Valentired Of Being The Zone Mzungu
February 8, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! Kinda! I was able to talk to my family and send emails tewalibuzibu (no problem), relaxed for a while, then went and got Elder Bukasa a haircut. Afterwards we had interviews with President Chatora in person...on a P-Day.
My interview was good. When we finished we went shopping and I found and bought a Snickers for Bukasa and myself (They are actually pretty cheap so I'm bouta get FAT!). It was Bukasa's first one and he was enjoying it very much. Then we played pool which was pretty fun.
Feburary 9, 2021 Tues
Today was Zone Conference. It was my first one as a District Leader, so I had to attend a Zone Leadership Meeting. It was with all the District Leaders, both Zone Leaders, and any trainers that are asked to attend before the actual Conference begins. I got some really good council on how I can be a better leader and companion.
Zone Conference itself was really awesome as well, a big focus was on obedience and using time wisely. Both are very good to be trained on.
Afterwards they got us lunch. We each had a choice of a Burger or Chicken, and I chose the burger. It was pretty good, but no cap the one I made was better, and this was from a fancy restaurant. That's pretty sad haha.
On the way back I was yelled at by children (as per usual), but this time it was also at my companion, and it wasn't "Mzungu!" or "How are YOU!" but something a bit more on the inappropriate side. I'll make it PG but these kids yelled "Dumb Donkey! Dumb Donkey!" I'll let the more grown up people decipher that one, but needless to say I was nearly crying from how funny I thought it was!
February 10, 2021 Weds
Today we had a pretty productive morning and we were supposed to have a lesson with Oscar but he ended up being busy, so we'll meet with him tomorrow. Other than that, I did a little extra studying and tried to stay busy. We had a lot of downtime.
Today was super quiet, but everyone is saying I'm going to be made a Zone Leader soon. I honestly think so too, but I hope its not for another transfer.
Oh man...I'm going to have a very stressful and difficult last 10 months of my mission, aren't I? *sigh* Typical. I swear I am Donald Duck, cause "who gets stuck with all the bad luck? No one, but Donald Duck." (If you know what that's from, mad kudos to you, you are cultured)
February 11, 2021 Thurs
I started the day out feeling a little funky, but we had 2 lessons today! The first was with a guy named James who came to church last Sunday just cause he was invited! We shared the Restoration with him, it was so powerful! He has a ton of deep educated questions, like what is the role of a priest, what is the difference between a Prophet and a Priest, and how is the priesthood distributed. Some VERY good questions.
Afterwards we had a lesson with Oscar that was pretty all over the place. He has a lot of questions and talks A LOT. But we were able to explain the first ⅓ of the Plan of Salvation and have a few laughs.
Also we got transfer news (we are having a mini transfer because we are recieving so many Americans coming into the mission, sounds familiar) I AM STAYING! WOOOHOOO! NOT A ZONE LEADER! Also we are getting 2 new sisters put into Sisters Kantono and Aloyo old area. PLUS THERE IS ANOTHER MZUNGU COMING TO THE ZONE! God has got my BACK this transfer! So stoked!
February 12, 2021 Fri
Today I read something in the ebyawandikibwa (scriptures) in the Doctrine and Covenants Section 84 verse 97 that I feel I should quickly share;
"And plagues shall go forth, and they shall not be taken from the earth until I have completed my work, which shall be cut short in righteousness"
Yeah...COVID ain't going anywhere for a bit..."yaaaaaay"
On a more upbeat note, we met with Oscar again today. Finished teaching him the Plan of Salvation and the lesson went very well.
Afterwards our District had plans to have a District Dinner where I would make Burgers. Well...The Sisters were planning on working with Oscar's Mother so they were also at their flat, and Oscar's Mother, Mama Abalo, insisted on feeding us 4:00 in the evening.
It was very good and we appreciated it, but I was kinda really excited to make Burgers. We still ate burgers though. The break between was long enough where we were hungry enough to eat. "Why didn't you wait till tomorrow?" or "Why didn't you wait for the new Sisters?" you may ask. The reason is because the new Sisters are coming tomorrow and I didn't want to buy more meat and cook 6 burgers and I'm regrets.
Everyone enjoyed the Burgers they were a success! District Leader Score!
ME= 1 point
MY MISSION= *a lot more than 1*
February 13, 2021 Sat
Today was a slow day. Our lesson cancelled so we were home all day. It was also super thunderous which was pretty wizard (bringing it back). Overall the day was conference talks and Missionary Devotionals.
BUT the mzungu arrived today! It was funny when our Zone Leaders arrived with them, Chimuti (one of our Zone Leaders) yelled out to me, "Bradford! I brought you a present!"
His name is Elder Woods from Idaho Falls, he has been out a little shy of 6 months, and he was serving in Tampa Florida before getting here. His companion is Elder Pulu, who I met a year ago at Zone Conference. Both of them are super cool guys and I'm glad to have em around!
February 14, 2021 Sun
Today was the most romantic day of the cousin Kyler's Birthday! haha jk. Of course I am actually referring to Valentine's Day. The day that makes any Sister Missionary miss dating and every Elder glad they aren't. It is truly a Holiday made for Hallmark movies, greeting cards, and Nyabos (girls).
Anyway, we met our new Sisters Muropa & Nakalyango at church and they seem nice. They were pretty quiet so I didn't get to know them super well.
We had church then headed back to the apartment for a bit. I chatted with Woods to get to know him better and he's a really awesome dude.
Mama Abalo insisted that our District come to her grandson's Birthday Party, so we went and it wasn't so much a birthday party as we went over and they fed us. No complaints but not a party.
Well since Valentine's Day was this week I did think about a certain thing concerning my future that I am low key excited to figure out. Who my Final Companion will be.
Now don't worry! I am not actively seeking my future wife. I don't know who she is, where she is, if I do or don't already know her, or if she is even reading this email (that would be WILD). What I am doing is preparing myself to apply what I have learned and will learn on my mission, to my relationships after it.
I have heard and said a lot recently, mission prepares one for life. I wanna be prepared, especially for something this important.
This is a principle to be applied to anyone, whether they have been on a mission or not. Every time we devote time to serve our Kitaffe Alimugulu (Heavenly Father) we are learning something that can be applied to multiple things. Every calling we have, every service project, every time we give a talk even, we learn something that can be used to make our lives, our relationships, better.
It is simple and powerful, just like Our Savior. He helps us learn and gives us chances to do so. We must jump at the opportunities when they arise, because we never know when we may need a little extra Spiritual Experience. This I say in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
I love you all and am so grateful for all the emails I was able to receive! I love em! Keep em comin'! I wish you the best!
Qwagala nyo!
Elder Bradford
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