The Last One

Ogamba ki mukwanos ne makka! 
(What's up friends and family!)
The last update. No intro. Here we go.
Tugende! (Let's go!)

November 8, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! My last in Mukono and it was a lazy day. I talked to family and hung out. It was honestly really nice. I drew, chatted, and relaxed.

November 9, 2021 Tues
Today we met up with a member named Brother James, who brought us to where he lives and had us teach his neighbor, Timothy. We shared the Restoration with him which went well.
Afterwards we had a lesson with John with Brother Moses. We had a really powerful lesson and gave him his own copy of The Book of Mormon, which he was so grateful for he literally fell to his knees in gratitude and he can't even read it!
After that we taught Per the Gospel of Jesus Christ over WhatsApp at the apartment which went really well as well! A super solid day!

November 10, 2021 Weds
Today I had my Last District Council Meeting of my Mission. It wasn't bad. I gave the training on how to grow love of our Savior and how that affects the mission. With it being my last one I tried my very best to make it good, I think it went well.
After DCM we made chapati for lunch which I thoroughly enjoyed. Afterwards we went to the chapel for a lesson that didn't show then to Ibra and Tahiyah's Restaurant, but Ibra wasn't around and Tahiyah got busy, so we just prayed for her.
We went back to the apartment, did some cleaning and stuff there. I drew, listened to talks, and exercised.

November 11, 2021 Thurs
Today Elders Muringa and Valentine had to go for working permits in the morning, so from very early in the morning to nearly 12:20. While they were doing that, Elder Iga and I studied, ate, relaxing, listening to talks.
When the other Elders came back, Elder Muringa said that his leg was hurting and couldn't go out. So as a consequence we did nothing. Which was not great, just tried to stay busy.

November 12, 2021 Fri
Today we had service! It was for some members that Elders Valentine & Iga work with a lot. All the service we were doing was cutting the grass, but there are no lawnmowers here, so it was done with what they call a slasher which is essentially a sword with the top part bent to cut the grass with. And they only had one, so the service took a few of hours, but they fed us after so I didn't mind.
After that we went back to the apartment, cleaned up, changed, and went to our Ward Correlation Meeting. It was good and fun and good fun. There are some good things in store for these Elders.

November 13, 2021 Sat
Today was normal, except for the fact it was my last full day in Mukono. I needed to pack and write a talk for tomorrow, but I wanted to work, so we did.
But before we left we got Transfer news. Elder Fleinde is going to finish Elder Muringa's training and everyone is staying in Mukono except me.
We went street contacting in the direction of a Big Hill that overlooks Mukono. We hiked it and it was wizard, the view was UNREAL.
Once back at the apartment I started to pack and write my talk. It finally hit me that I am going home! HOLY COW!

November 14, 2021 Sun

Today was my last Sunday in Uganda. I gave a talk at church and we had John and Per come! It was awesome! My talk went well, we shared with both of these awesome guys, then went back to the apartment.
The Zone Leaders picked me up to take me to Ntinda around 2:30. I said farewells to my District, my companion, and left. A while later I was in Ntinda able to say goodbye to Elders Fierro, Merzlock, Hachijika, Center, and a few others. I spent the night hanging out with the Elders that were staying the night. It was a good time.
I am going home Tuesday. I spend the next couple days doing Covid tests, exit interviews, and departing dinner.

I want to bare my testimony one last time. I have spent the last two years or so sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people, being a representative of Him and I can testify to you that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the True Church of Christ. I know The Book of Mormon is a true book and that it testifies of Jesus Christ. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that he did and saw all that is recorded. I know that Jesus is The Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the World. I know he suffered everything for us. I know God loves us. I know that He can and will help us to endure and overcome our trials. I know that we are never alone. Most of all, I know it's ALL true.
Mbyogedde mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.

Whelp . . . It's over . . . wow. Thanks for coming along with me for the ride. Thank you for your love and support. I'll thank you in person soon.
Qwagala mukwanos era makka gwange!
(I love you my friends and family!)
Elder Bradford

Our last video call


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