If ye are Prepared YE SHALL NOT Fear

Ogamba ki mukwanos ne makka! (What's up friends and family!)
Ending of April beginning of May! Time is flying and I'm hanging onto the side of the plane! I guess you could say I'm basically Tom Cruise...except not 5"2 and don't believe in Scientology...but I am down to jump out of a plane! Any takers for skydiving after I get home?
Anyways, Togende! (Let's go!)

April 26, 2021 Mon

Today was P-Day! Started with talking to Makka (family) tewali buzubu (no problem). Apparently its 20 Days until they go to Disneyland according to my sister, Claire, who yelled that out randomly. Way to rub it in haha! After that I sent some emails, relaxed, drew, went shopping, came back and relaxed some more.
My District (which includes myself, Elder Langi, Elder Max, and Elder Hachijika) went to the church and kicked the soccer ball around, shot some hoops, and chilled. It was pretty fun, although I am not the best at soccer and maybe the worst at basketball. BUT I am pretty good at pool which I only played one game of against a random guy.
Going into it he was really confident, but after I sunk 2 in a row he visibly got nervous haha! It came down to the 8 Ball and he sunk it before me, but I gave him a legit run for his money (he bet money to his friends that he'd beat me).
It was fun and nice to see I do have some skill, just gotta stay humble. I don't need to come home with an ego that makes me look like a bobblehead, that's not attractive, and I don't need to make that aspect of myself more difficult than it already is.

April 27, 2021 Tues
Today I got up tewali buzibu and was pretty productive before studies, then of course studies were great. We didn't have a lot planned, just meeting a referral we received at this mall called Freedom City. I really wasn't expecting much from this mall, but I was pleasantly surprised. The mall was legit, and BIG, and it had a supermarket that hit so close to home right in The U.S.of A.. It was a place that even kinda smelled like America. I was so unnecessarily excited and happy. I felt like a kid in a candy store.
We walked around the mall (at my request) while we waited for the guy to show up. The mall is HUGE, like 4 stories tall with a hotel on top of it HUGE. It made me miss the Roseville Galleria and be upset that Fair Oaks has the Sunrise Mall (they don't even have a Cinnabon anymore!)
Anyway this guy, Aaron, was super late so we only had a quick chat with him, gave him a pamphlet, took a selfie with him (cause he wanted one, I know, weird), and invited him to church.
Not much afterwards, but I did get a call from Elder Dodge about some Tech Stuff then we chatted for a bit which was nice.

Elders Bradford and Langi in front of their apartment

Freedom City Mall

April 28, 2021 Weds
Today was My District's first District Council Meeting of the Transfer. I think it went really well. We had fun, I had a lot of participation in my training, and it was a good time.
After DCM got a call for some Tech Spec Business which took like 20-30 mins. Other than that, Elder Langi and I had a lesson with a Referral today! Her name is Vivian and she said she'll be moving soon...to Saudi Arabia...yeah, I know, quite the change. But the lesson went alright and we hope she comes to church.
After that nothing until the evening when I attempted to make another American dish, Flapjacks or Pancakes (Flapjacks is a better name, don't @ me) But mine didn't taste like Flapjacks, more like chibati haha! Well I wasn't the best burger maker when I began making burgers, but now, after practice, I am the Burger Boy. Same can be said of Flapjacks, I will someday be the Flapjack Fiend! (Tell me if you gotta better name cause that one ain't great)

April 29, 2021 Thurs
Today marks 500 days since I left home for South Africa in December of 2019. Dang...time flies.
Allotment came in today so our District went to Kampala Town (aka Crazyville) to pull our money and then to Shoprite, which is one of the only chain Supermarkets in Uganda and its only in Kampala. It's pretty nice not gonna lie. We shopped for meals and I got some small stuff for myself.  In Shoprite they have something kinda like the Bakery Section of Walmart where you can grab fresh made baked goods, but in Shoprite it wasn't JUST baked goods, they also had some Ugandan food you ordered Chipotle style.
I got some Piilow and some beef. They also had donuts, and not just what Ugandans call a "plain donut" and what Americans call a bagel. They also had apple donuts which were more of a pastry with apple slices in it. I got it and it was awesome! (Also I ate a Kit Kat, it was a good day).
We got a taxi back to Makindye and (with out trying) we got it all to ourselves all the way back. No squeezing in stupid amounts of people!
We dropped off our groceries at the apartment then went to the supermarket near us to get some other stuff cheap. (I also got a Tech Spec call to fix a problem and the solution was so simple and easy and hilarious) We spent too much money today.
We went back to the apartment and my foot was killing me. I got a mosquito bite on the bottom of my foot (don't ask me how) and the walking today made it swollen and itchy and...just a lovely experience. So I was basically out of commission the rest of the day. "FUN!" But I did finish my picture I was drawing, it was partially inspired by my what my Sister reminded me about on Monday.

