping to prepare for the Mission Wide, Election Lockdown later this week. We also helped out Sisters Osikal and Madlingozi with some of theirs as well (and walked them most of the way to their apartment to make sure they were safe).
While Bukasa & I were walking around a guy selling belts took one of his belts, twisted it up, and motioned his body towards me. I swear it looked like he was about to whip me, I got so scared. Elder Buksa did too! lol.
I was feeling pretty back in the game today. Back in the UG mode. I was even chattin up the Rolex Guys. Then I remembered I had my DL duties. The Zone Leaders called and gave me a list of things I had to remember to do at DCM (district Council Meeting). Aaaannd I was back to stressing...typical.
January 13, 20201 Weds
Today was District Council Meeting and it was very powerful. We had some good trainings that totally brought the spirit. After DCM we took District Pictures which was fun. If there's one thing all Africans like TOO much, it's taking pictures Haha.
Elder Bukasa & I had nothing else to do save it be contacting, so we listened to a Missionary Devotional and some Conference talks.
We are starting lockdowns for the Presidential Election tonight and immediatly I am stir crazy. Dis gon' be RUFF! Elections here are crazy. Riots, mobs, internet it low key reminds me of home...oh America. I thought I had escaped crazy politics, but nope! Whatever. We will be fine, God will protect us.
January 14, 2021 Thurs
Today was the first day of full Lockdown and it killed my motivation. We coudn't leave our apartment compound and the Government killed Data in the country because of the elections so we also had no internet. So I started my day a little later. I woke up a little before 8:00 and did a personal study then went back to bed, feeling WACK btw. Woke up before lunch, did more studies, ate, looked at old pictures and reminiced. I watched old videos (The District STILL slaps), and looked through my notebook reviewing notes I took from all the way at the begining of my mission. That was a TRIP.
I gained the resolve to remain a bit more positive and diligent to make these days easier and better. Also Elder Bukasa made some NOICE food for dinner and we had some good conversation. It's the little things. I forgot that.
January 15, 2021 Fri
Today was Lockdown Part 2, BUT we were allowed to go out in the morning to get our allotment and go shopping until 10:30am. By then we needed to be back in our apartments. It was so nice to get out of the apartments. So once we got back I did my personal study, relaxed, drew (I've been doing that a lot recently and it's keeping me sane), exercised, did pretty much anything to keep busy.
Our District has our "Missionary Sunday" this Sunday in our branch and for some reason I have to plan it, which I really am fine with. Apparently missionaries don't just give talks or say prayers on Missionary Sunday's. They do the Sacrament talks, conduct the music, and teach Sunday School. IDK why either. Whatever, I'll plan the best I can.
January 16, 2021 Sat
Today was Lockdown part 3. We found out that Museveni won, which means these riots and this unrest aren’t going anywhere, so we may not be either.
(***Museveni has been the President of Uganda for the last 35 years and was just re-elected for another 5 years. There are accusations of the election being rigged which is why there is violence, protests and just chaos in the streets. Sound familiar?? ***)
We did hear some distant, let me repeat, DISTANT gun shots, so lockdown is probably the best call. In the mean time, I did a lot of what I've already been doing this week...ALL...DAY...LONG.
I did find a new fear though. I'm afraid that we might go home. NOW HOLD ON! This is only my hyperactive imagination, NOT an actual confirmed possibility! But if these riots don't go away or get worse, I am afraid of getting a phone call from our Office Elders asking, "What airport do you wanna go home to?" I'm afraid that I will again leave Uganda before I feel I have done enough. I am afraid of getting even LESS of a mission than I signed up for. I hope and pray my fear is not realized. And I hope and pray that I make the best of the time I have if it does.
Sorry that was depressing, but what do you expect, did you read the intro? I am losing it ya know!
January 17, 2021 Sun
Today was good and bad.
