Tryna Stay Whelmed

Guess who's back, Back again, Bradford's Back, Tell your friends (I've done that intro before but it's been over a year so I don't care). Ogamba ki mukwanos gwange! (what's up my friends!), I am indeed back with another update on the life of an underqualified Missionary! Yay! Togende! (Let's go!)

March 1, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! Also where did February go!? So fast! Anyway talked to makka (family), went grocery shopping, and passed out. It is Special Agent Oh so hot and I am oh so tired. Put them together and what do you get? Bibbidy bobbidy Bradford in a coma, I had a nice long nap today.

March 2, 2021 Tues
We met with Oscar today and shared about The Sabbath day and Following the Prophet, both of which he understood super well! He is super ready for baptism.
We are having a District Conference (basically a stake conference) this weekend and the Branch President asked the Sisters to make a Choir and they asked Elder Bukasa and myself to be a part of it. Members are supposed to be a part of it, but none showed up to the practice save it be two. So it was pretty much a train wreck lol. Plus Elder Bukasa and I were super tired so I was pretty loopy. Half tired Elder Bradford is pretty fun apparently.

March 3, 2021 Weds
You know how I said it's been hot, I think God heard me and felt I needed to appreciate the weather better, cause today it was definitely not hot. It rained cats and dogs so hard I wouldn't have been surprised to see actual cats and dogs falling from the sky. It was like a tempest, some really made Zeus upset.
We had a lesson planned and it wasn't very rainy when we left. But the rain began and grew and that lesson fell through (Bars).
It also became so windy that any open windows were being slammed shut so hard the windows shattered! Plus it was billowing up my poncho, I felt like Marylin Monroe.
All the Boda Bodas (motorcycle taxis) were off the roads hiding from the rain. If you've been to Disneyland when its pouring buckets, it looked like that (probably the most 1st world comparison I could've thought of).
Once we made it back, from my knees down were soaked and muddy, so needless to say I took a shower cause I ain't tryna get sick. Got some pretty sweet pics though, plus living "Africa" by Toto is also nice.

March 4, 2021 Thurs
Today wasn't rainy which was a blessing and a half cause my shoes were still slightly damp.
We had a lesson fall through then met a referral Junior gave us. His name is Edward and he is good friends with Junior. He didn't have much time so we just did introductions, invited him to church, and planned to meet with him on Sunday.
When we got back to the Compound, on the wall by the walk way we normally take to get to our apartment there was a 6 inch long Lizard. I was about to grab my phone and take a picture and the Lizard jumped near Bukasa! Bukasa goes, "UAHH!" lets out a Girly man scream. I was dying laughing for 5 minutes.

March 5, 2021 Fri
Today didn't go at all according to plan. Oscar was supposed to have his Baptismal Interview, but when the time came he was off doing something and when we tried to meet him later, no answer on his phone. Totally out of character for him, and now he can't get baptized tomorrow and likely that neither Bukasa and I will be here because of transfers.
Other than that I conducted an interview for someone Madlingozi & Nabwire were teaching. We also had another choir practice which was alright.
I made burgers tonight cause I needed to make a bright side to the day and they were pretty good. My skills have improved nicely. Today could be considered to be overwhelming, but I was whelmed. Suffered through it, that's all I can do.

March 6, 2021 Sat

Today Madlingozi & Nabwire's person got Baptized! She was super late, but better late than never.
So because of the District Conference President Chatora is in Masaka. While we were leaving the Church building we passed Pres and greeted him. He said, "Elder Bradford, I need to talk to you tomorrow. You're in trouble." I replied "For real?" "Yes...relax I just want to talk to you."' I nearly soiled myself, but now I truly accept my fate as a Zone Leader. It was fun while it lasted.
We attended the adult session of District Conference then My (Missionary) District and the Zone Leaders all grabbed Pizza. I hadn't been this excited for anything all day, so I enjoyed myself. We got 4 pizzas, I had 6 slices and there are 8 slices in one pizza at Plot 99. I could've killed a whole Pizza.

March 7, 2021 Sun
Today was the general session of District Conference and it was alright, I always enjoy hearing President and Sister Chatora speak. President talked to me today and gave me a new assignment, I am a *drum roll* Technology Specialist! Which basically means I help missionaries who are dumb with smart phones and talk to Salt Lake if a Missionary forgets a password, but it's NOT ZONE LEADER! YES!
Afterwards, Bukasa and I gave a member's son a blessing. Then our District all had lunch together.
I tried calling our investigators a few times today with no luck. Everyone either didn't answer or is out of town. What a week, huh? Haha

If I've learned one thing on my mission it's that if you have a really good day or week you are about to have a really bad one.

The beginning of the week was pretty good, just some small stupid complaints, but honestly some good days. Then the end of the week smacked me in the face like I called it fat.

But hey, what can you do?

I noticed on Friday that I had put so much effort into getting into contact with Oscar, to get him interviewed and perfectly ready for Baptism, just like he wanted.
But even with all my efforts it didn't happen.

Yeah I was sad and maybe a little frustrated, but not with myself. I recognized the important fact that I had done all I could.

My purpose is to "invite others to come unto Christ." I did that the best I could.

Something President Bester, my MTC President, left with us missionaries was to do a D&C 4:2, which is referring to Doctrine and Covenants Section 4 Verse 2 which says;

"Wherefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind, and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day."

President Bester said to put this in exact terms of my mission, that if I work with "all my heart, mind, might and strength" I "will stand blameless" on the Last day of my mission.

Elder Rwanga (one of my Zone Leaders) and I were talking about this and he mentioned how when I fly home I will have a lot of time to reflect and remember my mission, cause the flight is longer than The Lord of The Rings Trilogy.

I do not want to look back and regret my mission or my life. I wish to live it to the best of my ability.
On my mission that means serving "with all my heart, mind, might and strength."
Once I am home that means to remain strong in love, patience, discipline, and testimony.

I have a testimony that this will only be possible for myself and everyone through a strong reliance on Jesus Christ, mulokozzi era mununuzi wafe (Our Savior and Redeemer). Through Him we are able to achieve all of that which we need.
Of this I testify mulinya ya Yesus Kristo, Amiina

I love you all and love hearing from you all! Thank you so much to those few who sent me an email this week, it made my day!

Qwagala Nyo! (I love you so much!)
Elder Bradford

***Elder Bradford was able to send us an additional message that he will be staying in Masaka this transfer. Elder Bukasa will be heading to Njeru to finish out his mission. (Njeru is where Elder Bradford served last year) We'll find out who his new companion is next week.


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