We Movin' like Nothin' (LOCKDOWN: Days 57 to 63/42+)

Ogamba ki mukwanos ne makka!
(What's up friends and family!)
*Fat Albert's Voice* "Hey, Hey, Hey!" Man this week was SO much faster than last week. So needless to say it was pretty good. I'm sure y'all want the details so . . .
Togende! (Let's go!)

August 2, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! I talked to makka, sent a few emails, relaxed, cleaned and relaxed again. I was really dying for a sandwich, so Elder Reese & I went to The Deli (its a very nice Mzungu/white people place and this was the first time I'd been since my training).
After ordering my sandwich I walked into the little market they have attached to see what they had and witnessed Mzungu Heaven, American Brand Stuff! Reeses Puffs, Lucky Charms, Jif Peanut Butter, Smuckers Jams, and HOT CHEETOS. I would've bought all of them if they weren't all so freaking expensive, but I did buy the Hot Cheetos, and opened them, and began to partake and be merry.
I also had my sandwich, got a BLTAJ (Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Avocado, JalapeƱo) and it was superb-wait that sounds too posh for me, it slapped and was so fire! It was Special Agent Oso needed, best sandwich I've had all year . . . wow . . . kinda depressing to think it took this long to get a really good sandwich haha.

August 3, 2021 Tues
Today was Moving Day. Elder Reese & I went to check if the new apartment was ready. It wasn't cleaned, so we told the guys it needed it be cleaned and that we would come back in a couple of hours.
We came back to the apartment and started packing all the little stuff. A moving company got hired to help us move all the big stuff. The truck they brought was no U-Haul and our truck isn't a big truck so we both took 3 or 4 trips taking stuff from our old apartment to our new one.
Also I've gotta say, these guys were no Elders Quorum (the organization all adult males belong to in a ward-who often perform acts of service like helping with a move). The Elders Quorum wouldn't have thrown everything in one room in our new apartment, which is exactly what these guys did. It looked like a Furniture Tornado blew through our apartment.
Reese & I were so done, so we tossed the new apartment's keys to Lubwama, told him to deal with everything, and went to Rolex Joint where I got a much needed Spicy Diana and slice of Banana Bread. We were tired, cranky, and stressed.
Then we came back to the apartment and organized this Furniture Vomit inside that was spilling outside. We got bedrooms setup and the study room setup, but that was pretty much it. I took a much needed shower and went to bed.

August 4, 2021 Weds
Today Elder Reese & I joined Iganga for their District Council Meeting in effort to begin to visit people in the Zone and uplift them. The DCM was really good, we had fun and had a great training. Afterwards Reese played ping pong with Elder Fierro for a minute before we all went out to lunch at a nice chicken place that wasn't too expensive. We had a really fun time!
After Iganga, I had to do a Baptismal Interview over the phone which fell through, then we helped Sisters Mutheu & Soluka with their groceries (took em to their apartment) then talked with them for a while which was fun.
We drove back to the apartment, grabbing some food along the way, then I went running with Musungo around our neighborhood. By my guess we ran 3 laps of 1400m or 1500m (almost a mile each lap). Plus contacted some Referrals afterwards. Stellar day!

August 5, 2021 Thurs
Today was pretty nice. Elder Reese had to take Elder Bitter to the hospital to get checked out for some chest pain, so we went on a small exchange where I stayed in the Njeru Apartment with Elder Bitter's comp Elder Khamisi.
We talked for like an hour and a half, then kinda just chilled, I listened to a Devotional, contacted some Referrals, conducted a Baptismal Interview over the phone with that guy from yesterday, and communicated with Reese about our late lunch.
Reese and Bitter brought back Rolex Joint for all of us, which was so good, then we talked for a while which was also so fun. I found out the remedy that the Doctor gave Bitter for his chest pain was to blow up a balloon . . . I promise I'm not kidding. Anyway, our visits so far seem to actually be lifting people's spirits so that's good. ***(With the lockdown going into its third month, it has been hard to keep some of the missionaries motivated. They aren't allowed to teach in person and many of the Ugandans don't have smart phones or reliable internet access nor are they very good about answering their phones when they do have appointments, so the work has been a little frustrating at times.)***
After our visit and getting back to the apartment, I went running with Musungo again and ran 4 laps this time, but fast. 1st lap was 6.49, 2nd was 6.39, 3rd was 6.31, but 4th was 5.58! We got faster every lap! How does that work?!? Felt really good about it haha!