First up, the bad:
My District and I had to leave Church early for our safety because things were escalating on our side of Masaka and the Military was headed near the church. The walk home was so stressful. We walked as a District so I could keep an I eye on everyone. I would feel especially responsible if anything happens to any of them. We did see some soldiers, but they weren't close to us and didn't see us so...yeah. We're all fine though.
Now for the Good:
Missionary Sunday went awesome! (up until we left) Sister Madlingozi gave an awesome talk on how Faith is stronger than Fear. I also gave a talk, mine was on Humility and Patience. I had been praying I'd have the spirit's help as I spoke because most Ugandans/Africans don't understand American accents. And it worked! I felt the spirit so strong, and aparently so did everyone else. I’m glad God made up the difference. In the midst of mobbin' (Shout out Elder Gish) back from church, a couple of fellow Mzungus on a Boda (motorbike) yelled at me "Mzungu!" and it was hilarious! (they weren't missionaries btw. Most Mzungus avoid missionaries for some reason. WACK. Yous my people! Act like it!)
Once back at the apartment I read Doctrine & Covenants, listened to talks, had lunch, and pretty much did that the rest of the day.
This week has been one that tested my patience, BIG TIME. I guess that's why I made different opprotunities to learn about it this week (i.e. DCM and My Talk). I have found myself in multiple different Mini-Funks throughout the week. Little moments of weakness or sadness, because at face value life is hard right now. No internet, can't meet with Junior, stuck in our apartment, fear of things that may or may not happen, the whole nine yards.
BUT...its ok.
I have much time to reflect and study. Earlier I mentioned I looked back at old pictures and videos. They weren't of home. They were of St. George. I miss it so much! I miss the Hurricane Homies. I miss Jenks and Sudweeks in a trio in Little Valley. I miss spending downtime messing around shooting Nerf Guns or meeting with members. I miss having a meal given to me by members every night from a different restaurant (seriously like big time). I miss the USGM and all the wonderful people I met there...but I am here.
In my studies I am reading in Alma in the Book of Mormon. I recently read the part with Ammon and his bretheren preaching to and teaching the Lamanites. At one point the King of the Lamanites, who had grown a desire to learn because of Ammon, he basically asked Aaron (Ammon's Brother) "Where is he?" Alma 22:4;
4 And Aaron said unto the king: Behold, the Spirit of the Lord has called him another way; he has gone to the land of Ishmael, to teach the people of Lamoni
"The Spirit of the Lord has called him another way."
This applies to any missionary who has been transfered away from people they grew to love (so all missionaries). We are called away to teach another people and also to learn something new for ourselves. I know this now better than ever. I'm here away from them for a time, for the benifet of many including myself. But it is only a time and at some point I will see those St. George people I love again. Alma 27:17 sums up what my reaction will be;
17 Now the joy of Ammon was so great even that he was full; yea, he was swallowed up in the joy of his God, even to the exhausting of his strength; and he fell again to the earth.
So when I fall when I see ya'll again, please catch me.
I love you all and promise the Joys of The Gospel ("Joys" plural, cause there are many) make any situation of hardship worth the small moment of adversity, especially as we turn to our Father in Heaven and Our Savior. This I promise in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I love you all and I am honestly unsure when I'll get this out because the Internet Situation is terrible right now so...yeah :) Shoot me an email! I'll respond eventually!
Much love,
Elder Bradford
January 11, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! And it was so good! I started the day with calling my family so I could catch them at a semi-decent hour. (Sunday evening in CA) Also did a little emailing as well. After that (and a PHAT nap) Elder Bukasa and I joined Elders Dah & Kisegerwa in some basketball with some kids in the Branch. Most of them had no form but still had coordination. I was baffled, also a little upset because I still stunk, lol.
We had lunch and then Bukasa & I went and played pool, at which...I still stunk. I'm pretty rusty. After that we did a little shopping, headed back to the apartment and I did a little bit of cleaning.
