Full...In Schedule And In Belly

Ogamba Ki mukwanos gwange! (what's up my friends!) I had a noice little ending to March and wizard beginning to April! Kinda regret that intro, but we are gonna roll with it. Togende! (Let's go!)
March 29, 2021 Mon
Today was P-Day! Talked to makka, relaxed, hung out with the Elders in the Zone, and played pool winning 3/4 games, so I guess you could say Imma big deal (I hope you can hear my sarcasm through the screen). But seriously, I'm going to go out of my way to play pool when I get home, Institute!
We also grabbed some Plot 99 Pizza while we were playing and played some ping pong with Woods, which is something I am not so good at. But hey, what can you do? Can't be good at everything, unless you're Jesus of course.

March 30, 2021 Tues
Today we again lived Africa by Toto. Hearing the rain fall and thunder in the morning is mega peaceful BTW. More importantly we met with Oscar! We were able to explain why we cancelled his Baptism via some verses I read in my Personal Study! It was a very powerful experience, I nearly started to tear up (crying is underrated in my humble opinion). Also Mama Abalo (Oscar's Mother) made us some fumba! (food) Fried egg I think, pretty solid stuff!
Only other amazing thing is my burger I made was a BIG BOY. So fire.

March 31, 2021 Weds
Today the Zone Leaders and their District (4 all together) joined us for District Council Meeting which was good. Had some fun taking pics afterwards.
Following that Gumbato and I got our allotment, we went shopping, then (on the way back to the apartment) grabbed a quick lunch from Plot 99. Both of us got burgers and they were actually pretty fire. Other than the Monster Burger, the Burgers I have had in Uganda have not been as good as the ones I make, and I'm not saying that I set the bar high, I don't. But the Plot 99 Burger was actually better, as it should be.
We also went Street Contacting today which I very quickly realized is Knocking Doors (aka tracting) without actually knocking doors. And I hate tracting. It's not fun and rarely effective, but this wasn't so bad.
We met this one guy, Dennis, who was hilarious to talk to. He spoke so fast and asked a ton of questions about living in Californ-i-a. He said, "Now I have a friend from California in Elder Bradford and a friend from Zimbabwae in Elder Gumbato!" Loved that haha
We also met a young lady named Brenda who we ended up teaching the restoration to! It was so awesome and so fun. Kinda reminded me of a romanticized version of my first couple transfers, what a throwback!

April 1, 2021 Thurs
Well...I got news that we are being evacuated again...APRIL FOOLS!
Today we didn't have a ton, but we did bake a cake with the Sisters for a District activity, which tasted better than it looked. (but not by much lol) And we also met with Brenda again and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Solid day!

April 2, 2021 Fri
Today was Good Friday, but honestly it was kinda "meh".
All Gumbato and I really had was meeting a referral and A District Young Single Adult activity that took like all day. All the missionaries in the Zone were there. It was fun in the beginning, there was music, people were dancing, laughing, having a good time. Then it became too much and too loud and not fun.
By the time we got food I wanted to leave and sleep. Y'all should remember though, slightly drowsy Bradford sings and laughs for no reason, so that's fun haha.
April 3, 2021 Sat
Today we had a busy day planned, but it kinda fell through.
We were planning on teaching our Branch Relief Society President's non-member husband and daughter, but when we called to confirm she was out of town...*sigh*...ok then. So we went to Plot 99 and ate burgers.
While Gumbato and I were there Munyapa and Reese (who were on exchanges) showed up, so we hung out with them for a bit.
After that Gumbato and I had a lesson with Ana and Junior. It went awesome and I can tell Ana enjoys having these lessons. On the way back to the apartment we said a quick hello to Brenda, then the Superbowl of the Church...GENERAL CONFERENCE!
I can't believe its already here. The Session times are messed up because of the time difference, so the 10am sessions are at 7pm, the 2pm sessions are at 11pm, and the 6pm Evening session is at 3am. So I just watched the Saturday "Morning" Session live, it was great and I'm so stoked for conference!

April 4, 2021 Sun
Today was Easter! Also was another Toto day, ironically on a "Sun"day this time. We had church today only for an hour and because of the rain we were putting Goose Eggs on the board today. Zero people being taught at church! Oh well.
Other than that I listened to the Saturday Afternoon Session once back at the apartment. Some good stuff.
Then we had a lesson with the referral we met on Friday. His name is Stephen and his Sister is a missionary who reached out to us to teach him. He's actually interested and seems to want to commit. Cool to see a family grow closer together through the Njelli (gospel).
Other than that, watched the Sunday "Morning" session, which was cool. Really hammering home the "Worldwide Church" thing this Conference. Also made probably the best burger I have ever made. It was big, well cooked, and had all the toppings it needed. I am satisfied...for the moment lol
So in my studies this last week (I'll talk about Conference next week) I finished The Book of Mormon again. While I was finishing Moroni I read chapter 7 verse 45;

And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

As I read this verse I was not necessarily shocked but not whelmed by those attributes of charity. I have read this before and even had this verse marked in my scriptures, but I'm not sure I've ever looked deeper.

As I looked at each attribute of Charity I realized it is truly the pure love of Christ, and for probably the first time I fully understood what that meant.

It means the love I have for my family and friends is kind of how Christ loves us.

Obviously we don't have a perfect love like Jesus does, but think about the love you have for the people closest to you, that kind of resemble the pure love of Christ.
That's how much Jesus loves you.
Don't you forget it.

It's the time of year to really remember what He has done for us. He felt our pains, gave His life, and conquered sin and death FOR US.
Yesu Kristo atwagala nyo. (Jesus Christ loves us)
Of this I testify mulinya lya Yesu Kristo, amiina.

I got more emails this week, and I loved it, thank you everyone! This week flew by and I cannot believe how quickly the year seems to be doing the same. Send me an email to let me know how your doing or send me something totally ridiculous or dumb, I will love it!

Qwagala nyo makka era mukwanos gwange!
(I love you my family and friends!)

Elder Bradford


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