He'll Pick You Up

Ogamba ki mukwanos ne makka!
(What's up friends and family!)
Got another update for ya and its bite sized compared to the last few weeks so enjoy it!
Anyways, Togende! (Let's go!)

May 10, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! I talked to makka which is always the best, sent some emails, I relaxed, cleaned, and enjoyed. We took another trip through Crazyville (Kampala Town) through a WHOLE LOTTA rain and a WHOLE LOTTA people to get to FoodHub! I got the Shwarma Sub Sanguino (that's my nickname for sandwiches) which slapped! 8/10 fo sho! Also got some Mashed Potatoes that were a hard 5/10 not great, Grandma's are vastly superior.
After FoodHub and our return, we cleaned, relaxed, and enjoyed the day the best we could.

May 11, 2021 Tues
Today got WET! We met with someone Elders Langi and Maughan had been teaching named David, talked with him and shared with him about the Sabbath Day. During our lesson it started POURING rain, luckily we were under David's Patio cover so we were good, but the rain was coming down so hard it would make Seattle look dry. It slowed down as we were finishing so we left when it was calm.
Along the way back we found that the paths and streets we normally take were completely flooded. Elder Langi and I were jumping to different high grounds and climbing along the sides of walls and ledges to get back. I felt like Spiderman, but not in a cool way. The rain also picked back up amongst all this. Unfortunately we came to a point where we could jump and climb no further.
Langi turns to me and says, "Don't worry companion, I will carry you." I said, "No I can't ask you to do that." As soon as I said that he steps into the ankle deep water and tells me to get on. Well...since he was already in there...I hopped on. Elder Langi carried me for like 20 yards through, at the deepest point, a foot of water! If I didn't already know my companion loves me I do now! We got back to the apartment soaking wet. So we cleaned up and showered of course.
After about an hour we went back out to go to the market to buy a few things then came back. I'm not sure I've been more wet in my entire mission than I got today. It looked like I stood in the shower for 10 minutes fully dressed.

May 12, 2021 Weds
Today was President Museveni's Re-inauguration Day, so, to be safe, President Chatora initiated a lockdown for today because people can be crazy. We also had District Council Meeting today, which was good, it was uplifting and fun.
Other than that today was quite empty because we couldn't go out and do stuff. So...I listened to Devotionals, called a referral, recalled significant days from my mission, and exercised, which very bulungi nyo (very good).

May 13, 2021 Thurs
Today we didn't have a ton. We had our morning studies, I listened to a BYU Devotional, eventually we ended going to the Chapel to listen to the Missionary Devotional, followed by a little Street Contacting before we had District Come Follow Me. This week was on receiving more Knowledge or more "light". It was pretty good. Afterwards, I listened to a Devotional by Brad Wilcox, then had dinner which Elder Langi Prepared for us all. He's been doing that like every night which is really kind of him.

May 14, 2021 Fri
Today was a lot of not a lot. We had studies, called people (everyone wants to meet on Sundays), and had a little lunch.
Allotment came in, so we all went to Freedom City to pull money and to buy some stuff. I may have bought some American snacks, such as Oreos, Doritos, and a Snickers, which does indeed satisfy. Also bought a Slice of Pizza which was a solid 7/10.

May 15, 2021 Sat
This morning I had the highly Nutritious Breakfast of Mini Oreos and milk...no regrets its was the most American I've felt in a long time. Other than that, everyone we are teaching wouldn't answer their phones. So we did some bonus studies, and we went out and did some street contacting (not a lot of success there).
Then we had a Ward Correlation Meeting. Our Ward Mission Leader is onboard 100% with Missionary Work so that is awesome, he's also a funny guy which helps haha.
Once back at the apartment, our District ate Dinner and watched The Best 2 Years together. It was a fun time!

May 16, 2021 Sun
Today Church was pretty nice. Langi and I didn't have anybody come, but Sacrament Meeting was nice and in 2nd Hour all us Elders were trying to fill up the baptismal font which was filling very slowly! Buuuut...Elders Max and Hachijika had a Baptism for the Brother and Sister I interviewed. It was an awesome service and those two are so awesome!
After church Langi and I met with Raykil. We talked with her and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ which went well, she understands good and seems to be comfortable with us, which is good because a Brown Guy and a White Guy in white shirts and ties coming and telling you about Jesus can be overwhelming.