August 6, 2021 Fri
Today was another good day. We went to Wanyange today to drop a fan and we talked with Elders Cates & Gumbato and decided to go to lunch. We ordered pork at a place in Wanyange, then drove around laughing and sightseeing while we waited. We came back and ate some really nice pork.
After that, Reese & I went to the chapel to use Wi-Fi. We weren't there too long when Roberto grabbed us and we went to give someone a blessing, then we came back to the chapel. After a while, we grabbed some food at the market and called it a day.

August 7, 2021 Sat
Today wasn't our most busy day. We dropped Sisters Mutheu & Soluka at the hospital for Soluka's checkup for Typhoid, then Elder Reese and I went to eat banana bread at Rolex Joint (we've become regulars there now haha), then Reese took Elder Lubwama with him to order some cool souvenir bead ties from a member while I stayed with Elder Musungo at the apartment.
I called a Referral which literally made me furious. I called him, it was his friend, he said call back later. I called back later, no answer. The friend called with a different number, he said I could call the Referral. I called, he answered spoke nonsense, hung up. I get a call from the friend, hangs up. I call back, no answer. He calls me, I decline. He calls again, speaks nonsense, I hang up. The Referral calls me, hangs up. I call back, finally get the info.
All together there was 10 ATTEMPTS TO TALK ON THE PHONE. By the end of this I wanted to throw the phone against the wall. I was so a frustrated and done.
After Reese came back we picked up and dropped off Mutheu & Soluka. Then went to the chapel to use Wi-Fi. There we received a call from The Assistants that President Chatora was coming to Jinja and would be here most of the week meeting with companionships. Cool.
After getting back to the apartment, Musungo and I went running. Did 3 laps 1st: 6.25 2nd: 6.24 3rd 6.20. Would've gone faster, but I was killin Musungo, haha.

August 8, 2021 Sun
Today was our wonderful Sabbath day. First thing we did was take the Sacrament to Sisters Kyalimpai & Ramson in Mpumudde which was pretty quick.
After that Elder Reese had to drop his clothes at Elders Merzlock & Nabikamba's apartment in Walukuba to use their washing machine because ours stopped working.
We then had Sacrament at our apartment with Musungo & Lubwama before going to lunch at a member's house, Dora's. For lunch we had rice and beans and lots of fun talking and playing Phase 10.
After that, Reese & I dropped Musungo & Lubwama at the apartment and went to grab Reese's clothes from Walukuba. We ended up talking with Merzlock & Nabikamba for a little while before heading back to the apartment.
We relaxed most of the rest of the day and had dinner. Solid day!

This week I have no flowery speech or spiritual thought, but I felt I should just share my testimony.

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and really Christ's Church upon the earth today.
I know that Joseph Smith really was a prophet and did and saw what he said he did.
I know that Russell M. Nelson is the prophet in our day and guides us in these hard times.
I know that Jesus is the Christ, The Savior and Redeemer of the world.
I know that He really did suffer and die for us.
I know that The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the way for us to receive joy in this life and the life to come.
I know this is true not because of what I've seen or heard, but what I've felt from living as a part of this Gospel, as well as by reading and Praying about The Book of Mormon, which I also know is true and real.
I know these things to be true, and I bare my Testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I hope y'all enjoyed this week. It was a busy one! Send me an email, give me an update on your life, tell me what's happening!
Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford


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