January 12, 2021 Tues
Today I enjoyed. I enjoyed walking around. I enjoyed talking to my District. I enjoyed the lesson we had with Junior (we taught 3 commandments because each of their lessons relate and are short; Tithing, Fast Offerings, and Keeping the Sabbath Day holy. I enjoyed TODAY.
Other than what I just listed we went and did some shopping to prepare for the Mission Wide, Election Lockdown later this week. We also helped out Sisters Osikal and Madlingozi with some of theirs as well (and walked them most of the way to their apartment to make sure they were safe).
While Bukasa & I were walking around a guy selling belts took one of his belts, twisted it up, and motioned his body towards me. I swear it looked like he was about to whip me, I got so scared. Elder Buksa did too! lol.
I was feeling pretty back in the game today. Back in the UG mode. I was even chattin up the Rolex Guys. Then I remembered I had my DL duties. The Zone Leaders called and gave me a list of things I had to remember to do at DCM (district Council Meeting). Aaaannd I was back to stressing...typical.
January 13, 20201 Weds
Today was District Council Meeting and it was very powerful. We had some good trainings that totally brought the spirit. After DCM we took District Pictures which was fun. If there's one thing all Africans like TOO much, it's taking pictures Haha.
Elder Bukasa & I had nothing else to do save it be contacting, so we listened to a Missionary Devotional and some Conference talks.
We are starting lockdowns for the Presidential Election tonight and immediatly I am stir crazy. Dis gon' be RUFF! Elections here are crazy. Riots, mobs, internet it low key reminds me of home...oh America. I thought I had escaped crazy politics, but nope! Whatever. We will be fine, God will protect us.
January 14, 2021 Thurs
Today was the first day of full Lockdown and it killed my motivation. We coudn't leave our apartment compound and the Government killed Data in the country because of the elections so we also had no internet. So I started my day a little later. I woke up a little before 8:00 and did a personal study then went back to bed, feeling WACK btw. Woke up before lunch, did more studies, ate, looked at old pictures and reminiced. I watched old videos (The District STILL slaps), and looked through my notebook reviewing notes I took from all the way at the begining of my mission. That was a TRIP.
I gained the resolve to remain a bit more positive and diligent to make these days easier and better. Also Elder Bukasa made some NOICE food for dinner and we had some good conversation. It's the little things. I forgot that.
January 15, 2021 Fri
Today was Lockdown Part 2, BUT we were allowed to go out in the morning to get our allotment and go shopping until 10:30am. By then we needed to be back in our apartments. It was so nice to get out of the apartments. So once we got back I did my personal study, relaxed, drew (I've been doing that a lot recently and it's keeping me sane), exercised, did pretty much anything to keep busy.
Our District has our "Missionary Sunday" this Sunday in our branch and for some reason I have to plan it, which I really am fine with. Apparently missionaries don't just give talks or say prayers on Missionary Sunday's. They do the Sacrament talks, conduct the music, and teach Sunday School. IDK why either. Whatever, I'll plan the best I can.
January 16, 2021 Sat
Today was Lockdown part 3. We found out that Museveni won, which means these riots and this unrest aren’t going anywhere, so we may not be either.
(***Museveni has been the President of Uganda for the last 35 years and was just re-elected for another 5 years. There are accusations of the election being rigged which is why there is violence, protests and just chaos in the streets. Sound familiar?? ***)
We did hear some distant, let me repeat, DISTANT gun shots, so lockdown is probably the best call. In the mean time, I did a lot of what I've already been doing this week...ALL...DAY...LONG.
I did find a new fear though. I'm afraid that we might go home. NOW HOLD ON! This is only my hyperactive imagination, NOT an actual confirmed possibility! But if these riots don't go away or get worse, I am afraid of getting a phone call from our Office Elders asking, "What airport do you wanna go home to?" I'm afraid that I will again leave Uganda before I feel I have done enough. I am afraid of getting even LESS of a mission than I signed up for. I hope and pray my fear is not realized. And I hope and pray that I make the best of the time I have if it does.
Sorry that was depressing, but what do you expect, did you read the intro? I am losing it ya know!
