Food Is My Friend, And Y'all Better Believe It
Ogamba ki mukwanos ne makka!
(What's up friends and family!)I ate A LOT of nice food this week, so needless to say it wasn't all that bad haha! Also, I wrote another novel for y'all. Forgive me, I just have a lot of stupid stuff to spout out apparently.
Anyways, Togende! (Let's go!)
May 3, 2021
Today was P-Day! I talked to makka, sent some emails, had a small breakfast (Flapjacks that actually resembled Flapjacks), cleaned, did laundry and relaxed.
We went to Kampala Town to go to one of the few good things about Kampala, The Holy Grail of Food...FoodHub. And may I say IT. IS. GLORIOUS. It's basically a food court that has the different restaurants, but they're all owned by FoodHub. Options range from burgers to ice cream to fried chicken to shwarma.
I bought a double cheeseburger (which came with fries, a drink, and ice cream). I killed the burger in probably close to 5 minutes and may have been complimenting it like I would my future wife while doing so. Is that a little weird? Yes. Do I regret it or feel shame? No.
Langi also bought me a shake which was and wasn't nice, because my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Felt like The Daddy Dave's all over again haha!
After the long taxi ride back, we played pool. Another tough day, W/L=2/6. I think its because the balls at the table are tiny and extremely light, also I've got the luck of Donald Duck after he ran over a Leprechaun so that doesn't help. Regardless, I still played ok, dare I say good...just not good enough...big sad.
After that I literally worked out my frustration towards an inanimate Object (the Pool Table). Push ups, squats, the whole nine yards. Felt good.
May 4, 2021 Tues
May the Forth be with you! Today was Star Wars Day! Unfortunately, unlike last year, I couldn't celebrate it with a Podcast or by watching of any Star Wars Media (but I do have a little Star Wars music). So I celebrated with drawing a picture (I'm doing half today and half tomorrow for Revenge of the Fifth) and writing a rap which was fun and stupid and I may or may not show y'all haha. Yeah I'm a Geek, #SorryNotSorry
Other than that, we called people to no avail, so we went to the chapel and listened to the Missionary Devotional.
May 5, 2021 Weds
Some people call today Cinco de Mayo, but considering its not actually a Mexican Holiday I decided to "celebrate" (I say celebrate loosely) Revenge of the Fifth, by finishing my picture. Again, I know, I'm a Geek, #SorryNotSorry
We had District Council Meeting today and it went pretty good. We decided to go get pizza as a District after DCM. This place we went to had a Buy 1 get 1 free deal, so we bought 2 and got 2 free. We ate 2 pizzas there and were gonna take the other 2 to go. After eating, our waiter brought us 3 pizza boxes instead of 2 then hands us the bill. Apparently we ordered an Extra Pizza and the 3rd box (which was slightly bigger) was the extra one we bought and the free one that came with it. I didn't care cause I liked pizza and knew we'd kill them. So I paid the remainder and we left. I think its hilarious that we accidentally bought 6 pizzas. I mean WE ACCIDENTALLY BOUGHT SIX PIZZAS, who does that?
Anyways, Langi and I had another lesson with Vivian which went well. After the lesson we went to Freedom City to get some groceries for BURGERS. That's right they're coming, I'm low on money in preparation, but they're coming.
May 6, 2021 Thurs
Today I conducted 2 Baptismal Interviews for a couple people who Elders Max and Hachijika are teaching. The interviews were honestly really fun, the two that I interviewed really knew their stuff and are SUPER prepared for Baptism.
Afterwards, I wanted to pop over to Coffee Plus (the place we went for pizza) to buy a pretty cheap item they had there...D to the O to the N-U-T-S! DONUTS! Here they don't just have "Plain Donuts" (*cough* bagels) they had chocolate frosted with sprinkles and this weird long one with cream going through it hot dog style. The chocolate sprinkle was like a 6/10 and the cream was like a 7/10, I was very pleased with both of these donuts.
One of our District goals this transfer is to study Come Follow Me together. We forgot last week so we made sure to do it this week. It was pretty cool! We went off on a couple tangents, but still was pretty good! This week's lesson was on Spiritual Blessings which are mentioned in Patriarchal Blessings, so we talked a little about those as well.
May 7, 2021 Fri
Today Elder Langi and I went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. Elder Tyantsi was with Elder Langi in our area, Makindye, while I was with Elder Rooks in their area, Kansanga.
We began our exchange at around 8:00am, Rooks and I drove to the Nsambya apartments to drop something off, then over to the Kansanga apartment. Both are vastly superior to the Makindye apartment. Whatever, that just means I get more character growth.
We did our Studies and it was honestly super edifying and awesome. Rooks told me the plans for the day with an added adjustment of some service, helping a member, who is being evicted, move.
We went in normal missionary clothes because we figured it'd be quick and easy...right? Wrong, we were. Dirty, we got. Yoda, I am (sorry, Geek). Apparently the Guy's landlord told him he could only do one trip and anything left behind she would take...I know, wrong in so many ways, but I'm pretty sure that's Uganda's motto. So we packed the truck so much and well even the Elders Quorum would've approved (because nobody moves people's stuff like the Elders Quorum). Luckily it wasn't just Rooks and I, Elders Asher and Muguwa (who cover Kansanga as well) were with us. All together it took 2-2½ hours to pack and move the stuff, but no cap it was pretty fun haha.
