Calmer Week? Yes Please (LOCKDOWN continued)

Ogamba ki mukwanos ne makka!

(What's up friends and family!)
I have returned once again with an update on my mission. I am slowly realizing how quickly it's gone and how quickly my updates will disappear . . . *shudders* lets not think about it.
Togende! (Let's go!)

September 6, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! I talked to Makka, I watched Morgan's May Disneyland Vlog that she finally sent to me. It was awesome. I relaxed, emailed, packed some stuff, got ready, then left.
With Fierro taking Elder Mensah & Sister Nyankombe to Kampala, Sister Hlope will be staying with the Walukuba Sisters and I will be staying with Elder Mensah's companion, Elder Shanana.
I was able to do a bit of laundry while I was there. I also got to join in on a District Activity. Shanana & I walked to the Bugembe chapel to join the rest of the Bugembe District in some games. The rest of the District includes Elders Musungo & Tshabangu in Bugembe, Sisters Kyalimpai & Manwere in Mpumedde.
We played volleyball, which actually bruised my arms haha, and good old Phase 10.
We grabbed a rolex on the way back to Wanyange, relaxed, worked out, showered, slept in beds with mattresses made of straight foam that you sink into . . . it was like quicksand.

September 7, 2021 Tues
I worked in Wanyange with Elder Shanana today. I started with studies, small lunch, then out to teach. We had a few lessons. All were good, but it was kinda easy to tell that Elder Shanana was a new missionary by his teaching skills haha! All good though!
From there Elder Shanana & I walked around chatted, told him about stuff  that only Old Timers like myself would know, eventually grabbing a rolex and heading back to the apartment, where we listened to a devotional and played cards.
Fierro didn't arrive in Wanyange until 7:00, also he came back with a new truck because our Hilux was having problems with the suspension, so now we have the Isuzu which is smaller and slower . . . a little salty about that.
Fierro dropped off Mensah, grabbed me, went to Walukuba, and grabbed Sister Hlope, dropped the Sisters at their apartment, headed to ours, I worked out, showered, passed out.

September 8, 2021 Weds
Today we found out that President & Sister Chatora are coming to Jinja Zone this weekend, and is going to be joining our District Council Meeting which has now been rescheduled to Saturday and is with the Walukuba District. Nonetheless, we still wanted to do District Lunch, so we did.
We took the Sisters to the Pizza Place with Buy 1 Get 1 Free on Wednesday's deal, which was fun and Delicious. After that we all went to the chapel. Fierro & my lesson didn't show.
After using the wi-fi (to make up for our loss), we went to the Bugembe Apartment to drop off their new washing machine, then to Wanyange to grab something I left, then back to Jinja, grabbed some things for our Sisters, dropped them off to them, and then came back to the apartment and ended my day how I have for the past couple weeks.

September 9, 2021 Thurs
We started out the day as usual, with studies and all. Then went to the chapel to contact referrals, schedule exchanges with the District Leaders in the Zone, and meet with Joshua again!
We answered his questions and explained about the Word of Wisdom, it went awesome! After that we went to Rolex Joint for an early dinner, then to our apartment where I ended my day.

September 10, 2021 Fri
Today we cleaned the apartment because we haven't had time the rest of the week. So we cleaned it in the morning. After cleaning we grabbed some lunch, ate, went to the Chapel, took care of some Baptismal Record stuff, confirmed with President about some stuff, and got bounced by our lesson.
After that we went to Njeru to drop off some stuff to the Elders there, went shopping back in town, picked up something for the Sisters, dropped it off, ended my day.
BTW I saw a guy wearing an In-N-Out shirt and oh man did that make me shout. I know that it's second hand and home boy has never been, but the shirt was legit, and it made me miss my In-N-Out haha!

September 11, 2021 Saturday
20 years ago today the United States suffered the greatest tragedy in the 21st Century, a day that shouldn't and can't be forgotten. I may not have been very old at the time, but I've grown up in a world shaped by that event. The repercussions of that day are felt especially now. The solemnness of this day was in the back of my mind through out it. Also, on a more upbeat note . . . it's my Dad's Birthday. Happy Birthday!
We had District Council Meeting today with President & Sister Chatora and with the Walukuba District in Walukuba. Starting at 9:00am and ending at around 11:30am. It was long, but also really good. One of the most edifying DCMs I've been to. It was also very fun, took pics afterwards too.
After it was all finished, Fierro & I took the Sisters back to their apartment, went and grabbed lunch, planned out the day, went to the chapel, called referrals, used wi-fi, then had another lesson with Joshua. This time on the Law of Chastity. It was a very spiritual lesson and I feel it went very well.
After that we got bounced, then left to buy juice, then back to the apartment, followed by a workout, dinner (for which I made burgers which were also awesome, I am the Sandwich King so burgers are my thing), then Accountability Calls, shower, pass out. A pretty awesome day. 

September 12, 2021 Sun
Today was a nice Sunday. We went to the Sisters for Sacrament Meeting which was really nice. We partook of the Sacrament and had Come Follow Me after it. Also had some good laughs.
We decided to make lunch together so I made burgers and the rest made fries to go with it. The process was kinda janky and crazy, because there were some things that made it a bit more difficult, but the outcome was still very good.
After lunch and a little chatting, Fierro & I headed back to our apartment. We contacted our referrals, studied, planned, and enjoyed our Sunday. It was very nice.

This week I have no scriptures I'd like to quote and nothing in particular that stuck out to me, just this simple fact that has been strengthened throughout this last week;
The Book of Mormon was made for our time.

The more I read the more I see the parallels between life now and in the Book of Mormon, especially when reading the individual books; Mormon, Ether, and Moroni. In each we can see the Fall of Man comes from pride, and pride can lead to the grossest of wickedness. Legit, the grossest. Read Moroni 9 and you'll see.

Mormon, who compiled the Book of Mormon, was inspired by God to put each book, each chapter, each verse into the Book of Mormon. Everything in that Book is meant to be there and to teach us something. It is up to us to find out what.

Some things are clear, plain, and simple. Others require critical thinking, likening the scriptures, and deep thought. Nonetheless, there is A LOT to learn from the Book of Mormon.
It was made for me, and it was made for YOU.
Don't waste the extra knowledge that has been given to us. Read and study the Book of Mormon. It can and will help answer your questions. I promise that mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it and got hungry. Hope you're doing well, tell me about it, I'd love to hear about it.
Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford


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