LOCKDOWN: Days 15-21/42+
Ogamba ki mukwanos ne makka!
(What's up friends and family!)
Yes, I'm still in Lockdown. Yes, I'm surviving it. Yes, I'm tired of it. Yes, I still had an interesting week. Yes, I'll tell you about it.
Togende! (Let's go!)
June 21, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! Talked to makka, relaxed, emailed peeps, relaxed, cleaned, relaxed (I was very relaxed today). I really didn't do a lot other than I worked out, which felt great.
No news for myself, but I've got some for Elder Langi. President Chatora has been communicating with Langi about him going to the U.S. instead of Tonga, because he has an American Passport as well (he has family in the states). And today Langi got his Itinerary, he leaves next Sunday to Salt Lake City. He keeps rubbing it in that he'll be there for The 4th of July . . . salt in the wound man. But apparently, Langi will leave Makindye a little before to do some other stuff. I asked President about what will happen with me and he said I'll be in a Trio with Max and Hachijika the remainder of the Transfer. Cool beans.
June 22, 2021 Tues
Today consisted of a lot of studies and such, downloaded a lot of talks and I figured out something to do for The 4th, listen to Patriotic Talks! Yes! Also worked out to get me moving, but the majority of the day was studies which isn't bad, but it gets me antsy.
June 23, 2021 Weds
Today I woke up dizzy out of my mind, meaning I got up to turn off my alarm and nearly fell over. I sat down and still felt dizzy, so dizzy I felt like I was gonna throw up. After I didn't, I made the executive decision to go back to bed and rest so that I don't want to die. I listened to a talk or 2, watch some church videos, and eventually got ready for District Council Meeting.
DCM was good and by the end I felt a lot better. It was also Langi's last DCM, which I think he realized today, he can't believe its all over, his life is about to change and never return to how it is now.
After DCM we ordered a pizza, good stuff, then I proceeded to study most of the day with an addition of messaging people cause I got tired of studying haha.
June 24, 2021 Thurs
Today I felt completely fine. I again spent A LOT of the day listening to Devotionals and studying which is certainly better than doing nothing so I don't really mind it.
Found out Elder Langi will be leaving us Saturday morning to go to Ntinda to stay with the APs while he is taking care of Covid Test and stuff before his flight on Sunday.
Elder Langi also made cake twice today, to celebrate or something? I'm honestly not sure why he made it, but it was pretty good. At the end of the day I worked out which felt so good, love running, but I'd like to run on the trails by the American River in Sacramento. And go on an adventure run, oh those are the best!
June 25, 2021 Fri
Today the plans changed. Langi wasn't leaving on Saturday and I wasn't going to be in a District Trio. Langi was now leaving today and I was getting a New Tongan Companion.
The Cutlers, President, and Godfrey all got special permissions to drive to the different zones outside Kampala to pick up all the Tongans and bring them to Kampala so they could be near the airport. They're all going home in the next couple weeks. So the Cutlers dropped off my new companion and took my old one.
My new companion is Elder 'Emelio, he's been out 25 months and I'll very likely be his last companion. My streak of having companions older than me (started their mission before I did) on the mission continues and I'll be "killing" 2 companions in a row. In mission lingo we refer to the act of someone finishing their mission as them "Dying", and thus the Missionary's companion when they "die" "killed" them. Thus, I'll be "killing" 2 companions in a row. First Langi, now 'Emelio.
'Emelio seems cool, he's very relaxed which can be expected after 25 months, but he told me if I wanna work he'll work. Which is nice.
Other than that, not much going on. Just studies, Conference talks, Missionary Devotional, and worked out. Just tryna stay busy, even if its not entertaining or repetitive. What do y'all expect? I'm locked down. Its gonna be boring!
June 26, 2021 Sat
Today we actually got out of the apartment. We really needed to go shopping and buy food from the Supermarket, so we went over and on the way back I made an amazing decision to buy food from Coffee Plus, a taco and a couple donuts.
I originally wanted a sandwich, but they said their "machine was broken" . . . huh? I didn't say it, but in my mind I was saying, "The machine is broken? Do you guys have a machine that makes sandwiches? If so where did you find it? At the end of the rainbow? Did you wish it out of a Genie?"
Anyways, I got the food, headed back to the apartment, and feasted like I hadn't eaten all day, oh wait I hadn't. It was so good.
Afterwards, Elder Hachijika and I went to use the Wi-Fi at the Church and listened to a Devotional. Not long after getting back to the apartment I worked out again, which, as it has every day I've worked out this week, caused me to pass out upon laying on my bed.
June 27, 2021 Sun
Today we again had our Apartment Sunday Service. Sacrament followed by Come Follow Me. Both were great, which is no surprise.
After "Church" I listened to a Devotional, studied, pondered, studied some more (mmm s'mores), listened to another Devotional. I also watched Ephraim's Rescue with Elders Hachijika and 'Emelio, which is a great movie.
So this week I continued reading in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith and there was a Story from his mission that blew my mind (aside from the fact that he went on a mission at 15 less than a Year after his Mother died).
"At one time a fire destroyed most of his belongings, including 'clothing, copies of the first edition (European) of the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, which had been given as a present to the Patriarch Hyrum Smith. In one of these books Elder Joseph F. Smith had placed his Elder’s certificate. When the house was destroyed with its contents, Elder Smith’s trunk, and every article in it was reduced to ashes except his missionary certificate. In some remarkable manner it was preserved intact, except that it was scorched around the edges, but not one word was obliterated even though the book in which it was contained was entirely consumed. Not only were the books destroyed but also Elder Smith’s journals which he had faithfully kept.'
Out of this experience came an amusing incident, which was serious at the time. The clothing of the missionaries was destroyed, so Joseph F. Smith and his companion for a short time had to share one suit between them. One elder stayed at home while the other wore the suit and went to meetings. Then the situation was reversed and the other elder stayed at home while his fellow companion went to meetings. 'Of course this did not continue but for a short time, but it was one amusing story that was frequently told in later years, when time had removed the suffering Elders far from the scene of their embarrassment and difficulties.'"
. . . bruh, what?
If y'all remember I listed a lot of stuff I've experienced on my mission last week, and a number were pretty rough, but I would rather experience all of those on the same day for 3 days in a row than experience this experience that President Smith experienced on his mission.
I would be devastated and probably depressed, but President Smith wasn't.
I think it was because he had Perspective, and not just any perspective, but an Eternal Perspective.
He realized that the smaller things of this world don't matter in the Eternities to come.
I also think he must've been one positive guy, cause that's ROUGH, but he ended up laughing about it after time passed. I'm still upset about the times rats have eaten my clothes and/or my candy. How petty am I?
There is a few lessons to remember.
1st, again, it could always be worse.
2nd, have an Eternal Perspective, realizing everything will be good in the end.
3rd, Be positive in the moment and Laugh about it, especially after time has passed.
I'll be working on these and I encourage all of you to do the same. Mbyogedde mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.
Love y'all! Hope you've enjoyed this boring update! I hope I also made you hungry, I've heard I do that in these things. Tell how you're doing! I'd love to hear from ya!
Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford
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