After that all 4 of us went to the Kansanga Chapel. Elder Rooks had to do some Baptismal Interviews and we hadn't eaten yet, so Asher and Muguwa went to get food, I gave them money to get me a big Rolegs. I killed it.
After all that Rooks and I tried to teach a lesson, but she read the Pamphlets and remembered everything, which was powerful! Wish teaching was always that easy haha.
Then we stopped by a few other people Rooks and Tyantsi have been meeting with. On the way back to the apartment I bought Rooks and I donuts (oh yeah, I'm finding them everywhere) this one was a 7/10, good donut.
All of us listened to the Missionary Devotional (Elders Reese and Rwanga made an appearance!), had dinner, and passed out.
May 8, 2021 Sat
Today we finished our Exchange, but it was a little weird. The APs needed to switch cars with Rooks, so they drove with Tyantsi and Langi, dropped them off, switched cars, then left. Rooks and Tyantsi took Langi and I back to the Makindye apartment. In the same sentence as, "Welcome Back," Elder Hachijika said, "There's no power." ...yup...What a welcome back! I took a shower, changed, then did my studies.
Langi and I met with a recent convert, Cynthia, and read a chapter from The Book of Mormon with her. She's originally from D.R.Congo (not Doctor Congo, I tell bad jokes but there's a line) so she speaks French better than English, and I very quickly realized I know like Zilch in French. I know others like Luganda, Kantono kantono (small, small), Español, poquito más (a little more), English, yeah I guess, but French? Tewali, Nada, Nothin'.
After that we went to the church and hung out and talked, Langi told me about the REAL history of Tonga (don't ask, idk), we also did some Street Contacting!
When we got back to the Apartment the power was back! Praise The Lord! So I plugged in the Tech Spec phone to charge and decided to work out which felt balungi (good).
Following that I relaxed, reviewed the day, then cleaned up and prepared for main event time. *plays Sunday Night Football music* I made, what I am OFFICIALLY A PRO AT MAKING, BURGERS. Made 'em for the whole District and everyone enjoyed 'em, so BOOM! Add that to my wins against Uganda!
May 9, 2021 Sun
Today we ACTUALLY HAD AN INVESTIGATOR COME TO CHURCH! It's someone Maughan and Langi were teaching, and that we hadn't been able to get in contact with. Her name is Raykil (The Ugandan way to spell Rachel). After Church we shared The Plan of Salvation with her and she accepted the invitation to be Baptized!
After that we had lunch then had a quick visit with one of the contacts from yesterday. His name is Robert and he'd met with Missionaries 4 years prior and actually attends another Ward in Kampala! So I'm feeling pretty hopeful for him.
For dinner, y'all already know the time, I otta make a Song for this, BURGERS. Again, they were a win!
I've been reading The New Testament for the last few weeks and it has been AWESOME. Reading those stories, teachings, parables, and scriptures I use and/or talk about everyday is pretty sweet. Kinda like an "AHA!" moment.
A Teaching I read that I really liked and don't remember hearing about from any talks or Devotionals was in Matthew 15:14;
Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
So plain and simple I'm not sure anyone can misunderstand it.
One cannot expect to be a leader if they don't know how to lead or what they're leading people towards. In this chapter Jesus had just totally roasted the Pharisees, telling them that they are hypocrites and teach what is false. The Apostles were like, "Jesus, you know you just totally offended them, Right?" I'm paraphrasing it actually says;
Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?
But I'm pretty spot on.
Jesus then says the Powerful scripture I quoted. "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."
Sometimes we are lead after the people of the world seeking after the things of the world, along the way forgetting who we are really to follow and what we are to focus on.
The things of Eternal worth are found only by following Christ and His appointed leaders and focusing on His teachings which are the only way to lead us to a place where we can truly be happy.
Jesus healed the blind as long as they had faith in Him. We must follow with diligence, having faith enough to be healed and see, that we may not be blind.
Close your eyes. Imagine you are blind.
Put yourself in the head space that you haven't seen anything or anyone for a long time.
Its just been dark.
You have been told stories of the Son of God among men healing all that are lame, sick, or blind.
You begin to wish and to have hope that you can see again.
You hear someone come up to you.
A man's voice, quiet but friendly, says,
"Do you want to see?"
Obviously your answer is "Yes"
"Do you believe the stories told about the Son of God who heals the blind?" He says.
"Yes" you answer, "I believe in the Son of God. Even though I can't see these things, they fill me with hope."
The man puts His hands on your face.
At first you are startled, but then you hear Him say your name and say, "because of your Faith in Me, who you have never seen, I heal you that you may see all things."
Your eyes Open.
And you see.
You see standing before you, with a big smile on His face, and arms open wide
The Savior, Jesus Christ.
He then says to you,
"My friend, please, Come Follow Me."
I know that Jesus Christ can heal us of our Blindness and can guide us when we are blind. I know that following Him leads to a Joy that is Amazing and a Hope that is strengthening. I know He Loves me, and I know He loves you. Mbyogedde mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.
Thanks to the few who emailed me and the few who actually read my Novel! These things are getting longer as my time left gets shorter, kinda funny how that works Haha!
Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford
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