It's hard to read but the "Tech Problem" was just the misspelled word "missionary" in the email address

April 30, 2021 Fri
Today my foot was still swollen on the bottom so my companion insisted that I rest it. I didn't do much today, but what I did do I enjoyed a lot. I did a lot of studying. From reading the scriptures, to connections between the scriptures and history, to listening to TONS of Devotionals. I've been listening to a lot of Brad Wilcox, Hank Smith, and John Bytheway, but my favorite Devotional I've listened to is "Life is a Game of Football" by Troy Dunn. If you haven't already, go listen to it! Its great!

May 1, 2021 Sat
Cheese and Crackers it's May! This year is movin'! Today my foot was feeling better so I was ready and antsy to get working, but all the people we called didn't answer. Sooo... nothing changed.
I listened to a lot of Devotionals, began my fast (for Fast Sunday is on the morrow), and just tried to have the Spirit there to make the day better.
I tried to take a shower and GUESS WHAT? NO WATER! It was very frustrating and there was nothing else to be done so I just went to bed and slept the night away.

May 2, 2021 Sun
Today was Fast Sunday and it ended up being pretty quick. Langi and I had no one at church again. So after church we broke our fasts, tried to make some calls, set up lessons, and tried to enjoy the sabbath.
Not a lot else other than a miracle, the water came back! I don't gotta be a stanky boy! "Uh oh, stinky!" (shout out to my woke ones who know how to say that haha!)

In my studies this week (which were more deep than usual) I read, studied, and pondered about something that I have been blessed with and that is stated in the 38th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants in verse 30;

    "I tell you these things because of your prayers; wherefore, treasure up wisdom in your bosoms, lest     the wickedness of men reveal these things unto you by their wickedness, in a manner which shall           speak in your ears with a voice louder than that which shall shake the earth; but if ye are prepared ye     shall not fear."

"If ye are prepared ye shall not fear"
Well this is a comforting thought. If we are prepared by reading the scriptures, praying, and building ourselves up spiritually we won't fear the things in our path. Noice! That's all it could mean, right?


In a recent Online Missionary Devotional with Elder Jeffrey R. Holland he was talking about the warning in The Doctrine and Covenants that says, "if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not teach."
He then said the language of "ye shall not" is NOT saying that "you can't" or "you shouldn't", but is speaking in the same language as when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. "Thou shalt not kill" "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Those are commandments which essentially say "I FORBID YOU to kill" "I FORBID YOU to commit adultery."
Thus The Lord is saying "if receive not the Spirit I FORBID YOU to teach."

So what if we apply that same principle to that of the scripture I referred to in the beginning? What does it say?
"If ye are prepared I FORBID YOU to fear."
...Woah, that's a pretty heavy Commandment, but I think its one that we do indeed NEED.

How often have you been put into an uncomfortable situation and you begin to get nervous and begin to doubt and begin to fear, even after you've studied the scriptures, you've said your prayers, and you know that God is there?
It has happened to me too much.
But the thing is, we don't need to be nervous. We don't need to doubt. We don't need to fear.

Yes, as I have said, this is a Commandment, but this is also a promise. Think about it.
If you really are prepared and you remember the examples of Faith in the Scriptures you read that day, and you remember that you said you're prayers that morning, and you remember that God has got your back, then why do you need to fear?
You don't, because you are Prepared. Remember that.

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves us more than we could possibly comprehend. I know a reliance on the Teachings of Jesus Christ is the key to living a life full of Joy and void of Fear. This I testify mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.

Well I have written a novel this week. If you actually read the whole thing POP QUIZ; what did I call Kampala Town? Just checkin.
Thank you to the few who emailed me. It makes my day and I always love it! Shoot me an email! Tell me how your doing! Tell me a joke! I don't even care if its funny or not...well maybe a little, Haha!

Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford


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