Hat, Rat, Bap...tism

Ogamba ki mukwanos gwange! (What's up my friends!) This week was one heck of a rollercoaster. Ups, downs, and loopity loops...I know that's not normally said, but you get what I mean.
Togende! (Lets go!)

April 5, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! I talked to my Makka (family), emailed (received a lot of them today!) and relaxed. Elder Gumbato went with Elder Munyapa to buy a bucket hat, so I asked him to buy me a red one. It's nice, a Tommy Hilfiger which I just recently found out wasn't actually named Tommy Hillfinger. Who knew! Also it's not a fake like most "Brands" sold here, like "Abidas" or "Hike."
We went grocery shopping before getting absolutely humbled in pool. I played well, but just failed myself. The Force was not with me today...*Darth Vader Voice* NOOOOOooo!
Other than that, Gumbato and I had to join a Mission Tech Council meeting which consists of President and Sister Chatora the Zone Leaders, Assistants, Tech and Social Media Specialists, and Referral Managers. It was alright, nothing special unlike my burgers of which I made and killed afterwards.

April 6, 2021 Tues
So today was a little rough.
We had big plans, but the phone stopped working so we had to use a different phone to make calls. We met with Brenda and shared part of the Plan of Salvation, then met with Oscar and Mama Abalo which ended up being contentious for a few reasons.
Oscar was upset that he hasn't been baptized yet, especially since he has introduced friends to the church who have been baptized for a long time. Mama Abalo was also upset for the same reasons and she is having a hard time with some of the leadership in the Church in Masaka.
It was essentially an hour of the two of them complaining and at times, yelling at us. It was pretty awkward, but Oscar still wants to be baptized but afterward I felt like a piece of trash...cool beans.
After that I accidentally passed out an hour and a half into the Priesthood Session of Conference. I also almost ate an entire liter of Ice Cream to feel better about myself...you're not allowed to judge, you know you've done it too!

April 7, 2021 Wed
Again, today was a little rough.
At District Council Meeting I found out I have basically failed my District. They don't feel like we are all close and don't feel loved by me. I take full responsibility for that. So that was a bit of sad revelation. Also all our lessons fell through which didn't help.
At the end of the day I felt like my brain was going at a million miles an hour, so to clear my head I did something I haven't since I was with Elder Bates, but I have missed. I Ran. I just did laps around the compound, but I ran for a while, till my body was like "If you keep going your body will hate you."
It. Felt. So. Good.
When I finished I watched the sunset and chilled for a bit. Basically I had a "Twin Suns" moment from Star Wars. Then I made myself a burger, feelin' good.

April 8, 2021 Thurs
Today we had a District activity in which we made and ate cake! We also talked, laughed, and (for me at least) tried to make up for lost time. After that we had our lessons fall through again...yaaay.
I made burgers to make a win for myself, but that wasn't the win I got.
I was talking to Elder Woods in his apartment when he stops mid sentence.
"I think I saw a rat." He says.
He gets up grabs a broom and I eagerly follow and grab the mop.
It was in the kitchen in a corner opposite the open door to go outside behind a box.
It wasn't getting away this time.
Woods moves the box, the rat runs out and I hit that thing into the wall and it ran into the corner right by the open exit underneath some bags.
I yelled to Pulu, "Help us catch the rat!"
He grabs the trash can by the door and lays it on the ground creating the prefect goal, "Get it in here." He says.
We push the Rat out of the corner and I Happy Gilmore that thing into the trash can!
"YEEEEEESSSS!" I exclaim. "LET'S GO!" "VENGENCE IS MINE!" and a ton of other phrases revolving around victory. Needless to say I was in a very good mood the rest of the night.

April 9, 2021 Fri

Today we had a very busy day. We met with James and shared the Word of Wisdom with him. He was not sure about it, specifically about the tea and coffee parts. He seems to be banking on ALL things to come straight from the scriptures instead of gaining a spiritual witness, so we'll see how he progresses.
Then we taught Stephen and his friend Allan the Restoration which went super well. They are some smart kids and pretty fun too.
I also did a Baptismal Interview for someone Sisters Kabas and Nyankombe are teaching, he passed!
Then we went and taught Ana the Law of Chastity. I'm so excited for Ana and Junior, and their little family. They have a chubby baby girl that used to cry when she saw me, but now she smiles and tries to talk to me. Even African babies eventually love me.
On the way back to the apartment we talked to Oscar to prepare him for his Baptism tomorrow! Then we ate some UBER expensive food at Banda Lodge which is a Mzungu restaurant that is up to Mzungu standards of nice. I got some chicken that was pretty bomb.com.

April 10, 2021 Sat
Today was Baptism Day! Which ended up being 2 hours late, Thanks Uganda! But it still happened. I baptized Oscar and the Branch President Baptized Jacky (Someone that Sisters Marimo and Machele were teaching). Their testimonies were awesome and I was so glad to have the experience!
Other than that, Elder Gumbato and I had a lesson that was super far. It was with the Relief Society President and her 2 friends she wanted to be taught. Not sure either of them are actually interested, but I do know one thing...Gumbato and I walked far to get back to the apartment. May have sang Country Roads by John Denver on the way...no regrets.
When we got back I ran laps in the compound again which felt great. People can call me crazy all they want, I LIKE RUNNING, it makes me feel good.

April 11, 2021 Sun
Today was alright. Instead of a normal Sacrament Meeting we watched a session of  General Conference for church which confused Oscar into thinking that he wasn't going to get confirmed today, so he left. I called him and clarified and it will probably happen next week lol.
After that we shared the Plan of Salvation with Stephen who came to church! We also invited him to be baptized and he accepted! This kid is powerful!

So I have something to confess. I have not listened to all of General Conference yet. I know, I know I'm a sinner, but I have listened to most of it. From what I have listened to, one talk I really enjoyed was the talk by Gary E. Stevenson titled "Hearts Knit Together."

(Here is the link to the talk if you're interested in watching or reading it.)  

In it was the story of a group of researchers who were baffled by how half of a group of identical rabbits were more healthy than the rest just because the assistant feeding and caring for them showed them love.

Granted we aren't rabbits, but I feel like this easily applies to us humans. Think about it. When someone is actively loving and caring about you, don't you just feel better?

If you don't, I'm sorry cause you are either emotionally stunted and need help or a robot.
But for the rest of us who feel this goodness, this love, how can we feel that at all times?

One way is going out of your way to remember that the most powerful beings in the Universe love you more than you could love anything. Kitaffe Alimugulu ne Mulokozzi wafe (Heavenly Father and our Savior) love us so much and can help us to always feel that we belong.

This requires effort, but what relationship doesn't? Faith, prayer, and scripture are the key elements of feeling that love.

So to all of you I ask, are you wanting to feel that love?
If so, what are you gonna do about it?

This I share mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.

I received many more emails this week thank you all so much! I try to respond to every one, but forgive me if I miss you!
Qwagala nyo makka era mukwanos gwange!
(I love you my family and friends!)
Elder Bradford



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