Exstranges . . . idk, it was clever in my head (LOCKDOWN continued)

 Ogamba ki mukwanos ne makka!

(What's up friends and family!)
I am here once again to fill you in on my adventures which don't at all feel like adventures, more like activities or stuff I gotta deal with.
Togende! (Let's go!)

September 13, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! I talked to makka, sent emails, relaxed, and eventually went out to lunch at Java House with the Sisters for Fierro's Birthday. I got a decent BLT and had a fun time.
We then drove around Jinja trying to find a beach to take pictures at and had zero luck, so we went to the Sisters apartment and at the request of Fierro played Monopoly.
I hadn't played Monopoly in probably 10 years because I hated it as a kid, so I wasn't very excited. But I played anyway and . . . I won, it was pretty unexpected.

September 14, 2021 Tues
Today Fierro & I began our day with studies, pulling allotment, buying groceries, and Rolex Joint for lunch. We then took our groceries back to the apartment, chilled for a bit and then headed to the church building
While there, we called some people from the area book, set up some lessons, and met with Joshua again. Today we shared with him about Prophets and introduced him to Russell M. Nelson. The lesson went really well, President Nelson did all the work in it, haha! (We showed a video of President Nelson)
After the lesson we headed back to the apartment and I packed and got ready for exchanges with Elder Merzlock in Walukuba. We drove over, Elder Nabikamba left with Fierro, and I stayed in Walukuba.
Merzlock and I get along really well and we had massive conversations covering a multitude of geeky topics. It was great and reminded me of the conversations I had back home! It was awesome!

September 15, 2021 Weds
Today Elder Merzlock & my exchange continued and was pretty good. We had District Council Meeting and I was assigned the training. I gave my training on "How do we have Spiritually Defining Memories?" We read different examples from the Book of Mormon and I shared one of my own. I thought it went well!
Afterwards, Merzlock & I had a lesson and we needed to grab a member to come with, so we didn't have time to grab food. When we arrived and the member offered us food I was pretty happy . . . until he showed the food. It was Posho and Mukene. Posho is fine, but mukene is of the devil. It smells so horrible, and when you like it on fire it's like mustard gas I swear! It's these tiny fish (known as the Lake Victoria sardine) that normally smell SO BAD, but after being cooked they aren't quite as fragrant. That being said, it doesn't mean they taste good, because they don't. They taste bad and get worse with every bite. BUT I NEEDED SUSTENANCE! So I ate it.
From there Merzlock & I went to our lessons and got bounced, had ice cream and snacks and then headed back to the apartment to end the exchange.
Fierro came and dropped off Nabikamba, and left with me, we then drove the Sister Training Leaders to do their exchanges in Mpumedde, and ended the day back at our apartment.

September 16, 2021 Thurs
Fierro & my day was fairly typical. Normal morning and lunch. We had a lesson at the church so we did some calling and scheduling before hand, and then met this new guy. His name is Daniel and he seems pretty interested. We shared about the Plan of Salvation and this guy asked A LOT of good questions.
Afterwards we transported the Sister Training Leaders to finish their exchange and then we ended our day at our apartment.

September 17, 2021 Fri
Today we had a busy schedule. We did our studies and some cleaning but had no time for lunch before our Baptismal Interview in Bugembe. Afterwards we grabbed a little food on the way to the Jinja Chapel. But we had no time to eat it because our Person we were going to teach had arrived.
Her name is Rachel and she was taught in the past, so we started to teach her again and review the lessons. After her we met with Joshua and shared about the 10 Commandments, which went great.
Finally, at 4:00 Fierro & I could eat our lunch. From there, we had to go to Walukuba to drop some Pamphlets, then we met up with the APs, O'driscol and Oberhansley. They arrived in Jinja around 6:30 to go on an exchange with us. When we got back to the apartment we chilled, I worked out, we cooked up some burgers and guacamole, enjoyed and had fun!

September 18, 2021 Saturday
Today the APs joined us for the day. We had to drop something at the Walukuba Sisters, then we went to Rolex Joint for lunch which was as fun as it was delicious! Also it began raining (which didn't stop until 5:00ish).
After Rolex Joint, we went to the chapel. Fierro & O'driscol taught Daniel while Oberhansley and I called people from Area Book and chatted. Not too long after the lesson the APs had to begin their trip back to Kampala. We'll see 'em next week though.
Fierro, me and the Sisters, ended up joining a small Birthday Party for Sister Osikal. It was fun, we laughed, danced, and ate cake!

September 19, 2021 Sun

Today I hit 21 months which really was just whatever, I didn't care. The Sisters partook  of the Sacrament with their investigators and some members, so Fierro & I prepared the Sacrament for just us.
Afterwards we relaxed, listened to devotionals, and then went to the chapel where we had 3 lessons planned. 2 bounced and the one that showed up got lost and we had to be quick with him. He's a new guy named David. We shared a short and sharp version of the Restoration and gave him a Book of Mormon. That was kinda it today, no complaints.

So I mentioned that this week I gave a training in the Walukuba DCM about Spiritually Defining Memories and how to make them? It ended up going really well and what I really enjoyed was the use of scriptures to answer that.

So rather than me ramble on about it and explain everything, I am going to invite ALL OF YOU to read some experiences written in the Book of Mormon to answer the question of "How do I have Spiritually Defining Memories?"

Ready? I expect you to read them and email me what answers you found.
(The scriptures are linked to the correct books and chapters but you will have to scroll to get to the right verses.)

1 Nephi 2:16
Enos 1:3-8
Mosiah 27:11, 16, 24
Alma 18: 21, 39-41
Mosiah 24:10-15

Now go read them, think about them, and liken them. Put yourselves in their shoes and remember what they did after these experiences happened. The Scriptures are AWESOME! So don't miss out on them! Please don't miss out on the things that can be learned, because I know there's a lot.
I invite you mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.

Hope you enjoyed and I hope you read and respond! You better or I'll know . . . somehow.
Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford


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