Sean's Talk

 It's tradition for a missionary to speak to the congregation of the church before they leave on their mission. The following is the talk Sean prepared to give. What he actually said varied a little and he bore his testimony of the Savior at the end which is not included here. But the gist of it is. Unfortunately, by just reading his talk you miss the unspoken elements that were present including the confidence he had while speaking, the humor he added and the spirit that was felt. Hopefully you will forgive me for not doing an audio recording. It was a mom fail.

"It's Because of Faith"-given on November 24, 2019

My name is Sean Bradford and I have been called to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. For the next two years I will be serving in the Uganda Kampala Mission. How crazy is that!? Thinking about that is crazy. I am going to a place far from home in more ways than one. I will be far away geographically, socially, politically, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, and racially. You might be wondering why on earth would I be so willing to leave my home to go to a place so far outside of the life that we enjoy in America. To put it simply, it’s because of faith. 

Throughout the history of the church, religion, and society as a whole, there has been the ever prominent belief of faith. Faith in something, whether it be in God or in a parent or in a friend. Faith has always been prominent in the world, especially in the church. But faith, specifically in God, is coming under attack from cynicism and bigotry. It is becoming harder and harder to have faith because of the pressures of the world. I see this everyday online and on tv, and whether we think we are affected or not, we are. The only difference between us is some are stronger in their faith than others. So how do we all become strong in faith and able to face the challenges that the adversary places before us to test our faith. 

I believe that the first course of action that should be taken, is seen in the first epistle of James. It is a verse of scripture that forever shaped the future of the Church of Jesus Christ. James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” This simple scripture was the catalyst for Restoration of Christ’s Church on the earth today. It prompted a young 14 year old boy to have enough faith to do as James directs, that is Ask of God. And because of this small act of faith, as well as numerous others, blessings have out poured to more people across the world than anyone on earth today can count. Imagine how different life would be if that young boy did not have faith. 

In my life I’ve met many people. Some who were strong in their faith but now are not. Some who weren’t strong in their faith but now are. And some who have remained faithful for their entire lives. I often think of these three types of people, and wonder what I can learn from each one. 

From those who have lost faith, I’ve learned to never let the smaller aspects and teachings of the gospel distract me from the core teachings that I have a testimony of and are true. Too many have fallen away because they struggle with a single teaching that isn’t at the core of Christ’s church. Do not forget the important teachings of The Book of Mormon, they will give you strength and help you in your times of need.

From those who gained faith, I’ve learned to humble yourself before God and be joyful because of the blessings available to you. Everyday I’m faced with things that test my faith, but I’m able to overcome them because I know the blessings that come when I am obedient to God and his teachings. For example, members of the church who are active and obedient to God’s teachings are noticeably joyful and have a glow about them which only comes as we keep the commandments.

From those who have been strong their whole lives, I’ve learned that faith is not a one time thing. It is a continuous action and it must be exercised at all times. Like a muscle, it can lose strength over time and become weak. It is important to exercise our faith, especially in our trials. 

On my mission in Uganda I will be faced with many trials. Some physical, actually a lot physical. And a lot spiritual. I am reminded of a story shared by Dieter F. Uchtdorf in the October 2016 General Conference. 

“Faith comes to the humble, the diligent, the enduring. It comes to those who pay the price of faithfulness.

This truth is illustrated in the experience of two young missionaries serving in Europe, in an area where there were few convert baptisms. I suppose it would have been understandable for them to think that what they did wouldn’t make much of a difference. But these two missionaries had faith, and they were committed. They had the attitude that if no one listened to their message, it would not be because they had not given their best effort. 

One day they had the feeling to approach the residents of a well-kept four-story apartment building. They started on the first floor and knocked on each door, presenting their saving message of Jesus Christ and the Restoration of His Church. 

No one on the first floor would listen to them. How easy it would have been to say, “We tried. Let’s stop right here. Let’s go and try another building.” But these two missionaries had faith and they were willing to work, and so they knocked on every door on the second floor. Again, no one would listen. The third floor was the same. And so was the fourth—that is, until they knocked on the last door of the fourth floor.

When that door opened, a young girl smiled at them and asked them to wait while she spoke with her mother. Her mother was only 36 years old, had recently lost her husband, and was in no mood to talk with Mormon missionaries. So she told her daughter to send them away. But the daughter pleaded with her. These young men were so nice, she said. And it would take only a few minutes. So, reluctantly, the mother agreed. 

The missionaries delivered their message and handed a book to the mother to read—the Book of Mormon. After they left, the mother decided she would read at least a few pages. She finished the entire book within a few days.”

My brothers and sisters, though some acts of faith seem small or pointless with nothing to show for your efforts, that is simply not true. The acts of faith may not bring the blessings that you wanted, but I can guarantee you that it’s what you needed. Or it’s what those affected by your faith needed. 

Being an old young man I often think back to my high school days. The days where my growing faith affected those around me. I think of the friends I had who were not members of the church and the times where I made them smile or laugh because I was in a place where my faith caused me to be joyful and have a glow about me. I think back to the example that I tried to set for younger people who were members of the church. The affects my faith could’ve had on them when I shared my testimony or when I was kind or when I was funny or when I was kind of funny. We never know who could be affected by our faith and the list of people that can be affected is endless. 

I know faith is hard to keep, It can be tested and tried a million times. We get put through the refiner’s fire everyday. The pains of life can drain our faith away in forms of divorce, disease, death of a loved one, natural disasters, loss of a job, being homesick, feeling unworthy, and more. But I also know that when we keep our faith during our trials the burdens become lighter. If you don’t believe me you should, because I’ve experienced each of those things either first-hand in my life or second-hand in a relative’s. 

But there is only one person who has experienced all of those and more first-hand. His name is Jesus Christ, he is our savior. He took upon himself all of our sins and experienced all of our pains. Experiencing an agony that is unfathomable just because he loves us. He asks nothing in return accept to “come follow me.” I know that If we do this with faith we will be blessed.

End with Testimony on faith, Christ, and the gospel.  

We had many wonderful friends and family members in attendance to hear Sean. We are so very grateful for them and for the friends and family who couldn't be there but wish they were. We are blessed beyond measure for the love and support they provide us. 

Here are a few pictures:


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