I'm not sure why, but for my spiel this week I want to share an experience I had before my Mission. Maybe The Spirit told me to share this or I'm crazy, either way I will share it.

As many of you know, in High School I was a runner. I ran Track & Field all 4 years and Cross Country for 3, and I loved it. The Meets, the Races, the Team, the knowledge I gained of how to better myself all were amazing.
But was it easy?
HA! You wish!
It was rigorous and grueling at some parts. I threw up after a couple races, was tired or sore often, and was essentially doing a year round sport.
But...it was worth it.
By Senior year I loved challenges, I OFFICIALLY went crazy haha. Hills were (and still are) my favorite hard work out, and there was one Cross Country meet, one Cross Country course that had the biggest and baddest hills of them all.
The meet was Lagoon Valley, and the Hills were Little Sister and Big Mama.

Little Sister was steep and was big, but Big Mama was a gradual incline and then steep and was BIGGEST.

I had run that race twice at that point so I was ready and Hungry for Hills.

We warm up.
Get to the starting line.
Wait for the race to begin.
"On your marks...set...*BOOM*"

We were off running starting strong, starting fast. I was going, trying to stay in the head pack, feeling good, then...*trip*

Not 10 Seconds after the gun fired I fell and slid about 5-6 feet...yeah...ow

I was lying on the ground in the dirt, a bit dazed, watching everyone go by me in slow motion and I wanted to quit, to just lay there and pray no one stepped on me.

Then I felt a hand grab my left arm and begin to pull me up. My body must've been thinking "it's now or never" cause I instinctively used my right hand and pushed up with the pull.

I stood up and saw a kid from another team pulling me up and forward.

I shuffled forward and grabbed my chest cause I had the wind slightly knocked out of me.

He kept pulling me and saying, "Come on. You got this."

I said, "No, I can't."

We're moving slowly forward as we're still surrounded by runners like Simba in the stampede.

He says, "Yes you can, come on."

I gave in, cause I could tell he wouldn't let me quit.

So I started going.
I was dazed, dirty, scraped up, a little bruised, and my number ib was torn
...but I still moved forward.
(Keep in mind all of this realistically happened in the span of maybe a minute max)

Eventually I felt good and was able to catch my pace. I knew I couldn't let the team down, so I started passing the masses to get to where I needed to be.
Eventually I caught up to a teammate and stayed with him over Little Sister, over Big Mama, and through the finish line.

My teammates and Coach asked me what happened and I told them. Of course mentioning the part where a random guy took the time out of his race to help me get up.

I looked around to see if I could find him. I think the Spirit wanted me to find this guy because it didn't take much looking.

I walked up to him and asked, "Were you the one who helped me up?"
"Yeah, that was me." He answered
I thanked him and said, "I would not have finished the race if you didn't help me. Thank you."
And of course gave him a Bro-Hug cause that's what I do.

Now, why do I share this kinda long story?
I have said something this before, but Living Life in The Gospel of Jesus Christ is like Running a 5k.

As we run we face challenges.
-We get tired
-We get discouraged
-We fall

As we Live in the Gospel we face challenges.
-We get Tired of doing the basics, reading scriptures, praying, going to church
-We get discouraged by comparing our testimony or our blessings to others
-We Fall, we sin or we are hit with a trial that causes us to fall to our knees. Both should.

Let me tell you the truth of running a race. Its harder to run after stopping than it is to just keep running.

The same is said of the Gospel.
Granted there will be times when stop.
They're almost unavoidable, but when we are tired, or when we get discouraged, or when we fall there will be someone there to help us keep going.
His name is Jesus Christ.
He will run with you when you are tired and encourage you to keep going.
He will run with and talk with you when you are discouraged and help you find motivation.
He will pick you up when you fall and pull you towards the finish line, IF its where you're willing to be guided to.

I know that this is true and I know Jesus is the Christ and the One Person who knows you and will walk with you in times of hardship. This I testify mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.

This week was a little short in the reporting category, but hey I can't write a novel every week. Thank you to those few who sent Emails! Love em! Have a good week y'all!

Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford


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