At This Rate I'll Be Back In A Flash!

Ogamba Ki ssebos ne nyabos! (What's up guys and girls!) Yes I am back with another update, but no I didn't go crazy this week! (I think I'm too far gone to get any crazier) Anyway, I had a great week so togende! (Let's Go!)

February 15, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! I started it by talking to the fam which was great! I sent emails, then relaxed. We went grocery shopping and ended up getting a TON of stuff. It was looking like we were preparing for the Apocalypse. Keep in mind we've got no car, so we carried all our stuff for about a mile back to the apartment. I was sweating so hard it looked like I just ran a marathon, but I felt like I just did an Iron Man, cause I was so tired I couldn't move my arms.
After a power nap, Bukasa and I went and got a pizza from Plot 99 and played pool. Fun times!

February 16, 2021 Tues
Today was very rainy, but I didn't mind cause I got to live the GREATEST power ballad of the 80s [Toto, we ain't in Kansas anymore (was that ever one of their albums? If so; Noice. If not; Missed Opportunity)]
Anyway, we had a lesson with Oscar, and officially gave him a Baptismal Date for the 27th. He seems really excited for it!

February 17, 2021 Weds
Today we had District Council Meeting which was pretty good. I tried to get to know the new Sisters but they are very quiet was hard.
We had a lesson with James and it went awesome! We focused on explaining the Book of Mormon and it was super powerful, the spirit was definitely felt.
Other than that we had nothing save it be random power outages. Love the darkness, but it most certainly isn't my ally.

February 18, 2021 Thurs
Today was FAST. It started with some crazy thunderstorms (like thunder so loud it startled me...stop laughing at me, I'm not a wimp you're a wimp!)
We also had another lesson with Oscar on The Law of Chastity, which went good, it's really cool to see how far he's come.
Afterwards I was able to find BUNS! So...I made burgers. And they actually looked like burgers. And, of course, they slapped. So. Hard. I think I've made burgers become Bukasa's favorite food. He gets so excited when we are planning on having them for dinner. I heard him in the other room, "*CLAP* BURGEERRRR!"

February 19, 2021 Fri
Today I hit 14 months! Again it was a bit underwhelming, honestly I won't really celebrate till I hit 18 months, cause that's when it gets good.
Today we met with Oscar, shared the Ten Commandments, and stayed an extra hour cause he really wanted us to stay and forced us to eat. After that we were pretty pooped so we had a chill rest of the day.
This has been a fast and great week. A lesson everyday, Oscar & James are progressing, and its been fast. That's honestly all a missionary could ask for.

February 20, 2021 Sat
Today we met with Junior to begin to share some of the Recent Convert lessons! We shared/taught about the Priesthood and it went really well. He understands very well, doesn't talk too much, and he really trusts us. It was honestly really fun to teach Junior again, plus to possibly see him have the priesthood in time to baptize his wife would be so awesome!
Not much else happened today, it was very relaxed today.

February 21, 2021 Sun
Today was Missionary Sunday and it was alright. Sisters Muropa and Nabwire gave talks that ended up being 8 mins...all together (they should have been at least 8 min. each). And Bukasa taught Sunday School which went over by 15 mins. Honestly I just thought it was a funny juxtaposition haha. After church we took some District Pics and then Bukasa and I headed back to the apartment for lunch.
We met with Ziporhha again, this time it was with 3 extra people instead of the whole neighborhood. We taught about the Book of Mormon and I could tell she was interested in learning even more. I think she'll really come to church next week.
I noticed that when I am wearing my scripture bag and my sun hat I low key look like Indiana Jones which is pretty wizard, but I most definitely don't feel like him. I just feel like a skinny white kid whose tired all the time...which I also look like...and it makes sense.

SO, last week I read through the 2 BEST stories in the Book of Mormon. All of Chief Captain Moroni and The Army of Helaman aka The 2000 Stripling Warriors. I have mentioned The Man, The Myth, The Legend Captain Moroni before so I think I will focus on The Army of Helaman.

Any of you who knew me before the mission or got to see my Missionary plaque (at the church when it was possible) know that my Missionary Scripture was Alma 53: 20-21;

    20 And they were all young men, and they were exceedingly valiant for courage, and also for
strength and activity; but behold, this was not all—they were men who were true at all times in
whatsoever thing they were entrusted.
    21 Yea, they were men of truth and soberness, for they had been taught to keep the commandments
of God and to walk uprightly before him.

Oh yeah, so good. As a kid in high school I could only dream to be at all like this. I imagined an army of the most buff and righteous guys. Then I looked in the mirror and realized if I were among them I'd be the water boy.

But another name for this "Army of Helaman" is "The 2000 Stripling Warriors." It wasn't until I was 17 that I actually figured out what stripling meant. It essentially means "a boy" or "a kid" or my favorite synonym in the dictionary "a whippersnapper." Something I didn't know was that some of the great "Army of Helaman" probably looked a lot like me. Obviously more tan, but some just as skinny, some just as tall, some just as childlike. Maybe some also had acne...I'm just trying to make myself feel better, but also to illustrate a point.

This "Army" was just a bunch of kids from late teens to early 20s. They weren't all massive, Steve Rogers, Captain America looking dudes, maybe some, but not the majority. A lot may have been like a pre-spider bite, Peter Parker (aka me lol).

Yet even with some being weak or slow or very young, they still went forth and fought for their freedom, their liberty, and their God. This because of their Faith in Christ, that they would not perish.
And you know what?
Because of that faith none of them did.
Some had many wounds, but none died. Even with their weaknesses they succeeded, and because of their story, I gained enough faith in myself to go to all of the places I've been on my mission. Johannesburg, Njeru, Home, Hurricane, Little Valley, and here in Masaka.

I will remember the story of the most Valiant group of Young Men recorded in History and seek to be "exceedingly valiant for courage" and be "true at all times in whatsoever thing" I am "entrusted." I also extend the invitation to you all to join me in doing this. Whether you are a whippersnapper or not, we all can learn something from the example of faith in Christ shown by "The Army of Helaman." Mbyogedde mulinya ya Yesu Kristo, amiina (I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen).

This week flew by and I loved that! At this rate I will be hitting my 20th Birthday in no time! Also quick shoutout to Hayden who reported to the Online MTC and Justin who heads to the mission field in Pocatello, Idaho soon! Much love to them and all of you! Send me an email! I'd love to hear from you!

Qwagala nyo! (I love you so much!)
Elder Bradford


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