Best Change Ever (LOCKDOWN Days 36 to 42/42+)

Ogamba ki mukwanos ne makka!
(What's up friends and family!)
New Transfer, New Area, New Companion, New Zone, New Faces, Same Crazy, Idiotic, Skinny, White Kid writing another update for y'all to some how enjoy. I really don't know how people enjoy this stuff Haha, maybe it's because these normally make people hungry. I won't apologize for that, hehe.
Togende! (Let's go!)

July 12, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! I talked to Makka, sent emails, went and pulled some personal money and stopped by the Chapel with Hachijika (he wanted to shoot some hoops). Once back at the apartment I Mobile Ordered FoodHub and I got it! I got a "Shwarma Submarine" as they called it and a Chocolate Caramel Waffle with Ice Cream and ate all of it in like 10 minutes while watching "Passage to Zarahemla" which is a pretty good movie, pleasantly surprised.
Not too long after that Elder Rooks came by with Elder Mutumbo to drop off a couple of things. Both go home this week so I said some goodbyes and good lucks, I'll miss Elder Rooks.
After that I relaxed, studied a bit, listened to Devotionals, and ran. The power went out for a while, but then came back. Oh this apartment haha!

July 13, 2021 Tuesday
Today was essentially all packing and preparation for Transfers tomorrow. I had a fairly normal morning with studies and such, but after lunchtime I started packing.
I realized very quickly I don't enjoy packing for transfers, because I got A LOT o' stoof. I also realized this could be my last time packing for Transfers to a new area, next time I pack I may be going home . . . great Scott . . . this is heavy.
Other than packing I tried to enjoy my apartment and the people in it as much as I could. We have a lot of fun together and it gets pretty loud and is just awesome, I will really miss it here.
In the evening, we had pretty much no food or money left, I had enough for fries so I sent our guard to grab me some, but Hachijika decided to throw whatever baking related stuff he could in a pot and bake it. He ended up making these weird cookie things that, honestly, weren't bad at all. Experiment Success!

July 14, 2021 Weds
Today was Transfer Day. Hachijika got picked up mega early by Godfrey, like not even 7 AM early. After he left I did my last minute packing of some stuff and got ready.
While getting ready, of course, I put my shoes on, but when I grabbed them I noticed they weren't caked in dirt like normal (don't judge me). Someone cleaned them for me. I saw a note in one of the shoes. The note and the service was given by Elder Max as a sign of appreciation for me being a "Great District Leader" (according to Elder Max) and for the example I set. I honestly haven't been sure if I was to leave Makindye better than I found it. But if not the area at least I left some of the missionaries in my District better than I found them.
President Kilama came and picked me up close to 10:30 am. Sister Uwera was in the van already and from Makindye we went to Kizungu to pick up Sister Cele.
Not going to lie, as we were leaving Makindye I realized I have grown to love this crappy place . . . huh, funny how that works.
From Kizungu we went to Ntinda to pick up the legend ELDER GUMBATO! It was so good to see him and chat with him.
On the way to Jinja we passed near Njeru and I could nearly smell my home! We passed places I remember from my training which was so surreal. Then we arrived at the Jinja Apartment.
I got my new comp and old friend Elder Reese and met my new District. Elder Musungu (whom I served with in Masaka Zone) and Elder Lubwama (who goes home a transfer before me).
After Kilama left and we dropped my stuff in my room (in the SUPER NICE apartment), we went to pull allotment in town which is the one I used my first transfer and it's right next to the pool place we would go to, I took some pics.
After pulling allotment, we dropped Musungu and Lubwama at a restaurant to order some pizza and wait while Reese and I did some ZL errands. We grabbed gas for Walukuba and Mpumudde, then pulled allotment for Mpumedde and Bugembe, then had a very late lunch, or dinner I guess. We had some decent pizza.
After all was said and done, and we were back at the apartment, I unpacked and relaxed.