January 17, 2021 Sun
Today was good and bad.
First up, the bad:
My District and I had to leave Church early for our safety because things were escalating on our side of Masaka and the Military was headed near the church. The walk home was so stressful. We walked as a District so I could keep an I eye on everyone. I would feel especially responsible if anything happens to any of them. We did see some soldiers, but they weren't close to us and didn't see us so...yeah. We're all fine though.
Now for the Good:
Missionary Sunday went awesome! (up until we left) Sister Madlingozi gave an awesome talk on how Faith is stronger than Fear. I also gave a talk, mine was on Humility and Patience. I had been praying I'd have the spirit's help as I spoke because most Ugandans/Africans don't understand American accents. And it worked! I felt the spirit so strong, and aparently so did everyone else. I’m glad God made up the difference. In the midst of mobbin' (Shout out Elder Gish) back from church, a couple of fellow Mzungus on a Boda (motorbike) yelled at me "Mzungu!" and it was hilarious! (they weren't missionaries btw. Most Mzungus avoid missionaries for some reason. WACK. Yous my people! Act like it!)
Once back at the apartment I read Doctrine & Covenants, listened to talks, had lunch, and pretty much did that the rest of the day.
This week has been one that tested my patience, BIG TIME. I guess that's why I made different opprotunities to learn about it this week (i.e. DCM and My Talk). I have found myself in multiple different Mini-Funks throughout the week. Little moments of weakness or sadness, because at face value life is hard right now. No internet, can't meet with Junior, stuck in our apartment, fear of things that may or may not happen, the whole nine yards.
BUT...its ok.
I have much time to reflect and study. Earlier I mentioned I looked back at old pictures and videos. They weren't of home. They were of St. George. I miss it so much! I miss the Hurricane Homies. I miss Jenks and Sudweeks in a trio in Little Valley. I miss spending downtime messing around shooting Nerf Guns or meeting with members. I miss having a meal given to me by members every night from a different restaurant (seriously like big time). I miss the USGM and all the wonderful people I met there...but I am here.
In my studies I am reading in Alma in the Book of Mormon. I recently read the part with Ammon and his bretheren preaching to and teaching the Lamanites. At one point the King of the Lamanites, who had grown a desire to learn because of Ammon, he basically asked Aaron (Ammon's Brother) "Where is he?" Alma 22:4;
4 And Aaron said unto the king: Behold, the Spirit of the Lord has called him another way; he has gone to the land of Ishmael, to teach the people of Lamoni
"The Spirit of the Lord has called him another way."
This applies to any missionary who has been transfered away from people they grew to love (so all missionaries). We are called away to teach another people and also to learn something new for ourselves. I know this now better than ever. I'm here away from them for a time, for the benifet of many including myself. But it is only a time and at some point I will see those St. George people I love again. Alma 27:17 sums up what my reaction will be;
17 Now the joy of Ammon was so great even that he was full; yea, he was swallowed up in the joy of his God, even to the exhausting of his strength; and he fell again to the earth.
So when I fall when I see ya'll again, please catch me.
I love you all and promise the Joys of The Gospel ("Joys" plural, cause there are many) make any situation of hardship worth the small moment of adversity, especially as we turn to our Father in Heaven and Our Savior. This I promise in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I love you all and I am honestly unsure when I'll get this out because the Internet Situation is terrible right now so...yeah :) Shoot me an email! I'll respond eventually!
Much love,
Elder Bradford
***Parental Note- Unfortunately we were only able to speak to Elder Bradford for a few minutes this week. The government has allowed the internet to be connected again (social media is still blocked) however the connection was too poor and it kept dropping our call. As you can see this week has been a roller coaster of emotions. There’s no doubt that he will be ok. The Lord will help him persevere. We’ve seen it happen time and time again this past year as new challenges have popped up. Our hope is that the election chaos will subside soon so they can safely get back to teaching Junior and others.
Thanks for your love and support.
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