What A Start To The Month

Not much to say other than togende.

Feburary 1, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day and the beginning of Feb! and it was pretty terrible. My connection was horrible for calling family (I've really needed to talk to an American). Once all was lost I sent my emails and I felt awful. I'd go as far to say as depressed. I hadn't felt this sad and alone in my entire life, and I'm not exaggerating. This last week had honestly been a downward spiral until today where I hit rock bottom. I was feeling sad, angry, afraid, and above all alone...
I legit wanted to stay in my bed all day, but my companion wanted to play basketball with some other Elders. So I put my companion and being a good companion before myself.
While he was playing basketball I threw myself into studying my Patriarchal Blessing, advice from Dad, and the Book of Mormon. I needed answers.
I got some insights, but only one answer and it wasn't even responding to one of my questions, but instead to my problems...I must have hope and I must lose myself and go to work.
The rest of the day I still felt pretty awful, but not quite depressed. Silver Lining Folks! I have a lot to figure out and to improve on, but I have hope that it'll be worth it...eventually.

Feburary 2, 2021 Tues
Today I did a little re-evaluating of myself and set some goals to help me out. I have found I spend too much time thinking about the past or dreaming about the Post-Mission Future, so I'm trying to be more focused on the now.
I drew a really cool picture today, called it "Always Hope" Take a guess as to what inspired it. I don't get many opportunities to show off my art so I decided to post some of my favorite drawings from my mission on Facebook. The one I drew today is included.

Feburary 3, 2021 Weds
Today we had District Council Meeting at which I gave the trainings and I think it went well. I focused on the power and authority of our missionary callings.
Other than that we set up a couple lessons, and did some of those good ol' District Leader Duties. I'm feeling better than Monday thankfully.

Feburary 4, 2021 Thurs
Today we had a lesson with Oscar on the Restoration. He remembered much, but we did explain more so he understood better. It was honestly really great.
We had another lesson that fell through, but a contact we made said she'd go to church! We also stopped by and talked to the Sisters and found out that Sister Osikal is really struggling in Zimbabwe. That made me sad to hear. Please add her to your prayers. We also saw monkeys today.
The view while traveling by foot

Look closely at the base of the center tree to find the monkey

Feburary 5, 2021 Fri
Today was slower so I listened to talks and it really helped kill the time. I ended up listening to a lot of talks geared toward RMs (returned missionaries) or YSA (young single adults), not on purpose of course, but I also ain't complaining.
Also I made burgers again this week and they SLAPPED! Everything was better and pretty much perfect! Bukasa loved it too. He finished it and goes "uuUHH! I WANT MORE BURGER!" I died. But it was a very successful attempt to make American food! Yee Yee, Yee Haw, and YEEAAAH BOOIIIII!
Today was slow but I felt the spirit strong. I otta do what I did today everyday.
Happy Elders!

A successfully made burger, chips and fry sauce

Feburary 6, 2021 Sat
Today was another slow day, BUT this time we started to be very low on power. So in the UKM we have, for our apartments, a certain amount of power the mission pays for, and when the power goes out or gets low we have to call to get more. The only thing is that it takes up to 3 days for the Office Elders to actually get power to us. Sooo...yeah, we could be powerless for a bit. It's not the first time and not the first way I've experienced it.

Feburary 7, 2021 Sun
Today was alright. Church honestly was hard for me, again Luganda nyo (a lot of Luganda), but the members are pretty cool, and Sister Jovia brought us a Pizza. We ate it later cause it was also Fast Sunday. (Last week he told us that all the talks and lessons were given in Luganda so he didn't understand anything, or at least very little. This week, he said it was about 70-80% in Luganda.)

Our District was invited to the District Relief Society President's house for a message and some snacks. It was nice and pretty fun.
 (This "District" has nothing to do with the mission but on the geographical area and how many members there are that reside there. Instead of it being a Stake, where there are multiple, smaller congregations or wards that are under specific Church leadership for your area,... it is a District which is smaller. A Relief Society President is the lady who is oversees the Church's women's organization in this area.)

Other than that not much else other than the power is about to go out..."yaay!"

Sorry this update wasn't as light or funny or stupid (depending on your sense of humor it could normally be all 3), but I just didn't have as many in me this week.

BUT that's ok. Unlike a lot of updates from missionaries that are only the good parts of a mission, I will tell you the parts that are hard. You're welcome.

NOW BEFORE I GET EMAILS SAYING THAT i'M bEinG nEgaTiVe, LET ME SAY THIS...I'm not saying a mission is the fuel of my depression all the time, just some of the time. Otherwise, I think the mission is the most fun I've had.

Like the Nerf War I had back in September, or the fun on the Forth of July, or making the movie, "The District" in July, or Christmas Eve, or playing cards, or making friendships that will last through the ETERNITIES. All of this and MORE is reason enough to enjoy a mission. Plus teaching and seeing people you've grown to love join the church is AMAZING.

But if you asked me "what is a mission like?" and I answer "it was fun" or "It was the best two years of my life" I want you to smack me in the face and call me fake, cause that is a lie.

"What is a mission like?" It's HARD. The most difficult thing you will ever do...but that's what makes it worth it. That's what makes anything worth it.

When something is difficult there is something to learn that will help you grow. The more difficult, the more you will grow. So you can imagine I have grown a lot this last transfer, and if my mission will go as I fear, I still have a lot more growing to do.

But take the advice that I got and plan on taking myself, have hope.
Something else I realized is that I wanted this, both in this life and the Pre-mortal life.
We all wanted this life, challenges and all.
So don't waste it. Put your faith in Christ and He'll give you hope enough to carry on. Of this I testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Not much else to say other than I'd love to hear from anyone and everyone and I'm ok, promise.

Qwagala nyo!
Elder Bradford


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