July 15, 2021 Thurs
Today we stayed busy. We had some errands to run after morning studies. We went to Wanyange to pickup Elder Gumbato and his companion Elder Cates (we also stopped by the lake and took some pics haha). We took them closer to Jinja Town so they could pull allotment (we couldn't take them all the way because along the way there are Police stops and there are restrictions on how many people are allowed in a vehicle, commercial or private. I know its ridiculous).
Then Reese and I had to go to Mpumudde to grab some things and talk to em a bit. From Mpumudde we went to Walukuba and had a very late lunch at a pork place close by with Elders Merzlock & Lealofi and Sisters Mutheu & Soluka. The reason the lunch was late is cause the Matoke that came with the pork took a LONG time, but it was alright, we had a fun time chatting. This is a fun Zone.
After that, the other Walukuba Sisters were in town and needed help with their groceries, so we picked up and took their groceries over to their apartment. While there Sister Soluka has been feeling ill for a while and asked Elder Reese and I for a Blessing, so we gave her one before we left.
Then we grabbed Gumbato and Cates passed the Police Stops and drove them to their apartment while Freestyling along the way which was truly legendary and absolutely hilarious. I was legitimately crying.
After all that we grabbed a little food, I worked out showered, then Called Elder Pauni just to chat and it was so fun! So far this transfer is off to an AMAZING start. SO. MUCH. FUN.

July 16, 2021 Fri
Today we had a couple of errands in the morning before our interviews with President Chatora at 1:30 pm. We went to Walukuba to grab/drop off some grocery mix ups, then to Wanyange (on the way an Australian Guy stopped us to chat with us a bit. He talked about Uganda and how its such a dangerous place and how racist people are here. He also said Crap was gonna hit the fan in 2 weeks. Such a fun conversation!), then to Mpumudde, and on the way back Reese and I got Java House Burgers which were GOOD, legitimately delicious.
We had Interviews and mine was great, as per usual. After all the interviews were done, we took our District into town to buy groceries and stuff. Then, once done, Reese and I dropped off Musungu and Lubwama at the apartment and we went to a Ugandan hole in the wall Matoke restaurant. I had Matoke, beans, and rice, all good stuff.
After our early dinner and back at the apartment, we called some Referrals, watched Passage to Zarahemla, and hung out into the night. Not at all a bad day.

July 17, 2021 Sat
Today was less busy than the last couple of days, but was not at all slow. At Java House they have half off shakes on the weekends so Reese and I enjoyed that, we listened to a Devotional, went shopping for Sunday dinner (I'm making Burgers). While out Reese decided to try a drink he saw in the store so he bought it and tried it in the car. He told me to try it so I did and INSTANTLY REGRETTED IT. It tasted awful, Sour Milk is about the same level of deliciousness.
We grabbed and dropped off some groceries then ate at the Matoke place. After the whole day, I worked out, showered, and relaxed. Today was really fun, and I am loving this transfer so far.

July 18, 2021 Sun
Today was The Sabbath Day, so of course we had the Sacrament and then listened to a Talk as well. After that Reese and I visited a family of recent converts. We had fun. They danced for us and then we joined in, they fed us, we shared a message with them, it was a fun time!
Afterwards, back at the apartment, Reese and I started making burgers and chips (*cough* fries) for our District Dinner and listened to some Devotionals. The burgers were good and so were the fries.
After dinner, we played a game of Phase 10 and the winner got to choose who was going to do dishes... and I won. Lubwama got chosen, hehe.

This update's "Spiritual Message" is addressed directly to all my young peeps who are approaching the age or are at the age where they can go on a Mission. To summarize my message to you, GO ON A MISSION.
Now let me explain why.

Some people may give the Reasons of; "You're gonna be responsible for the souls you could've saved!" or "You owe it to the other youth to be an example!" or "It's what is expected of you!" or whatever!
My reasons are none of those, though they are valid reasons. My reasons revolve around what a mission will do for you.

A mission will Prepare you for your life.
It will teach you about The Church, The Gospel, the world, others, life, and yourself.
It will open your eyes to see what really is important.
It will help you understand and plan for your future.
It will bring you people who will become some of your greatest friends.
It will put you in places where you can have experiences that can only be described as amazing.
It will strengthen your relationship with and love of Jesus Christ.
It will stretch you into a much more capable and wise person.
It will be exactly what you NEEDED, but not necessarily what you wanted.

If you've read some of my weekly's you know that my mission has been hard, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. I am a better person, a wiser person, a more patient person, a more positive person than I was before any of this.

So why should you go on a mission?
Because it will make you the best and most capable you possible, and that is a fact.
Why? Because Jesus Christ is who you'd be preaching of, and He's got the missionaries' backs out here, and He'll have yours too. This I promise mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.

Thank you Emailin' people! You guys rock! Anyone who feels obliged, send me an Email! Have an awesome week everyone!
Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford


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