He will Call. Will you Answer?

Ogamba Ki mukwanos gwange! (What's up my friends!)
I am back with another update for your enjoyment and my memory. It's lacking btw.
Togende! (Let's go!)

April 12, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day...and then it wasn't. The Zone Leaders called me last night and said Elder Kisegerwa and I were going to Kampala today at 2:00pm.
So I had half a P-Day. I talked to Makka, went shopping, and packed for the day and a half visit. We left with the Zone Leaders around 2:00 and drove the 3 hours to Kampala.
Kampala is the worst. It has too many people and it can be stupid expensive. It's pretty much the LA of Uganda except it doesn't have nice beaches and Disneyland right by it.
Elders Rwanga and Reese stayed with other Zone Leaders while Elder Kisegerwa and I stayed in the Mutungo apartment with Elder Woods' MTC companion Elder Jenson. Their apartment was HOT. TOO. STINKIN. HOT.

April 13, 2021 Tues
Today had an early start, 5:30am, shower, dressed, pack, popped the zipper off my suitcase by accident, semi fixed it (basically fixed it later in the week), drove with the Zone Leaders to Interpol for working permits.
We were at Interpol for like 8 hours. It was the DMV. Literally the same. BUT, I got to see some old friends. Sister Madlingozi, who was in my District, Elder Dodge, who I met my first Transfer in Jinja, and Pauni and Valadez! My MTC Brothers! I haven't seen Pauni since January and Valadez since the evacuation, so it'd been a minute. It was the most fun part and made the trip worth it.
After Interpol we left, but not without grabbing a bite to eat from none other than *drum roll* KFC! I was way to excited to be eating the Colonel's Chicken. The KFC is the fanciest looking restaurant I've seen since St. George. I got 8 wings and an OREO Shake. No regrets, it was finger lickin' good.
When we got back I felt gross cause I had been in a car for a long time, so I ran some laps and felt better.

April 14, 2021 Weds
Today we had our last District Council Meeting of the transfer. I thought it went well. Our District chatted for an extra 30 mins afterwards lol. We also went to town to order District shirts which took like 2 hours and tired me out.
Didn't have much else and the phone stopped working again so I studied Conference Talks and ran laps. Also Burgers aka Wins.

April 15, 2021 Thurs
Today we planned to meet with James, but he became busy so we couldn't. We did a little shopping, dropped the groceries off at the apartment, then went to a lesson with Ana and Junior. We taught the Word of Wisdom which had no major problems and was actually very pleasant.
After that not much else, relaxed, made/are dinner, and, oh yeah, I made S'MORES! I bought mallows while shopping and I happened to have found Nutella and an actually good peanut butter, add those to my already owned cracker/cookie things, so I sent it and made s'mores!
I invited Gumbato to partake of course as well as Woods and Galumalemana. It had been a long time since I had s'mores and let me tell ya, they did not disappoint! They made Bradford a Happy Boy!
I had to explain to Gumbato and Galumalemana how to make a s'more and the whole time I did I couldn't help but think of the scene from The Sandlot, "You're KILLING me Smalls!"

April 16, 2021 Fri
Today we didn't have a ton. We tried setting up a few lessons, but only had one. Oh well! The lesson we did have was with Stephen and we taught the Word of Wisdom, and not only did he understand it, but was also already living it cause his sister told him to. Powerful!
Other than that I conducted a Baptismal Interview and made Burgers for both Gumbato and Myself!
***Parental Note: Prior to this, Elder Gumbato had only been eating the food he made himself, so this was a huge moment for Elder Bradford.***

April 17, 2021 Sat
Today we very early in the day received the surprise news that President and Sister Chatora are coming to Masaka. Not sure why, but they are. Nyankombe and Kabas had a Baptism for a Brother they were teaching and he asked me to baptize him. President and Sister Chatora joined in on the service, it was very nice.
Afterwards we went and picked up the District shirts, did some shopping for District lunch tomorrow, and then headed back to the apartment. We filled our failed lesson time with the missionary devotional, Conference talks, and preparing talks for Sacrament meeting tomorrow.
We got Transfer news! I'm leaving Masaka going to Makindye, Kampala and my companion will be Elder Langi, who was in Jinja Zone when I was there. Marimo is also leaving going to Jinja. Rwanda is opening back up this transfer and I kinda wanted to go. I called Valadez and Pauni to hear their news and both of them are going to Rwanda. So now I really REALLY want to go to Rwanda.

April 18, 2021 Sun
Today was Missionary Sunday at church and President and Sister Chatora attended it. Sister Marimo gave a farewell testimony, I gave a talk and gave my farewell testimony, Elder Gumbato gave a talk, and President Chatora said the closing remarks.
Many members came up to me after and said some goodbyes and thanked me for my talk and my service. I'll miss Masaka quite a bit.
After church Gumbato and I had a lesson with Edward, a friend of Junior's. Junior helped us as we taught him the Restoration. It went pretty good!
After that we had our District Lunch. We cooked, talked, ate, laughed, sang, laughed, danced, laughed (we laughed a lot I'm realizing). I'll miss this District, I'll miss this Zone, I'll miss Masaka.

Transfers are always bittersweet, and this one is no exception, but the only difference is I wasn't sad I was leaving, more so that I wasn't going to Rwanda with my only two American mission brothers in the Mission and instead going to Kampala which I strongly dislike.

But whatever the news I'll accept it, because the Lord needs me wherever He calls me.

This is true for us all. While many of you may not have as demanding a calling as I, or maybe you do, or maybe you don't have a calling, regardless the Lord needs your help to bless the lives of those around you.

He will call. Will you answer?

Doesn't matter what capacity you are asked or prompted to do it. It doesn't matter the fear that you have before acting. It does matter that you do, and it does matter how that person will feel after you do.

Look at those you are to watch over or those who are your peers. Both are in need of blessings and tender mercies. So answer the call to love them as Jesus loves you, and me, and US. He will call. Will you answer?
This I share mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.

Love you all! Thanks to everyone who emailed me this last week! It was greatly needed and appreciated! Pray I will have a good transfer and pray I'll get to go to RWANDA! Haha

Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford


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