The Beginning of the End

Ogamba ki mukwanos ne makka!

(What's up friends and family!)
This was my last days in Jinja and my first days in Mukono where I will die . . . on the mission (Mission lingo for finishing a mission). Kinda crazy, kinda scary, kinda awesome!
Tugende! (Let's go!)

October 4, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! I got up to talk to family, but we were in a rush this morning to get to the mission office, so I could only talk for a little bit. We went the mission office to take care of working fund, then some other stuff, then off to Iganga to drop off Elder Alouch.
A few hours later Fierro & I are back in Jinja in time for lunch at the Deli before we took the Sisters to our Zone Activity at the Bugembe Chapel. We had almost the whole Zone Show Up! We played volleyball, soccer, games, and had an absolute unorganized blast!! It was super last minute, but so fun!
After that, Fierro & I had to do some Zone Leader stuff after dropping off the Sisters, then played Uno and ended the day!

October 5, 2021 Tues
Today was pretty solid day. We watched another session of General Conference, then went to the chapel to teach some lessons. We had a lesson with a referral called Ashraif, who immediately opened up with some very intense problems he's facing, but he's super interested. He even took notes! After Ashraif, we met with Rachel and shared the Law of Chastity which also went well.
After that Fierro & I went souvenir shopping, had some Rolex Joint, met with the Basoma Family and taught the kids The Gospel of Jesus Christ with Dominos! Each Domino represents a principle that leads to the next, so we used dominos to illustrate it. Also took pics afterwards.

October 6, 2021 Weds
Today we had kind of a weird District Council Meeting, but it was still very good. Nyankombe wasn't feeling well and asked us to give her a blessing. During our Open Discussion, everyone wanted me to bare a Departing Testimony, so I did and almost cried. I'm gonna friggin' miss this place.
After DCM we had a final Pizza District Lunch which was pretty good and was fun. Then Fierro & I went to Njeru so I could say bye to people. I was only able to say goodbye to Brick, the Elders, and Adam the Rolex Guy, everyone else wasn't around. Kinda sad, but it's alright!

October 7, 2021 Thurs
Today was my last day in Jinja. We had our morning studies for the last time, I started packing, we had a lesson at the chapel, traded my backpack for a nicer one, got some ice cream, then went and packed a little more.
Following all that we went to Mama G's for a departing meal with the Walukuba Sisters. The food was nice and it was a fun time. I also had to say some goodbyes. After Mama G's myself and my District went to Sylivia's to jump rope, laugh, sing, share a message, pray, AND say goodbye. It was so fun and oh man will I miss this awesome Sister.
On the way back to the apartment, I said goodbye to Barbara (the owner of Rolex Joint) and she gave me 2 cinnamon rolls as a farewell gift. So nice!
It's days like today where I realize how much I love Jinja. I have legitimately fallen in love with it. It has become my favorite area. When leaving it, I'll leave a piece of myself there.

October 8, 2021 Fri
At 4:30 am Fierro & I woke up, from 5:00 to 7:30 we were taking Elder Williams and Sister Soluka to Kampala for Trainer/Trainee Orientation.
The Orientation was essentially a run down of how the mission works, including trainings from the Cutlers, APs, and the Chatoras. I was able to meet my Son, Elder Muringa, from Zimbabwe. When he isn't super comfortable speaking he's quiet, but if you get him going he gets GOING, haha!
After the Orientation, we had KFC for lunch, where my Son and I sat with our New District, Elder Iga (from Walukuba), who is training Elder Valentine (from Layton, Utah). Both seem to be cool guys, along with the other new missionaries at the orientation.
I said goodbye to Elders Fierro & Williams, my bro Elder Dabson, and a few others. The APs, Elders Oberhansley & Lewis, took myself and the 2 greenies to our apartment, while the Zone Leaders, Elders Hamblin & Beal, took Elder Iga. The apartment is big and has an awesome view. The ZLs & APs left, and we got settled, bought some food, and got ready for the rest of this transfer.

October 9, 2021 Sat
Today was the first day with my Son. It started out with the basics of morning routine and studies. During which President & Sister Chatora made a surprise visit. It was quick and just to check up on the new missionaries basically. After they left, we finished up our morning studies and planning.
We planned on going out, but that plan was thwarted by our apartment's need for a plumber and the fact that the plumber would be here all day. So at least 2 from the District had to stay in the apartment until the plumber was done.
So I allowed Elder Iga to take Elder Muringa to a tailor nearby while I stayed at the apartment with Elder Valentine. They came back, we listened to Devotionals, called referrals, and then Elder Muringa & I went to grab his newly tailored things. On the way it started raining buckets, so we got the clothes and hopped into the chapel.
The chapel is the same blueprint as the Jinja chapel, so it was very weird to walk around. Almost felt like an alternate reality. We used the WiFi and talked with some of the members.
After that we came back to the apartment and watched another session of General Conference. Eventually we were able to take the new missionaries to pull allotment, but the ATM wasn't working, so I just sent it and bought noodles and veggies for everyone for dinner, which I may have prepared. I know shocker haha.

October 10, 2021 Sun
Today we had Church . . . kinda. The Mukono Ward was going to watch the Sunday Morning Session of General Conference, but there were technical issues that delayed it by 2 hours. So rather than ending at noon, it began at noon.
In the time of waiting, Elder Muringa & I did our Weekly and Daily Planning, then enjoyed most of the session. We came back to the apartment and started calling people in Areabook.
We called 19 people that had previously been taught, with 4 answering. We did have a lesson over the phone though, and the guy seemed to be really interested.
After that Elder Muringa & I had our companionship study which I combined with his 12 weeks training. Following that we finished the Sunday Morning Session of Conference, then talked to our neighbor who was asking some Gospel questions.
To end the day we watched half of the final session of Conference, ate dinner, and called it a night.

Conference was absolutely fantastic! I especially loved Bradley R. Wilcox's talk, I have been listening to his talks and Devotionals for years now and they are some of my favorite ever, so I was stoked to see he was speaking.

There were a lot of parts I loved, but one quote that he shared from Richard G. Scott really stuck out to me, "The Lord sees weaknesses differently than He does rebellion. . . . When the Lord speaks of weaknesses, it is always with mercy."

Man was this one of the most comforting and beautiful truths to hear. Something I am not sure people realize or talk about enough.

There is a very large difference between weakness and rebellion. One is accidental and more than likely regretted, while the other is planned and on purpose.

Our actions and intentions reflect this, as well as our heart and mind.
What do we think about?
What do we desire?
What do we do?
What do we seek?
Do we seek for that which entices us to do evil, because it's "fun" or "doesn't matter" or do we seek for that which entices us to do good, but fail sometimes?

Your own answers to these questions will show a great deal about what you believe is important in life and what your relationship with God is like, as well as what you want it to be like.
None of us are perfect, and we won't be in this life, but God doesn't expect us to be. All that He expects of us is that we give it our all, and if we do, we can receive more blessings than available to those who don't care. I promise this mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.

Whelp . . . another week down. I do hope all of you are doing well, tell me about how you are! Not gonna lie, I don't wanna wait another month before you can tell me in person so please just send me an email!
Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford



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