Troubled on every side, yet not distressed
(What's up friends and family!)
Back with an update on the life of yours truly. Don't know how entertaining you find it, but I'm gonna keep updating you regardless.
Tugende! (Let's go!)
October 11, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! Talked to makka in the morning, followed by emails, workout, cleaning, then our District went to the chapel. The Seeta District (which is the closest other District to us) met up with us at the chapel. That District consists of an Elder from DRC, an Elder from Liberia (can't remember their names), Elder Timothy, who is almost finished being trained by Elder Hachijika! It was great to see Hachijika again, and to meet his son who is also really dope.
We all went and played pool (W/L=3/1) it was a blast. After that we took a stop at the supermarket before heading to the apartment and playing cards. The Seeta boys left a little afterwards.
The rest of the day was very peaceful, I watched the sun set, relaxed, drew, it was really nice.
October 12, 2021 Tues
Today Elder Muringa & I had our morning schedule consisting of studies, planning, and 12 weeks (training for Muringa), then we grabbed some Rolex for lunch, but the Rolex were trash. I miss Jinja, Rolex. Nice Rolex are easy to find there.
We came back to the apartment, ate lunch and the plumbers came again to finish some work. So the District hung out chatting about different Doctrine and other stuff. It was pretty fun.
After the plumbers finished up, we left the apartment. Elder Iga showed us around and showed us where some of the people that were being taught before stay.
Elder Muringa & I had a lesson with this guy named Ibra and his sister Tahiyah. Ibra had been taught before, but not really Tahiyah, she just knew missionaries. We shared the Restoration with both of them and it went really well. Elder Muringa still has to work on his teaching, but not his testimony.
After the lesson we walked to a shoe salesman for Elder Muringa, attempting some street contacts along the way. Street Contacting consisted of being ignored or asked for money so we just went to the chapel to call people in Areabook, which didn't yield much more success. Oh well!
October 13, 2021 Weds
Today we had the First District Council Meeting of the Transfer and it went pretty well. We have a pretty cool District.
After DCM we went to a restaurant that our neighbor owns. She makes Rolex. I would consider myself a connoisseur of Rolex, so I went in a bit critical, but MAN were they good. They had meat and cheese, which added to them significantly. After that we walked around and Iga introduced us to someone who had been taught by the Elders prior. She said she didn't want to continue learning with us. Kinda whack.
Other than that, Elder Muringa & I came back to the apartment to do 12 Weeks for about an hour.
After that we went to the chapel, called people, had a couple lessons over the phone, grabbed some things with the other Elders, came back to the apartment.
October 14, 2021 Thurs
Today Elder Muringa was not feeling well. He had a small fever and it hit him a bit harder than I think it should've cause he didn't handle it all that well. We did our studies then I allowed him to rest which he immediately did and passed out within seconds.
While he was resting, I listened to talks, called a few people, and tried not to fall asleep. Elders Valentine & Iga brought me a Rolex for lunch and I would come to find out, that it would be a bad choice. After a bit, Elder Muringa & I did 12 Weeks, went to pick something up, then decided to go to the chapel, because suddenly I didn't feel so good. At the chapel I gave Elder Muringa the phone, told him to call people, and put my head down. Not too long after we went back to the apartment.
I checked my temp and I was fine, then I went to the bathroom and I was NOT. So I took an Imodium and rested the remainder of the day.
October 15, 2021 Fri
Today I was still feeling iffy and Muringa was till kinda sick too, but we pressed on anyways.
We had 4 lessons over the phone throughout the day, some didn't answer, the rest weren't enjoyable (I REALLY don't like over the phone lessons in Uganda), but we did have another lesson with Ibra & Tahiyah which went really well. We went through the Introduction of the Book of Mormon and invited them to church. We then had a Ward Correlation Meeting which went well. It was very informative and helpful. After that was chill, FINALLY finished General Conference, relaxed, did laundry, and passed out.
October 16, 2021 Sat
Today Elder Muringa & I were feeling pretty much back to normal which was nice. We didn't have a ton planned for today, but what we did have planned fell through. Pretty typical for this mission.
For lunch I helped Elder Iga make Chapati which isn't hard to make, it just takes a little practice.
After lunch Muringa & I walked around Street Contacting. I had some fun messing with kids along the way and dealing with adults yelling "Mzungu!" My time in Uganda has adequately prepared me in that regard haha!
After that we went to the chapel for an activity that was apparently postponed and at the same time it started to pour buckets. We were there for a while talking to members and calling people.
Eventually we and the other Elders grabbed some food and headed back to the apartment.
October 17, 2021 Sun
Today we had church, it was pretty good. None of the people we're teaching came, but we were able to talk to some of the people and get to know the members a bit better.
After church we went to back to the apartment, had lunch, Elder Muringa did Daily Planning, Companionship study, taught a lesson over the phone, and then did 12 Weeks.
When we finished, we went on a walk and Street Contacted for a couple hours. It was nice, I am trying to enjoy the views of Uganda as much as possible.
After we came back to the apartment we ended the day and enjoyed the evening and dinner.
Within this week a scripture came to my mind which I find to be one of the most comforting and dope scriptures written, and it comes from the Homie Apostle Paul.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9;
"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;"
Not just as a member of the Church, but as a person that goes through life we have experiences that are hard. We may be, at some points, "troubled on every side," "perplexed," "persecuted," and "cast down."
For many people when this happens they are "distressed" and "in despair," feeling "forsaken" and like they are about to be "destroyed," but for those who are built upon a firm foundation, even the foundation of Jesus Christ, we can experience the same feelings as Paul and the Saints he was writing to had.
We too can be "troubled on every side, yet not distressed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed," but this is only possible through Jesus Christ, Faith in Him, a willingness to follow Him, and a love of Him.
I have seen this blessing Paul speaks of in my life, especially since being on mission. I couldn't imagine my life without it.
I know the Savior is there with arms open, ALWAYS. We just need to turn to Him and open our arms too. Then, and only then, can we really enjoy His warm and loving embrace. Mbyogedde mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.
Another week down, another update done! Ya'll, I wouldn't mind if you tell me how you're doing!! Or even tell me stuff that you wanna do with me when I get home, or something!!!
Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford
***Parental Note***
We received an official itinerary this week of Elder Bradford's travel plans. We are happy to report that he will be home a couple days earlier than we expected. November 17th! The countdown is on. :)
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