Oh, What a Week!

Ogamba ki mukwanos ne makka!
(What's up friends and family!)
I have returned to tell the tales of my journeyings in the Wild Civilization of Kampala. My tales to tell are not at all interesting, yet many of you say that they are. To that I say... "For real?"
Togende! (Let's go!)

May 31, 2021 Mon

Today was P-Day! Talked to makka, sent emails, did a little shopping, cleaned, relaxed, enjoyed.
We went to FoodHub today and I was pleasantly surprised to see some familiar faces. Elder Maughan was there, so I talked with him for a while. I also talked with Elders Burden and Bindrup who came to Kampala to drop off departing missionaries, as well as my boys from Masaka, Elders Reese and Madzidza! It was a grand fun time which was good cause the Shwarma plate I got was a hard 6/10. Other stuff is better. Forgot to take pics like a fool!

June 1, 2021 Tues

Today was the beginning of JUNE! Time is RUNNING at this point! Today Langi and I tried to reach out to some people to set up some lessons and only got one scheduled for this evening. We took a quick trip to Freedom City cause I needed to buy some groceries, I also bought a pretty sweet souvenir shirt.
We had our evening lesson with Raykil and Rema in which we reviewed the Restoration which went alright, it was a good refresher. Didn't have much else, so once back at the apartment I listened to a Devotional and wasn't able to shower because water turned off again. 100 Bad Days make 100 Good Stories, adversity builds Character, the more I endure the more attractive my wife will be. The comforts I continually remind my soul haha!

June 2, 2021 Weds

Today we had District Council Meeting which went good. At this point we hadn't yet received transfer news, so we weren't sure if we would be together this next transfer. Elder Max expressed how much he has enjoyed this District and I think all of us would agree. After DCM we took District pics and then went to lunch at Coffee Plus. We all again pitched in for a pizza and got some stuff for ourselves. I got the Taco again, but this time it didn't have a tortilla substitute, no...it had a real tortilla! I was actually amazed, I haven't seen a tortilla in 6 months! So lunch was pretty great.
Immediately after lunch, Langi and I walked all the way to see Philimon with full bellies. The lesson was very messy. It started with reviewing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then we taught Chastity, then about The Book of Mormon. BUT, while teaching about The Book of Mormon I became pretty frustrated that he hadn't read it or taken it seriously, so I was blunt and bold and invited him to read the Introduction (which would've answered all his questions) and to ponder and pray about it and search for the feelings he feels when he does.
After the lesson, Langi and I went back to the apartment where I listened to Devotionals and chugged water. TRANSFER NEWS: We are all staying in Makindye.


June 3, 2021 Thurs
Today was interesting. Both Elder Langi and I weren't feeling the greatest yet we pressed on anyways. We met with Philimon again and had a 2 AND A HALF HOUR LESSON, which ended with him telling us he doesn't want us to come back. He won't accept that the Bible isn't 100% perfect, that The Bible AND The Book of Mormon are to be read together, that God doesn't call people to build a church because His Church is already there, and he's being fed false information about what "mormons" (I've learned to hate being called that) believe and that Joseph Smith was a dishonorable man. All of this made me a little upset . . . ok a lottle upset. 
Anyways, fun times and sunshine :), haha, ugh! We also had a lesson with Raykil and Rema, which went so much better than our other lesson today. We reviewed The Plan of Salvation and ended by talking about a Spiritual witness of the truth.
After all of this today, I was hungry, tired, sick, and tired (yeah I said it twice). Oh and water turned off right at the time of my shower! How fun! Time to take bucket baths like I'm a pioneer.

June 4, 2021 Fri
Today Elder Langi and I's feelings of illness continued. He's had a headache and a stuffy nose for the past 3 days and I've got a little bit of a cold, then add about an hour of walking and you've got a couple of dying missionaries. So we decided to rest, and that felt good. Although I don't like to just sit around all day, so I threw in some Devotionals, scripture study, and read Teachings of Presidents. Also watched some stuff on some Church History which was interesting and fun. Water also came back and turned back off...what a tease.

June 5, 2021 Sat

Today we were still sick. And I'm sick of it. Elder Langi was passed out even more of the day than yesterday and know Hachijika is feeling sick as well. Its not COVID, we don't have the main big symptoms (difficulty breathing and can't taste), but its probably a cold or maybe the Flu. As an attempt to expedite my recovery I spent my day bouncing between my bed and my study table. It wasn't very enjoyable. I got antsy. I don't like to just sit around and do nothing on the mission. At home it'd be A LOT different, but alas I am here. I know what I'll be Fasting for Tomorrow, HEALTH!

June 6, 2021 Sun
Today was a Rainy Sunday...ironic. Also it was Fast Sunday so I fasted for health. Because of rain, not many people came to church, including no investigators, but it was still good.
After church, Langi still had a fat headache so he rested, and while he did so I listened to Devotionals, ate some food, and felt a bit better. I then had my interview with President Chatora which was great. I always enjoy my Interviews with President.
In the evening Uganda got some news that stinks worse than Spoiled Milk in a Dumpster Fire. Uganda is going into Lockdown for the next 42 days. We will have a hard time with the work now because; No Church, No in-Person lessons, and there's a lack of Technology amongst those we teach. This transfer just got even weirder.

All things considered, this was a LONG week. I won't lie, I may have thrown a small fit or two because of it. The main thing that really got me riled up was people spouting false things about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it's members, and it's first Prophet.

Whenever these have doubt cast upon it or dirt wiped upon it I think of the talk by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland called Safety for The Soul. It is truly one of the Greatest talks about the Restoration, The Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, and the Savior I have ever heard.
The link is here;
Go listen to it

Now as for myself, allow me to bare my witness of the truthfulness of this Church. Though my witness is not an Apostolic one, it is one I have gained through experiences, study, and the Spirit.

I look at the fact that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of, if not THE, fastest growing churches in the world, or that so many people have sealed their Testimonies of the Divinity of This Church with their Blood, or that the most Faithful members of The Church are the Happiest, kindest, most loving people, or that nearly every scripture in the Bible relates to a principle taught in The Church, or that The Book of Mormon has cultural and architectural evidence, or this or that or WHATEVER.

I could go on and on, but none of that is why I believe in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, none of that is why I willingly gave up 2 years with my family, none of that is why I am more happy, have more amazing friends, or have more strengths than I would without The Gospel.

The reason why is because I took Moroni's Promise at the end of The Book of Mormon.
The reason why is because I read The Book of Mormon seeking to know IF it was true.
The reason why is because I prayed to God, The Eternal Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, if the things which I read were true, having Faith I would receive an answer by the Power of the Holy Ghost.
The reason why is because I received an answer.

And the answer was that The Book was true.

That meant that Joseph Smith really did translate it.
That meant that Joseph Smith saw and did everything he said he did.
That meant that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christ's church on the earth.
That meant that Jesus was really the Christ, and really suffered for me.
That meant I had to do something about it.
So I did.
And do.
And will continue to until the day I die.

Now I know many of the people who read these are already members, but some are not and its to those family and friends I direct this next part towards. And if I was in front of you at this moment I would say the same things.
This Church IS TRUE. And if you follow Moroni's promise, if you read and if you pray as I did, you will come to know the truth of it also. This is my earnest and humble witness and testimony, in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

This was a week and this next one will be tough so an email wouldn't go unappreciated, in fact I would be EXTREMELY GRATEFUL FOR ANYONE SENDING ME ANYTHING. And I mean it. Pray for me to have a good week and don't forget Moroni's Promise, it is very important, not just to me, but for you.
Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford


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